We upgraded from NPM 11.0.1 to NPM 11.5 two weeks ago. Since the upgrade we are seeing a huge increase in Response Time Alerts for our remote sites. No changes have been made to the network and when we see these alerts and call remotes that show in alert they are not seeing any issues. I was wondering if anyone else has seen this issue. Could it be that we are experiencing latency with the poller?
Seeing a huge increase in Response Time Alerts since upgrading to NPM 11.5
Reporting wrong in Solar winds
Hi Everyone,
I have 3 devices in my solar winds monitoring that is reporting the average CPU and Load and Memory Utilization at 100% but when the user checks at the command line of the equipment it is only in the mid-30 to 40% range.
I am still learning and not sure what I can do to fix this issue.
Any suggestions ?
Rebecca Murphy
Share your Solarwinds upgrade experience
We will be upgrading our Solarwind suite of applications to the latest versions. All of the applications run off a single VM and the database is on a separate VM:
NPM 10.6.1
NCM 7.2.2
SAM 6.0.2
VNQM 4.1
Below is our test case after the upgrade:
a) Verify web console is accessible post upgrade
b) Click Settings -> license details -> make sure modules reflect new version
c) Test alerts and jobs
Is there anything else that anyone can suggest we check for verification after the upgrade? Does anyone care to share their experiences with upgrading their Solarwinds applications?
Monitoring ASA Tunnels
I have a question that I think I already know the answer too, but thought I would ask anyway.
We have a Cisco ASA 5520 that I use for all VPN activity - anyconnect, ipsec, ssl, and site-2-site. I have seen the undp poller that will show me the number of connections, but does anyone know of a undp or snmp or other way to monitor each site-2-site tunnel for things like throughput?
I can monitor the outside and inside interfaces of the firewall, but that is too generic - I was wondering if we can get more granular?
Any thoughts?
Router local time report
I have central SolarWinds Orion installed in USA EST time zone. But we have many locations across the world. All Routers are switches has local time zone based on country. I want to pull WAN utilization report as per local business time. But I get always WAN utilization report in EST time zone. It takes always 1 hours manual work to get WAN report based on local time. Do we have any method to Orion get SNMP poller pull local time of router with interface utilization.
Shapefiles and sld files in new Orion or NPM versions
Hello, everyone of the Solar Winds and ORION world:
Have anyone try to upload at background image or object an .shp or .sld file as a image, to me this is one of the things or files that ORION should support.
Why? because the zooming you will get and it will increase the level of details that a map can have. To work with GIS files is the bet righ now, I read that SolarWinds is working with google maps right now, has anyone have experience in that, or now wich version of NPM support Google Maps, or shapefiles etc.
If not these will be a good feature in new version of NPM.
I will be pending about your comments or answers.
Best Regards from Costa Rica.
Noes not responding to SNMP or WMI
There are times when the clients' device stops polling for whatever reason. This could be an issue with the device or a change in credentials. Almost all clients I have been involved with are not aware that the polling has stopped.
There is a simple way of noticing this, which is by looking at the timestamp of the CPU polling. If it is more than 35 minutes from the current time, the node is having issue.
Here is the report for it:
,Cast(DateDiff(day,MAX(c.datetime),getdate())asvarchar)+' Day(s) '+convert(char(8),dateadd(second,DateDiff(second,MAX(c.datetime),getdate()),0),14)as Duration
FROM Nodes n
InnerjoinCPUload c onc.NodeID=n.NodeID
WHEREn.status= 1 and(n.ObjectSubType='wmi'orn.ObjectSubType='snmp')
GROUPBYn.Caption,n.StatusDescription, n.ip_address,n.ObjectSubType
HavingDateDiff(mi,MAX(c.datetime),getdate())> 35
Reporting is nice, but a better way to notice this is by creating an alert for it - so it can be resolved in a timely manner. For the alert, you would need to use a custom sql:
SELECTnodes.NodeID,nodes.captionFROM Nodes
InnerjoinCPUload c onc.NodeID=nodes.NodeID
WHEREnodes.status= 1 and(nodes.ObjectSubType='wmi'ornodes.ObjectSubType='snmp')
Using both the report and alert will make sure you are getting data from all nodes and avoid the embarrassing situation when a server crashes due to high CPU and the boss comments - "I thought that SolarWinds was monitoring this".
