I am new to swis, though we have run NPM for a while now. in the past, I have queried the NPM db via odbc for nodes, interfaces, and statistics.
I am trying to "drink the SWIS API Koolaid, but cannot seem to get my initial query to work. I can see how to get the proper query from SWQL (very nice). the question is - how can i run that sql from a windows CLI and get back output in CSV format? is there a simple wrapper, that will allow me to pass in the server, user, pass, and select?
SELECT NodeID, ObjectSubType, IPAddress, IPAddressType, DynamicIP, Caption, NodeDescription, Description, DNS, SysName, Vendor, SysObjectID, Location, Contact, VendorIcon, Icon, IOSImage, IOSVersion, GroupStatus, StatusIcon, LastSync, LastSystemUpTimePollUtc, MachineType, Severity, ChildStatus, Allow64BitCounters, AgentPort, TotalMemory, CMTS, CustomPollerLastStatisticsPoll, CustomPollerLastStatisticsPollSuccess, SNMPVersion, PollInterval, EngineID, RediscoveryInterval, NextPoll, NextRediscovery, StatCollection, External, Community, RWCommunity, IP, IP_Address, IPAddressGUID, NodeName, BlockUntil, BufferNoMemThisHour, BufferNoMemToday, BufferSmMissThisHour, BufferSmMissToday, BufferMdMissThisHour, BufferMdMissToday, BufferBgMissThisHour, BufferBgMissToday, BufferLgMissThisHour, BufferLgMissToday, BufferHgMissThisHour, BufferHgMissToday, OrionIdPrefix, OrionIdColumn
FROM Orion.Nodes