This is an old thread. Since users are no longer active posting as a new discussion. Hi all... We have Net App. Here is a screen shot of of volume information and line charts of used and available volume space.
These first three pollers, I changed the names, so they would be more readable on the website.:
PerCentUsed "dfPerCentKBytesCapacity - The percentage of disk space currently in use on the referenced file system."
Status "dfStatus - The status of the file system."
Volume "dfFileSys - The name for the referenced file system."
These next thress pollers gather raw data, but are set to not display on the web site. I thien use the three Define Transitions below to convert to Gigabytes.
dfKBytesAvail "The total disk space in KBytes that is free for use on the referenced file system."
dfKBytesTotal "The total capacity in KBytes for the referenced file system."
dfKBytesUsed "The total disk space in KBytes that is in use on the referenced file system."
These are the transitions to GB:
GBAvail "dfGBytesAvail - The total disk space in KBytes that is free for use on the referenced file system." Formula: "Truncate(KilotoGiga({dfKBytesAvail} ),1 )"
GBTotal "dfGBytesTotal - The total capacity in KBytes for the referenced file system." Formula: "Truncate(KilotoGiga({dfKBytesTotal} ),1 )"
GBUsed "dfGBytesUsed - The total disk space in KBytes that is in use on the referenced file system." Formula: "Truncate(KilotoGiga({dfKBytesUsed} ),1 )"
Really appreciated if someone can help out