Node Uptime Report
Are your Orion server and SQL database server in the same Active Directory domain?
Using Your Custom HTML Resource To Properly Display SWQL Query Results
Log Custom Property Changes
Orion NPM logs and creates an event for almost everything - change a node name, change an interface rate setting, etc. One thing I am wondering about is tracking changes to Custom Properties. If would be nice to be able to track when a custom property was changed, and from what to what. Is there a way to do this? Or a place to find it already done?
Alerts and SMS
At first I had setup an alert to trigger when the uplink on each switch would go down, but I kept getting false alerts. I had used a complex trigger. I kept getting false alerts. I doubled check the switch and logging. Then SW recommended I change the trigger to a simple one and I did. I got the same results.
I have edited the default "Node is Down" to the message I want to be displayed which works perfect. Is there a way to customize alerts by groups?
I see I can create custom alert, but is there a way to create group alerts without having to emulate the alert for each node/switch?
I have group for all Building 1 network gear. (Tech 1 Tech 2) (Group Building 1)
I have another group for all network gear in a different subnet and location. (Tech 3 Tech 4) (Group Building 2)
I want to create an alert by the group to send a text or email to the HD Tech at those specific locations without the other tech from other sites receiving them. At the moment all network engineers get the email, text and a script automatically creates a work order. So from the above setting I want the action below to happen.
A node goes offline in Building 1 --> alert is send to Network Engineers default and alert is sent to Tech 1 and Tech 2 only(email and text) --> work order generated
A node goes offline in Building 2 --> alert is send to Network Engineers default and alert is sent to Tech 3 and Tech 4 only(email and text) --> work order generated
Hopefully I described it good enough that you all can understand.
Interface(WAN-Bandwidth) Heatmap
I have used this method to visualize the bandwidth usage. Getting the numbers are useful, but to ingest large amounts of information - can't beat a graphics.
For this example, there is a interface custom property called isWan (yes/no) to indicate that this an interesting interface. Once we know what we want to look at, we need to define what time period. The time period is defined in the set command (last week, last month, etc).
Now it's a simple matter of tallying the number of time the bandwidth is within certain ranges (0-10%, 10%-20%, etc). Since we know the number of sample, now it's a matter of just normalizing the data to the range (1-10).
In order to display the graphics, there are 10 graphics which needs to be created and put inside /Orion/images/statusicons/1.gif, 2.gif, etc.
DECLARE @StartDate Datetime
DECLARE @EndDate Datetime
SET @WeekDayStart = 1
SET @WeekDayEnd = 7
SET @TimeStart = '00:00'
SET @TimeEnd = '23:59'
SET @NumWeeks = 1
-- Last month
--SET @StartDate=DATEADD(month, DATEDIFF(month, -1, getdate()) - 2, 0)
--SET @EndDate=DATEADD(ss, -1, DATEADD(month, DATEDIFF(month, 0, getdate()), 0))
--Last n Weeks
--SET @StartDate=dateadd(dd, @weekDayStart-2, dateadd(wk, datediff(wk, 0, getdate()) - @numWeeks, 0))
--SET @EndDate=dateadd(ss, -1, dateadd(wk, datediff(wk, 0, getdate()), 0)-1)
-- Last Week
SET @StartDate=dateadd(dd, -1, dateadd(wk, datediff(wk, 0, getdate()) - 1, 0))
SET @EndDate=dateadd(ss, -1, dateadd(wk, datediff(wk, 0, getdate()), 0)-1)
--Current week
--SET @StartDate=dateadd(wk,0,dateadd(wk,datediff(wk,0,getdate()),0)-1)
