Some group alerts and reports are not working when I use the Containers_AlertsAndReportsData table. Upon further investigation, I found that the NodeId in the Containers_AlertsAndReportsData is blank. So for now, I'm having to use a Custom SQL Alert Join to the Nodes table to get the real NodeId so I can get Node information. Why is this field not populated?
Is this the best table to identify which members are in a group?
Here is my alternative:
After choosing Custom SQL Alert w/ trigger query of Group Member.
LEFT JOIN Nodes npm on GroupMemberFullName = npm.Caption
LEFT JOIN Events e on e.NetworkNode = npm.NodeId
LEFT JOIN EventTypes et ON (e.EventType = et.EventType)
( datediff(ss,getdate(), EventTime) < 121) -- Occurred with the last 2 minutes
AND e.EventType = 14 -- Reboot message (from Orion)
GroupName Like '%Production%'
p.s. This example is to send a message when a production node is rebooted.