Amit Shah
Loop1 Systems
Universal device pollers, can become not that universal?
I just want to know how you can show in a map (using Network Atlas) or with UndP, a variable with transform result but using different nodes or sites.
For instance:
I have a variable X for Node A and a variable Y for Node B, I want to show the substraction between X-Y (with Transfom Results) of these two variables but using the information of two particles nodes or sites, instead of only the infomation of one Node itself. I mean the UnDP no that universal.
Thanks I will be waiting for any help.
Orion - Node Address Question
Running the following:
Home | Summary | Search Node | Find - 172.26.7.* by IP Address
Returns the following:
Nodes with IP Address Similar to 172.26.7.*
ms-Site - (polling address)
ms-Site -
ms-Site -
sw-Site-14A - (polling address)
sw-Site-14A - 10.112,32,19
sw-Site-14A -
The polling address - is the vlan1 address of the switch above (sw-Site-14A). The two other address - and are not defined on the switch above. So why are they defined here? Why does Orion think that the address are similar to 172.26.7.*? How do we find out what they are and why they are displayed on this query?
If the following alerts are possible?
I am having problems trying to see if the following is possible or not:
1) For Cisco/Fortigate FW we would like check alerts for :
-Disk space
-VPN tunnel status
-HA cluster status (active/passive)
-HA heartbeat failure
-Power supply check
2) For F5, we would like to be sure that we are receiving alerts for :
-Virtual Node is down (I can see F5 devices in the options but not really sure how to set it.)
-HA cluster status
-Disk space
-Power supply check
3) Can we check BGP Failover?
Created a report, shows results in Report Writer, "No activity to report." when viewing it on Web Interface
Not sure why this is happening, the report shows the results I want when I do Preview in Report Writer however when I add the report to the report list I have on our main Orion page it says No activity to report.
NPM 11.5.2
Hyperlink issue since we moved to HTTPS
I have some alerts that have the following
Node: <a href="${Node.NodesDetailsURL}">${Node.SysName}</a>
Interface: <a href="${InterfaceDetailsURL}">${N=SwisEntity;M=InterfaceName}
However the URLs still point to http instead of https. I am looking as to where I can change this.
Any help is appriciated.
Thank you,
Cisco Catalyst 3750 reports high transmit discards
Recently, we have set up Network Performance Monitor and it is showing a high amount of transmit discards on every interface of one of our switches.
AnnexStack is actually two Catalyst 3750 switches - one is a 24 port (WS-C3750-24PS-S) and the other is a 48 port (WS-C3750-48PS-S). They are connected via stackwise cable, and the 24 port is being elected as the stack master. These switches are both running Version 12.2(44)SE5. I have searched and found cases of people having a similar issue where the discards are reported incorrectly. However, the "show platform port-asic stats drop" is showing a large amount of TxQueue drops as well, so I do not believe it is being reported incorrectly.
From what I have read, transmit discards can be a sign of network congestion. It may be important to note that 70 of the 72 ports available are in use, but we have not noticed any disruption of service or problems relating to this issue. All of the traffic is trunked through the GigabitEthernet2/0/1 port back to our core switch via fiber.
We plan to upgrade soon to two 48 port switches stacked in the same configuration, but we are worried that the amount of transmit discards may cause more trouble with 24 additional ports (if the issue is related to network congestion).
Any ideas or insight as to what could be causing this, things to test, etc, would be much appreciated.
Thank you,
HTTP Search doesn't work as expected
I'm trying to set up an HTTP monitor, but am having some issues. The monitor is able to detect individual words on the page, but when I copy and paste a larger part from the source of the page it reports as down.
Here is how the monitor is set up. It works as the screenshot below indicates.
However, when I add anything more to the string, it fails, even though it is copy and pasted from the source.
I've also turned on debugging, and tried to copy and paste the string I'm searching for directly from there. It fails as well. It seems like the line breaks are causing the issue. Is there a particular character I should be using for linebreaks? The relevant part of the log follows:
2015-07-13 14:31:12,411 [STP SmartThreadPool Thread #8] [C7845] DEBUG SolarWinds.APM.Probes.HttpClientHelper - Redirect tag wasn't found.
