I've have a problem monitoring my Cisco Catalyst 3750 switch stacks.
The problem is that all switches in the stack share the same ip management address, so if one switch in the stack fails, the management address will still be alive.
If i monitor all ports in the stack, then i'll see that 12, 24 or 48 port are gone down, but if i only monitor my uplink ports then i'll see nothing at all, except if my uplink port are on the switch that fails.
I can log on the stack and use following command:
sw-37xx-stack#sh switch stack-ports
Switch # Port 1 Port 2
-------- ------ ------
2 Down Ok
3 Ok Ok
4 Ok Ok
5 Ok Down
This shows me that there is something wrong with the stack-ring, otherwise it should be ok all over.
Does anybody know if it is possible to get this info with snmp?