After upgrading to NPM 10.4.1 and NTA 3.10.0 hf3, I see a bunch of new statistics being listed for our Cisco nodes; power, temperature and other. Great stuff, except for the following:
1) I have yet to find where I can select the sensors to be monitored.
2) The sensors monitored are incomplete or randomly selected. Example: on a WS-C4510R+E with a Sup7E, I get the following:
Power Supply 1 FanNormal1
Power Supply 2 FanNormal1
Te5/1 Receive Power SensorNormal-2.6
Te5/1 Transmit Power SensorNormal-2.1
Te5/3 Receive Power SensorNormal-2.8
Te5/3 Transmit Power SensorNormal-2.1
While on a C2960S, I get:
SW#1, Sensor#1, GREENNormal26 °C
If I look at an older WS-C4510 chassis with a Sup5:
Power Supply 1 FanNormal1
Power Supply 2 FanNormal1
It looks like Solarwinds is not polling / interpreting the correct snmp oid's for newer Cisco equipment/IOS releases.
How can I get the actual PSU's monitored and not the TenGig interfaces?
How can I get the Chassis temperature monitored and not the TenGig interfaces?
How can I remove the TenGig Transmit and Receive power sensors?
Where do I get to select which of these sensors to monitor?
Where can I place these sensors in the appropriate category?
We are currently running:
Orion Core 2012.2.1, SAM 5.0.1, NPM 10.4.1, NTA 3.10.0, IVIM 1.5.0
thanks in advance,
Adam D'Auria