I am trying to make a custom alert for a nortel5 series custom poller that takes a temperature reading.
I am using OID and it returns my value in degrees Celsius.
I transform the results on the gauge to Farenheit using the formula CtoF({s5ChasTmpSnrTmpValue} )/2
The gauge works fine, and now to the alert...
My trigger conditions are:
Type of Property to Monitor = Custom Node Poller
Poller Name = NortelSeries5Temp
Status = Warning
Status = Critical
Reset condition = when triggers are no longer true
No Alert Suppression
Time of Day = 24x7
Trigger Action
Send a syslog message that says: ${NodeName} is experiencing temperature related issues! Current temperature is ${CustomPollerStatus.Status} °F
The issue is ${CustomPollerStatus.Status} is in degrees Celsius. How do i convert it in the message? Or am i using the wrong value?