We have a custom property field for support teams. The views and alerts are filtered by this view and it works great. The support team only sees the devices they support. Problem gets into when I have multiple support teams for a device. Custom Property field Support_Team.
I have tried
Support_Team='Support1', Support_Team='Support1, Support2'
Support_Team='Support1' or Support_Team='Support1, Support2'
Support_Team Like 'Support1', Support_Team='Support1, Support2'
Support_Team Like 'Support1' or Support_Team='Support1, Support2'
Support_Team Like 'Support1*'
Support_Team Like 'Support1,*'
Support_Team Like 'Support1,Support*'
I either get SQL filter errors or simply displaying nodes for Support1. I have a large number of support teams and trying to find an efficient way to filter everyones needs while not overloading them with 20k objects.
I appreciate your time with any suggestions.