--SET @EndDate=dateadd(dd,0,getdate())
'<img src="/orion/images/statusicons/Small-'+nStatusLED+'"></>'+
'<a href="/Orion/View.aspx?View=NodeDetails&NetObject=N:'+cast(NodeID as varchar)+'">'+nCaption+'</>' as [Node]
,'<img src="/orion/images/statusicons/Small-'+iStatusLED+'"></>'+
'<a href="/Orion/View.aspx?View=NodeDetails&NetObject=I:'+cast(interfaceID as varchar)+'">'+iCaption+'</>' as [Interface]
,case when inbandwidth < 1000000000 then concat('In',inbandwidth/1000000,' Mbps')
when inbandwidth >= 1000000000 then concat('In',inbandwidth/1000000000,' Gbps')
else 'In'+str(inbandwidth)+'bps' end as [Bandwidth],
'<img src="/orion/images/statusicons/'+cast(round(cast(SUM(CASE WHEN utilization >= 0 and utilization <=10 THEN total ELSE 0 END) as float)*10/sum(total),0) as nvarchar)+'.png"></>' AS [1],
'<img src="/orion/images/statusicons/'+cast(round(cast(SUM(CASE WHEN utilization > 10 and utilization <=20 THEN total ELSE 0 END) as float)*10/sum(total),0) as nvarchar)+'.png"></>' AS [2],
'<img src="/orion/images/statusicons/'+cast(round(cast(SUM(CASE WHEN utilization > 20 and utilization <=30 THEN total ELSE 0 END) as float)*10/sum(total),0) as varchar(2))+'.png"></>' AS [3],
'<img src="/orion/images/statusicons/'+cast(round(cast(SUM(CASE WHEN utilization > 30 and utilization <=40 THEN total ELSE 0 END) as float)*10/sum(total),0) as varchar(2))+'.png"></>' AS [4],
'<img src="/orion/images/statusicons/'+cast(round(cast(SUM(CASE WHEN utilization > 40 and utilization <=50 THEN total ELSE 0 END) as float)*10/sum(total),0) as varchar(2))+'.png"></>' AS [5],
'<img src="/orion/images/statusicons/'+cast(round(cast(SUM(CASE WHEN utilization > 50 and utilization <=60 THEN total ELSE 0 END) as float)*10/sum(total),0) as varchar(2))+'.png"></>' AS [6],
'<img src="/orion/images/statusicons/'+cast(round(cast(SUM(CASE WHEN utilization > 60 and utilization <=70 THEN total ELSE 0 END) as float)*10/sum(total),0) as varchar(2))+'.png"></>' AS [7],
'<img src="/orion/images/statusicons/'+cast(round(cast(SUM(CASE WHEN utilization > 70 and utilization <=80 THEN total ELSE 0 END) as float)*10/sum(total),0) as varchar(2))+'.png"></>' AS [8],
'<img src="/orion/images/statusicons/'+cast(round(cast(SUM(CASE WHEN utilization > 80 and utilization <=90 THEN total ELSE 0 END) as float)*10/sum(total),0) as varchar(2))+'.png"></>' AS [9],
'<img src="/orion/images/statusicons/'+cast(round(cast(SUM(CASE WHEN utilization > 90 and utilization <=100 THEN total ELSE 0 END) as float)*10/sum(total),0) as varchar(2))+'.png"></>' AS [A]
it.datetime, n.nodeid, n.Caption as nCaption, i.interfaceid, i.InterfaceName as iCaption, i.fullname as iFullname, i.InBandwidth as inbandwidth,
i.OutBandwidth as outbandwidth, n.statusled as [nStatusled], i.StatusLED as [iStatusled]
--Add custom properties here
,Round(avg(it.In_Averagebps/i.inbandwidth*100),2) AS utilization, count(it.interfaceid) as Total
FROM Interfaces i
JOIN InterfaceTraffic it on i.interfaceid=it.interfaceid
JOIN Nodes n on i.nodeid=n.nodeid
WHERE i.inbandwidth > 0 and (i.isWan=1) and
datetime between @StartDate and @EndDate and
((DATEPART(weekday, DateTime) >= @WeekDayStart) AND (DATEPART(weekday, DateTime) <= @WeekDayEnd) AND
(Convert(Char,DateTime,108) >= @TimeStart) AND (Convert(Char,DateTime,108) <= @TimeEnd))
GROUP by n.nodeid, n.caption,
--Add custom properties here
i.InterfaceID, i.FullName,it.DateTime, i.InBandwidth, i.OutBandwidth, i.caption, n.StatusLED, i.StatusLED, i.InterfaceName
) util
GROUP by util.nCaption, util.iCaption
--Add custom properties here
,util.inbandwidth, util.outbandwidth, util.nstatusled, util.nodeid, util.iStatusled, util.InterfaceID
union all
'<img src="/orion/images/statusicons/Small-'+nStatusLED+'"></>'+
