So today I have a trap from a Cisco 6500 chassis with 2 power supplies indicating that Power Supply 2 is critical. I confirmed this by teleneting into the router and doing a sh env alarm as well as sh power status power-supply 2. Now to get to the point, NPM shows normal for this power supply. In fact the only hint of any issue is under Other where it shows power-supply 2 power-output-fial sensor Status=minor. And when I click on that object I get a graph that is yellow (warning) but shows 100%. So what is Orion looking at? I had high hopes that I was going to be able to use hardware health stats as event alarms. Now I`m not so sure. So this is an open message to Solarwinds developers what gives? Oh and by the way, I would call this into support except for the fact that my NCM installation has been down since the upgrade to NPM 10.4.1 3 weeks ago. Solarwinds hasn`t been able to figure out why. So I`m not going to layer this issue on top of that one. They`ve got enough on their hands