Sorry, I'm relatively new to Orion NPM so this may be a very basic question but apparently I'm either doing something wrong or have run into a "product" feature.
We've setup an alert to send an SMS message to first level support when specific nodes go down. After thirty minutes of it not being acknowledged, it will send an SMS message to second/third level support.
For the second alert, I have the second action set to "Do not execute this Action if the Alert has been Acknowledged".
So, here's my question on whether this is the correct or incorrect way to work with this.
If first level receives the alert and begins working on the issue, the steps were:
Plan A
1. set node to unmanaged temporarily until situation is corrected
2. acknowledge alert
3. correct issue
4. remanage device
Does this seem correct? Or should it be
Plan B
1. acknowledge alert
2. correct issue
If Plan B is correct, if the device goes up and down while they are working on it, won't it generate additional alerts?
We did plan A for a device but it still generated an alert this morning and the remanage button seems stuck on remanage which seems very odd.
Thanks for your help.