'<a href="/Orion/View.aspx?View=NodeDetails&NetObject=N:'+cast(NodeID as varchar)+'">'+nCaption+'</>' as [Node]
,'<img src="/orion/images/statusicons/Small-'+iStatusLED+'"></>'+
'<a href="/Orion/View.aspx?View=NodeDetails&NetObject=I:'+cast(interfaceID as varchar)+'">'+iCaption+'</>' as [Interface]
--Add custom properties here
,case when outbandwidth < 1000000000 then concat('Out',outbandwidth/1000000,' Mbps')
when outbandwidth >= 1000000000 then concat('Out',outbandwidth/1000000000,' Gbps')
else 'Out'+str(outbandwidth)+' bbps' end as [Bandwidth],
'<img src="/orion/images/statusicons/'+cast(round(cast(SUM(CASE WHEN utilization >= 0 and utilization <=10 THEN total ELSE 0 END) as float)*10/sum(total),0) as nvarchar)+'.png"></>' AS [1],
'<img src="/orion/images/statusicons/'+cast(round(cast(SUM(CASE WHEN utilization > 10 and utilization <=20 THEN total ELSE 0 END) as float)*10/sum(total),0) as nvarchar)+'.png"></>' AS [2],
'<img src="/orion/images/statusicons/'+cast(round(cast(SUM(CASE WHEN utilization > 20 and utilization <=30 THEN total ELSE 0 END) as float)*10/sum(total),0) as varchar(2))+'.png"></>' AS [3],
'<img src="/orion/images/statusicons/'+cast(round(cast(SUM(CASE WHEN utilization > 30 and utilization <=40 THEN total ELSE 0 END) as float)*10/sum(total),0) as varchar(2))+'.png"></>' AS [4],
'<img src="/orion/images/statusicons/'+cast(round(cast(SUM(CASE WHEN utilization > 40 and utilization <=50 THEN total ELSE 0 END) as float)*10/sum(total),0) as varchar(2))+'.png"></>' AS [5],
'<img src="/orion/images/statusicons/'+cast(round(cast(SUM(CASE WHEN utilization > 50 and utilization <=60 THEN total ELSE 0 END) as float)*10/sum(total),0) as varchar(2))+'.png"></>' AS [6],
'<img src="/orion/images/statusicons/'+cast(round(cast(SUM(CASE WHEN utilization > 60 and utilization <=70 THEN total ELSE 0 END) as float)*10/sum(total),0) as varchar(2))+'.png"></>' AS [7],
'<img src="/orion/images/statusicons/'+cast(round(cast(SUM(CASE WHEN utilization > 70 and utilization <=80 THEN total ELSE 0 END) as float)*10/sum(total),0) as varchar(2))+'.png"></>' AS [8],
'<img src="/orion/images/statusicons/'+cast(round(cast(SUM(CASE WHEN utilization > 80 and utilization <=90 THEN total ELSE 0 END) as float)*10/sum(total),0) as varchar(2))+'.png"></>' AS [9],
'<img src="/orion/images/statusicons/'+cast(round(cast(SUM(CASE WHEN utilization > 90 and utilization <=100 THEN total ELSE 0 END) as float)*10/sum(total),0) as varchar(2))+'.png"></>' AS [A]
it.datetime, n.nodeid, n.caption as nCaption, i.interfaceid, i.InterfaceName as iCaption, i.fullname as iFullname,
--Add custom properties here
i.InBandwidth as inbandwidth, n.StatusLED as [nStatusled], i.StatusLED as [iStatusled]
,i.OutBandwidth as outbandwidth, Round(avg(it.Out_Averagebps/i.outbandwidth*100),2) AS utilization, count(it.interfaceid) as Total
FROM Interfaces i
JOIN InterfaceTraffic it on i.interfaceid=it.interfaceid
JOIN Nodes n on i.nodeid=n.nodeid
WHERE i.inbandwidth > 0 and (i.isWan=1) and
datetime between @StartDate and @EndDate and
((DATEPART(weekday, DateTime) >= @WeekDayStart) AND (DATEPART(weekday, DateTime) <= @WeekDayEnd) AND
(Convert(Char,DateTime,108) >= @TimeStart) AND (Convert(Char,DateTime,108) <= @TimeEnd))
GROUP by n.nodeid, n.caption,
--Add custom properties here
i.interfaceid, i.FullName,it.DateTime, i.InBandwidth, i.OutBandwidth, i.caption, n.StatusLED, i.StatusLED, i.InterfaceName
) util
GROUP by util.nCaption, util.iCaption
--Add custom properties here
,util.inbandwidth, util.outbandwidth, util.nstatusled, util.nodeid, util.iStatusled, util.InterfaceID
order by util.nCaption, util.iCaption, [Bandwidth]
Let me know if anyone has any questions on implementing this.
