I've been searching all over THWACK for this and have found multiple posts but they all seem to have no responses or responses that are outdated. I would like to modify the built in web reporting version of the 90/95/99th pecentile traffic report to give me this information based on M-F, 7am-7pm time frames for only 95th percentile. I currently have the following:
DECLARE @StartDate DateTime
DECLARE @EndDate DateTime
SET @StartDate = ${FromTime}
SET @EndDate = ${ToTime}
SELECT Interfaces.InterfaceId,
Nodes.Caption AS NodeName,
Interfaces.Caption AS Interface_Caption,
FROM Nodes
INNER JOIN Interfaces ON Nodes.NodeID = Interfaces.NodeID
SELECT InterfaceID,
dbo.GetInBpsPercentile(InterfaceID, @StartDate, @EndDate,95) AS Maxbps_In95,
dbo.GetOutBpsPercentile(InterfaceID, @StartDate, @EndDate,95) AS Maxbps_Out95,
FROM InterfaceTraffic
WHERE InterfaceTraffic.DateTime >= @StartDate AND InterfaceTraffic.DateTime <= @EndDate
GROUP BY InterfaceID
TrafficStat ON Interfaces.InterfaceID = TrafficStat.InterfaceID
WHERE Nodes.Caption LIKE '%[rR][-_]%' AND (
(Interfaces.Caption LIKE '%DS1IT%') OR
(Interfaces.Caption LIKE '%ETH100%') OR
(Interfaces.Caption LIKE '%MPLS%') OR
(Interfaces.Caption LIKE '%CID%') OR
(Interfaces.Caption LIKE '%CTL%') OR
(Interfaces.Caption LIKE '%Century%') OR
(Interfaces.Caption LIKE '%Link%')
Basically all that is remaning is to put in the M-F 7am-7pm section. Can anyone assist with this?