I'm sure this is a simple question, but one I haven't managed to find the answer to..
I have a universal device poller which polls APC inline current meters and PDU's for the total load in kW and also the load per phase or bank in amps..
now the APC OID returns this in tenths of amps so I have a separate transform which multiplies this by 0.1 which works fine..
however when you go to the device you see the 6 results, the original and the transformed ones - which is confusing, so I only want to see the ones with the transforms applied.. my interpretation is that I need the universal poller assigned for the transform to work, hence seeing all 6..
However if I export the poller, I see a formula attribute, so am I interpreting this that I can apply a transform directly to the poller?
If so I can't get it to work.. Can anyone help?