Hello VoIP friends,
The "latest & greatest" from UC vendors (like Cisco, Avaya or Microsoft) buyer-features are "collaboration tools". You can upgrade your Cisco Call Manager and add support for Jabber, IP Video or web sharing, or deploy MS Lync if you like integration with MS Office.
I would like to initiate the discussion on this topic and how new "collaboration" tools affect daily for of IT departments.
First of all, do you see that as a "boom" where management asked for that in order to improve communication efficiency or you install that because it was part of some other license (HW or SW)?
How many times you get a helpdesk ticket where somebody complains about slow web-sharing or unreliable instant messaging? And how do you, IT admins or network engineers solve these problems.
Are you using the same tools as before - basically looking at network bandwidth capacity and QoS policies? Or does it need some additional methods to isolate or understand the problem.
Let us know how "collaboration" tools impacted your daily job.