I'm setting up alerts in NPM. Here are the scenarios:
If the LOCATION=ABC, and exactly 1 node is DOWN, then ALERTX
If the LOCATION=ABC, and 2-4 nodes are DOWN, then ALERTY (burt don't ALERTX)
If the LOCATION=ABC, and 5 or more nodes are DOWN, then ALERTZ (but don't ALERTX or ALERTY)
My goal is this: This company has several locations. All of their SNMP configurations have the LOCATION field populated with the location where the node resides. If at a given location, more than 5 nodes are down, then I only want alertZ. If at a given location, between 2 and 4 nodes are down, then I only want alertY. If at a given location only 1 node is down, then I only want alertX.
How can I accomplish this?