2015-07-13 14:31:12,411 [STP SmartThreadPool Thread #8] [C7845] DEBUG SolarWinds.APM.Probes.HTTP.HttpProbeBase`1 - Received: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<rss version="2.0">
<title>Gateway System Status</title>
<description>Current Gateway System Status</description>
<lastBuildDate>Thu Jun 18 13:19:44 2015 GMT</lastBuildDate>
<title>Gateway System - Administration Functions</title>
<description>Status: Fully functional; ETA: N/A</description>
<title>Gateway System - Transaction Processing</title>
<description>Status: Fully functional; ETA: N/A</description>
<title>Gateway System - Internet Connectivity</title>
<description>Status: Fully functional; ETA: N/A</description>
<title>Processor - Buypass/Concord</title>
<description>Status: Fully functional; ETA: N/A</description>
<title>Processor - Epx</title>
<description>Status: Fully functional; ETA: N/A</description>
<title>Processor - Catalunya/Caixa</title>
<description>Status: Fully functional; ETA: N/A</description>
<title>Processor - CCCC</title>
<description>Status: Fully functional; ETA: N/A</description>
<title>Processor - FDMS nashville (fdmsnashville)</title>
<description>Status: Fully functional; ETA: N/A</description>
<title>Processor - FDMS north (cardnet)</title>
<description>Status: Fully functional; ETA: N/A</description>
<title>Processor - FDMS omaha (fdmsomaha)</title>
<description>Status: Fully functional; ETA: N/A</description>
<title>Processor - FDMS Intl (fdmsintl)</title>
<description>Status: Fully functional; ETA: N/A</description>
<title>Processor - Fifth Third</title>
<description>Status: Fully functional; ETA: N/A</description>
<title>Processor - Global</title>
<description>Status: Fully functional; ETA: N/A</description>
<title>Processor - Maverick/CardWorks</title>
<description>Status: Fully functional; ETA: N/A</description>
<title>Processor - NCB</title>
<description>Status: Fully functional; ETA: N/A</description>
<title>Processor - Nova</title>
<description>Status: Fully functional; ETA: N/A</description>
<title>Processor - Mercury</title>
<description>Status: Fully functional; ETA: N/A</description>
<title>Processor - Pago</title>
<description>Status: Fully functional; ETA: N/A</description>
<title>Processor - Paytech Tampa</title>
<description>Status: Fully functional; ETA: N/A</description>
<title>Processor - Paytech Salem</title>
<description>Status: Fully functional; ETA: N/A</description>
<title>Processor - Payvision</title>
<description>Status: Fully functional; ETA: N/A</description>
<title>Processor - Planet Payment</title>
<description>Status: Please be advised that Planet Payment will be performing scheduled system maintenance on the Pweb application during the following time frame: Wednesday, June 24, 2015 | 3:00am EDT – 6:00 am EDT. ; ETA: N/A</description>
<title>Processor - RBC</title>
<description>Status: Fully functional; ETA: N/A</description>
<title>Processor - RBS Lynk</title>
<description>Status: Fully functional; ETA: N/A</description>
<title>Processor - Universal</title>
<description>Status: Fully functional; ETA: N/A</description>
<title>Processor - Visanet/Tsys</title>
<description>Status: Fully functional; ETA: N/A</description>
<title>Processor - Wirecard</title>
<description>Status: Fully functional; ETA: N/A</description>
<title>ACH Processor - Smart Payments</title>
<description>Status: Fully functional; ETA: N/A</description>
<title>ACH Processor - Payment Data</title>
<description>Status: Fully functional; ETA: N/A</description>
The string I am ultimately looking for is:
<description>Status: Fully functional; ETA: N/A</description>
And the page I am looking on is:
Any help is appreciated.
Can Splunk and SolarWinds live peacefully together
I am wondering if Splunk and SolarWinds live peacefully together? Does anyone have them running both in their environment? Is there any problems with running both?
Can I get NPM to run on a Windows 7?
