I have been trying to configure snmpv3 on AIX server with AES encryption method.
I have followed the creating snmp user as suggested by IBM,after configuring,when we try to test it on solarwind with username and passwd and MD5 authentication,the connection fails.
Here is what i configured on snmpv3.conf and clssnmp.conf file..
USM_USER u1 - HMAC-MD5 aeeb841545d74939fjkdfhfd77b31a479e2 - - L -
VACM_GROUP group1 USM u1 -
VACM_VIEW group1View interfaces - included -
VACM_VIEW group1View tcp - included -
VACM_VIEW group1View icmp - included -
VACM_VIEW group1View system - included -
VACM_VIEW group1View sysObjectID - excluded -
VACM_ACCESS group1 - - AuthNoPriv USM group1View - group1View -
VACM_GROUP group1 SNMPv1 public -
VACM_VIEW defaultView internet - included -
VACM_VIEW defaultView - included -
VACM_VIEW defaultView - included -
# exclude snmpv3 related MIBs from the default view
VACM_VIEW defaultView snmpModules - excluded -
VACM_VIEW defaultView - included -
VACM_VIEW defaultView - included -
# exclude aixmibd managed MIBs from the default view
VACM_VIEW defaultView - excluded -
VACM_ACCESS group1 - - noAuthNoPriv SNMPv1 defaultView - defaultView -
NOTIFY notify1 traptag trap -
TARGET_ADDRESS Target1 UDP traptag trapparms1 - - -
TARGET_PARAMETERS trapparms1 SNMPv1 SNMPv1 public noAuthNoPriv -
TARGET_PARAMETERS trapparms1 SNMPv3 USM u1 AuthNoPriv -
#COMMUNITY public public noAuthNoPriv -
DEFAULT_SECURITY no-access - -
logging file=/usr/tmp/snmpdv3.log enabled
logging size=100000 level=0
smux gated_password # gated
clsnmp.conf file ...
# Format of entries:
# winSnmpName targetAgent admin secName password context secLevel authProto authKey privProto privKey
user1 xxxxxxxxx SNMPv3 u1 - - AuthNoPriv HMAC-MD5 278369e8d9sewjel;a442478c50d38a4121a - -
Could anyone suggest or post the exact snmpv3 configuration steps for AIX clients.
Thanks in Advance...