Solarwinds Needs Reboot Every 3 days
Since upgrading to NPM12.3 a couple of weeks ago our SolarWinds system now seems to hang every couple of days and we need to reboot the server in order resolve the issue.
When trying to access the Server via the webpage we get the error below. I installed the latest hotfix bundle earlier in the week but the problem persists.
I'm seeing on another thread that other people are also experiencing this, but it's not clear whether a fix was found?
How to remove Unknown Thin AP?
I was brought into my current role to help clean up and configure the SolarWinds environment. I am just now getting to the Wireless section. We have over 500 Thin APs showing and upon doing a review of a sample size of about 20, they all appear to be old APs that are no longer present on the wireless controller. How do i remove these? I am running NPM 12.1 currently. I dont understand how there is not a simple way to purge these old APs.
Differences between Polling method and Status & Response time as ICMP/SNMP?
Hi All,
I have few questions:
Why we always get notification " You see cached version of resources from.......for few nodes"?
How " Status & response time work as ICMP & SNMP ?
How does SNMP works like there will be any calculations method or how much time it takes to complete the task?
How "SNMP polling method" and " Status and Response time- SNMP" are different?
I am looking for plans and perquisites to upgradate Solarwinds plaform Windows Servers and SQL Database.
I am looking for few plans and perquisites for below process can you please help me out for the same?
[1] for installing patches on the existing environment ( looking for SolarWinds patches-process)
[2] for the upgrade/migration test and prod. to server 2016 and SQL 2016: Plan to migrate test and prod. SolarWinds platform servers from 2012 R2 to Server 2016 & Migrating/upgradation the SQL (database) to SQL 2016?
[3] What perquisites should be followed before doing SolarWinds windows (from 2012 R2 to 2016) servers and SQL databases (2014 R2 to 2016)?
Simple NetPath Summary Widget
Want a simple summary of your NetPath services? You can do it with Custom Tile. It comes out like this:
Clicking on any of the statuses or numbers will bring you to that list with naming convention <Service Name> (<Probe Name>):
Clicking on a path will take you to the path visualization NetPath is known for.
To get this yourself, customize a page and add the "custom tile" widget:
After placing on the page, click "Edit" in the top right of the widget and select one of the NetPath options under Entity Filter:
If you want to get fancy, you can add an advanced entity filter and filter to a specific, widely monitored Service, or all sorts of other pivots:
Add several of these to a page to build a dashboard. It's a neat use of a common resource. Thanks to jblankjblank and his team for creating this and showing me this NetPath specific customization.
Alert Notes
Is there a way to get the acknowledged note, timestamps and acknowledged by from active alerts and pull that from each node's view?
NPM 12.3 Orion 2018.2 Upgrade Feedback
What has your upgrade to NPM 12.3 on Orion Platform 2018.2 looked like? We on the product manager team would like to hear about it all, the good the bad and the ugly! For a starting point here is a quick getting started blog post on upgrading to 2018.2 Orion Platform: Preparing for the Upgrade to 2018.2
Adding LAP's to Groups
Maybe I'm just being a bit dull but for the life of me I can't see how to assign an AP to a specific named group. These are LAP's managed by a WLC.
Now, this may stem from the way the devices were scanned in and / or our lack of understanding of the tool but we are desperately trying to catch up.
NPM 12.3 Upgrade affecting Alerting from Alert Central
I'm currently preparing to upgrade to NPM 12.3 but I was told that by doing this my alerting from Alert Central would no longer work. I currently have all my alerts set up in Alert Central and dont want to lose the functionality.
Can someone confirm this, and if so would that mean I would have to recreate my rules in Orion Alerts or is there a way to continue to use Alert Central
Dev to Live Migration question.
Apologies if this is a dumb newbie question.... but I'm just getting started with this particular product set.
We have a development environment where we are trialling various aspects of the SolarWinds tooling (NPM, NCM, NTA, SAM HA etc).
This gives us a good feel for the product set, and as part of this we are looking to understand how to move some of the configuration into Live operation.