I am currently unemployed and trying to get more familiar with NPM. My desktop has an Intel Pentium D 3.4 GHz cpu with 8GB of ram running Windows 7 64-bit. I tried installing NPM and found it buried my system resources. Is it possible to get NPM installed in a way that leaves the system usable? As a second option, is a test site setup that I could log in to and play around with the product to become more familiar with how to use it?
Attempting to Upgrade from NPM 11.0.1 to 11.5.2
I am attempting to upgrade our SolarWinds products, beginning with moving NPM from 11.0.1 to 11.5.2.
We have two SolarWinds servers. One houses SAM and our database. The other houses NCM and NPM.
I have backed up the database and begun the install for NPM 11.5.2. The installation completed and the Configuration Wizard launched. I am now getting a warning about Multiple Polling Engines being detected. This message is saying I must use a different database unless I am completing a server migration and is asking how I want to proceed.
The actual message is:
"The database you have selected is currently being used by another SolarWinds application installed at servername. Unless you are completing an Orion server migration, you must use a different database for the SolarWinds application you are currently configuring. Do you still want to use the selected database?"
I have stopped all Orion services on the other SolarWinds server but I am still receiving the error.
We would like to maintain one database for all of our products. I am unsure which option to select.
Has anyone else had a similar experience or have any advice on how to proceed?
All appears to be working now. We had an alternate database that was still in use. Pointing to the alternate database fixed the issue.
Advanced Alert Manager for Group status - Not getting expected results
Hi All,
I am currently trying to setup an alert to email me when the members within a group go into a state of 'critical'.
At this stage I am not too worried about whether I get an alert that the group itself has gone critical, or that one member within the group has gone critical.
Now my group looks like the following as an example:
Group Name: TestGroup
Group contents: custom poller 1 linked to node ABC, custom poller 1 linked to node DEF, custom poller 1 linked to node GHI
Note I am running the following versions, in newer versions I have found this task a lot easier so may be a quirk of the older version:
Orion Version 2014.1.0
AlertManager Version 2014.1.0
Within the advanced alert manager I have set my trigger threshold to be:
Group Name is equal to 'TestGroup'
GroupID is not empty
This is just a test to get back information. I have then set the trigger actions to email me all variables related to groups when it is triggered.
All straight forward so far...
Now when I come to test the alert using the alert manager test button it lets me pick a network node, so I go ahead and pick node 'ABC' which is associated with one of my custom pollers which in turn is associated to the group where my alert is set to run. The issue is, the resultant email contains the details of a node completely unrelated to the node 'ABC' I specified and also has nothing to do with the group that 'ABC' is a part of?
My instinct is that the testing tool is not happy testing against groups as it says to select a 'Node / Interface / or Volume' and so is giving me the wrong data from what I expect.
Is this correct, and if so...should my actual alert do what I would expect it to do?
In short the alert should trigger when a custom poller associated with my group 'TestGroup' goes into a state of critical, it should then email me so I know to go check it out.
Pretty sure on the newer version of SolarWinds I did this without issue, but this is not an option where I'm currently rolling this out.
Any input or help much appreciated, I'll try and clarify any questions people have if my explanation above is not clear enough.
Note: My custom pollers, and their related status are updating correctly on the node pages and also via the group pages...so it's just this alert that is causing me the issue .
Web Reports - Average Percent Memory Used doesn't display a percentage :(
Hi Thwackers,
I'm creating a web report, which is a like-for-like replica of a Report Writer report I already have, which displays the information I want correctly. However, when I recreated the report in the web, I found that the field 'Average PERCENT Memory Used' does not show a percentage, just a numerical value. Below is a snip showing the erroneous field and it's settings:
Has anyone else come across this odd behaviour? Whist I could simply use the legacy report scheduler to send the report writer version out, I really wanted to use the newer format (logos ftw).
IP Address Tracker Details
We are using IP address Address Tracker and we found that free program from SolarWinds is very handy to have around. The most important part is to maintain it.
There are several ways to update it from across other SW application.
New IP Management Database
1. Go to File and click on New IP Management Database
Open IP Management Database
1. If you already have a IP Management Database, this will allow you to import the current one
1. You can also Export your current IP Management Database to save it for later or move it to it another SW application.