I have found the following SQL can be used to populate the new WorldMaps resource from an existing installation of the google maps plugin.
insert into WorldMapPoints
select 'Orion.Nodes', nodeid, latitude, longitude
from nodes;
You must first ensure that every node has a long and lat, as the google map only needs this setting once per City
You can then alter the SQL of the Google Maps Plugin to look at the same data table so you can run both maps side by side
WHEN Status=2 THEN 5
WHEN Status=3 THEN 4
WHEN Status=12 THEN 3
WHEN Status=1 THEN 2
WHEN Status=9 THEN 1
WHEN Status=0 THEN 0
ELSE Status END AS Rank, NodeID,StatusLED,City,Caption, WorldMapPoints.Latitude, WorldMapPoints.Longitude
from Nodes
INNER JOIN WorldMapPoints ON Nodes.Nodeid = WorldMapPoints.InstanceID
where WorldMapPoints.Latitude IS NOT NULL AND WorldMapPoints.Longitude IS NOT NULL
order by Rank asc, city asc