I have a Custom Property for an Alert (not a node or interface) called "Notification_Type" which can be set to "Page", "Email", or "None". I'm trying to use it in a called to an external VBS script, but I'm not clear on how to access it. This is on 11.5 using the web based alerting.
Alert custom properties don't show up at all in 'Insert Variable'. I tried "${Alert.Notification_Type}", and this seems to work for node alerts but not for other types.
Other's I've tried (which is becoming guesswork, possibly because I don't know where the appropriate documentation is):
I thought maybe a custom SQL query would work, but I'm not sure of the syntax. This is where my guesswork led me, which errors out due to 'Alerts' being unknown:
${SQL:SELECT "Notification_Type" FROM Alerts WHERE AlertID="${N=Alerting; M=AlertID}"}
I've opened a ticket, but I'm hoping some of the smart people on Thwack can help me out.