We have stringent operational Quality Control and Change Management procedures in place, so we need to be able to replicate any customisations in our live environment - without copying an entire database or having to re-type the configurations. Essentially we need to be able to export then import various configurations - but not the actual individual device/application settings. As in most commercial organisations our systems (dev & live) are air-gapped, so we want to maximise the control of what appears in Live.
For example the types of things that we would need to be ported through to live would be:
- definitions for Windows User Groups and permissions within SolarWinds
- Menu customisations
- application templates
- Polling configurations
- etc.
Is there a way to do this, ideally as simple as possible
All suggestions gratefully received - Thanks in advance
UNDP on views
Hi all,
I created an UNDP to retrieve the status of several VPN tunnels from a Fortigate.
The problem is, the table containing this information can be displayed in the "Node Details" page only.
I have created a view containing several maps and I need this table to be displayed there
Creating a custom table doesn't help because I am unable to add any UNDP created - only some pre-configured UNDPs show up there.
Does anybody have experience with this?
Orion Platform 2018.2 Improvements - Chapter One
The time has come again for another exciting rundown of some of the improvements and enhancements coming your way in the next major installment of the Orion Platform. For those who may not be familiar, Orion is the foundational component upon which product modules such as Network Performance Monitor (NPM), Server & Application Monitor (SAM), and many others are built atop. Platform capabilities are available to, or can be leveraged by modules which run atop the Orion Platform. In most cases, those enhancements are available regardless of which Orion module(s) you are running, such as PerfStack. In others, it may be something which individual modules can extend to utilize for their own purposes, such as the Orion Agent which has been the basis for delivering amazing new capabilities from NetPath and QoE in NPM, to Application Dependency Mapping (ADM) and IaaS monitoring in SAM.
UPS Monitoring
Several years ago I created a Universal Device Poller (UnDP) for monitoring APC SmartUPS devices, and still to this day it remains amongst one of the most popularly downloaded UnDPs for NPM, if not the most popular. Universal Device Pollers are an incredibly powerful feature of NPM, allowing you to monitor virtually anything about a device which is managed via SNMP. However, there comes a time when certain functionality becomes so ubiquitous that it makes sense to promote it to native functionality of the monitoring solution and not require users to create it themselves. So in this 2018.2 release of the Orion Platform included with NPM 12.3, that's precisely what we set out to do, while also making some improvements along the way.
If you haven't already done so, you'll want to start by adding your APC UPS equipment to Orion. You can do so individually using the 'Add Node Wizard' [Settings > All Settings > Add Node], or in bulk using Sonar Discovery [Settings > All Settings > Discover Network]. If you are adding the devices using the 'Add Node Wizard', you will notice a new option listed for your APC UPS equipment entitled 'UPS'. Checking the box next to this option will enable UPS polling for this device.
List Resources | Power Control Unit Status Resource | UPS Firmware Version |
![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
Once you've successfully completed the 'Add Node Wizard' and navigate to the 'Node Details' view of your newly added UPS device, you will notice a newly added resource entitled 'Power Control Unit Status'. This resource reflects the most important information about your UPS device, including things such as its overall status, time on battery, and the batteries current charge capacity. This information can, as you would expect, be utilized in Alerts to notify you things such as when the UPS is on Battery, if a battery needs replacing, or if the battery is reaching an unsafe operating temperature. You may also notice that the 'Software Version' field in the "Node Details' resource now accurately reflects the firmware version installed and running on the UPS.
Currently, this new capability is limited exclusively to APC (American Power Conversion) SmartUPS Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS) containing Network Management (AKA Web/SNMP) cards. This feature does not support APC's unmanaged BackUPS series, nor does it yet support other UPS vendors, such as Eaton, Tripp Lite, or CyberPower. At least for now, we recommend using the Universal Device Poller to monitor similar metrics for UPS vendors other than APC. We will, however, be keeping a close eye on the NPM feature request forum to gauge interest in native support for other UPS vendors.
Linux/Unix Load Average
In a similar vein to UPS monitoring discussed above, we learned from speaking with our customers over the years, as well as from those participating in the Orion Improvement Program, that monitoring Load Average on Linux and Unix systems ranks among the most popular uses of the Universal Device Poller. In our enduring pursuit to deliver unexpected simplicity to our customers, we realized that collecting these important metrics natively was something which was long overdue.
