I am monitoring NTI environmental devices for humidity (and temperature, but my use case here is the humidity values). I have a report from ReportWriter that works, but history has taught me that a working SWQL query would future-proof me more if when the database schema changes.
Can anyone modify this SWQL query to include node name?
SELECT c.UniqueName AS [Poller Name], s.Status AS [Current Status], ToLocal(s.DateTime) AS [Last Polled]
FROM Orion.NPM.CustomPollerAssignment a
JOIN Orion.NPM.CustomPollers c ON a.CustomPollerID = c.CustomPollerID
JOIN Orion.NPM.CustomPollerStatus s ON a.CustomPollerAssignmentID = s.CustomPollerAssignmentID
WHERE c.PollerType = 'F' AND a.NodeID = ${NodeID} AND ((c.UniqueName = 'EnvrnHumidity') OR (c.UniqueName = 'Rack1Humidity') OR (c.UniqueName = 'Rack8Humidity')) ORDER BY s.Status DESC