Beginning in Orion Platform 2018.2, and included with NPM 12.3, Load Average is collected automatically for any node which supports it. This is typically any Linux based operating system, but can also extend to FreeBSD, AIX, and other Unix like OS's. The Load Average metrics are collected for nodes monitored via the Orion Agent, as well as those managed agentlessly via SNMP. There's really no additional steps required if you added your nodes using the default selection. Since Load Average has a direct correlation to CPU utilization, it's intuitively tied to the existing 'CPU & Memory' option shown under 'List Resources'. When selected, Load Average statistics are collected automatically if the node being monitored supports them.
List Resources - CPU & Memory | Load Average Resource |
![]() | ![]() |
On the 'Node Details' view of your Linux servers, you will notice a snazzy new resource entitled 'Load Average' which displays the one minute, five minute, and fifteen-minute load average of the machine being monitored. Because Load Average metrics are tightly coupled to the number of CPU cores, we extended Orion's alerting to allow you to combine Load Average statistics with CPU count within your Alert Trigger so you can be notified when your system is under strain.
Load Average has also been added to the default PerfStack metrics for the node, meaning if you click on the 'Performance Analysis' button on the "Management' Resource of the 'Node Details' view for Linux server, you'll be taken to PerfStack where these Load Average statistics are automatically prepopulated. Similarly. if you're already working in PerfStack you can drag the node itself onto the chart area, the Load Average statistics, as well as other default metrics for the node will populate the PerfStack dashboard.
Group Availability
Ever since bshopp introduced us to Orion Groups back in NPM 10.1, we've heard from many ofyou that the manner in which availability is calculated for these groups just didn't jive with how you think about availability in your environment, nor did it provide a valuable measurement for use in your SLAs. Sadly, Group Availability in Orion is calculated binarily. Put simply, the group is either 100% 'Up' or it's 100% 'Down' regardless of the number of members contained within the group. What this usually meant was, so long as at least one member in the group was 'Up', the availability of the group was 100%. That remained true even if there were 99 other things 'down' in that group at that time. I know, it sounds odd when you say it aloud or even when you're writing it down, but that's how it's been for years and somehow we've managed the muddle through. Well in this release of the Orion Platform, no longer will you be forced to just muddle through. Today we heed your cries!
Rather than turn the world on its end, causing lots of confusion and alerts storms in our wake, we left the legacy Group Availability metric in place, untouched. I know that will come as a big relief to those of you which have grown dependant upon this method of calculating availability and have built reports and alerts around this metric. What we chose to do instead is introduce a new Group metric entitled 'Group Members Availability', which as one would expect, properly and accurately calculates the availability of the group based on its members. This includes nested groups as well.
This new 'Group Members Availability' metric appears automatically on the 'Group Details' view upon group creation. We will also start calculating this new metric upon upgrade to Orion Platform 2018.2 if you already have existing groups. So there's really nothing you need to do. We even include a new out-of-the-box report we refer to as 'Members Based Group Availability Report - Last Month' which serves as an example for how easily this metric can be added to your own reports compared to some of the
some had attempted to use in the past. You can even leverage this new Group Members Availability metric in your alerting conditions with no fuss!
And More!
There's still plenty more we've managed to jam pack into this release of the Orion Platform that we're particularly excited about and would love to get your feedback on. Stay tuned to learn about some of the mapping improvements jblankjblank has whipped up and the many usability enhancements serena has crammed into this release, such as sexy new hovers, a new PerfStack widget, and additional improvements that we've made to ensure your next upgrade experience is great!
30 Day wired client count?
I've been trying to find or create a report that will create a report showing the number of wired clients that have been on the network for the last 30 days. We have IPAM and UDT addon's as well if that helps on getting an accurate report. Please any help would be appreciated.
APC UPS Monitoring with ORION PLATFORM 2018.2
Hi Everyone,
With the release of 2018.2, APC UPS monitoring is now natively supported. I have been trying to figure out why some of my APC UPS units are reporting correctly, and others are not. I am referring to the Power Control Unit Status section of node details, SNMP is functioning but returned unknown status' for a few fields. While the other fields work as expected. Based on my environment, I have been able to limit the problem to SMARTUPS2 devices (aka UPS Network Management Card 2). Where my other older UPS units, like Smart-UPS 3000 RM XL, work without issue. In the example below, I provided one working and one not working node. The battery does not need replacement on this particular node, but returns wrong.
Smart-UPS 3000 RM XL
Any information or recommendations are appreciated.