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Using Scheduled Discovery for Discovering Monitoring Gaps - A Crazy Idea


What do you do when you have nearly 11,000 nodes and 70,000 elements and someone ask you "How are you sure that you are monitoring all of the appropriate interfaces and volumes on those nodes?"


We decided to roll out a scheduled discovery of our existing nodes.  (Say that slowly to yourself and you'll realize how odd that sounds.)


We built a bunch of scheduled discoveries that were tied to the network security zones so that we could specify the appropriate polling engine to use in the query and then grouping the queries by WMI credentials.  Why group by WMI credentials?  We didn't want to pound on a box with the wrong creds once a week and scare the security teams.  Plus it makes the discoveries faster


    A word of warning -- when displaying your discovery results you are limited to 1000 nodes.  Make sure that your groups have 1000 nodes or less or you risk having some re-work on your hands.


We populated our discoveries using the results of some simple SQL queries.  We matched the queries (which we run manually right now but we could do via a report just as easily) with the schedule names so that we can manually update the list of IP addresses in each discovery on a schedule basis.  Another caveat here:  When we modify a discovery all of the previous discovery results are deleted until the discovery is run again.  Make sure you've taken any appropriate actions (added or ignored nodes and/or elements) before you refresh your list of target IP addresses.


With our groups built we let the discoveries run and then started to analyze the results.  Again, a few caveats:


1)  When importing results you can micro-manage the interfaces but you cannot micro-manage the volumes that are added.


2)  Even if you specify all of the appropriate interfaces and volumes, if the node displays an AppInsight element it will be added automagically.  You can remove these via APM if you don't want to deploy them.  (And we don't -- at least not right now.)


3)  If you want to ignore a node you can do that but it makes more sense to ignore certain resources.  This process is time consuming.  There is no easy way (that we know of) to select an individual element on a node and ignore it.  If you select the entire node (left-most check box on the Scheduled Discovery Results view) then you will ignore the entire volume and prevent future elements from being found.  This defeats the purpose of this process.


After trying to streamline this process a couple of times we had a crazy idea.  What if, instead of using the UI to parse out the elements we wanted to import, we did a direct edit of the DB and removed all of the elements that we didn't want to see in the discovery?  The DB is nicely organized so that we can edit each individual element type in a single table:


DiscoveredNodes = List of nodes (which should equal be the nodes we seeded from our SQL queries above)

DiscoveredInterfaces = List of discovered interfaces (this would allow us to quickly parse out those miniport adapters from our Windows boxes)

DiscoveredVolumes = List of discovered volumes (huge win here as we could define our search patterns by the lists our Windows and *Nix teams provided)


The key to unlocking all of this goodness is the DiscoveryProfiles table which contains the list of all of our scheduled discoveries.  The DiscoveredObjectID is unique only within the ProfileID that discovered it.  You can check the DiscoveredNetObjectStatuses table for a mapping of ProfileID to DiscoveredObjectID to ManagedNetObjectID where ManagedNetObjectID = Nodes.NodeID.


So -- here are the questions >>  Is this idea too crazy to implement?  Has anyone else ever done something similar?  Is there an easier way to discover the volumes and interfaces that may have been added by the platform teams but not forwarded to the monitoring team for updating?

Details on Solarwinds MIB


Hi Team,


I am aware that from the Soarwinds Porta, we can download the MIB file which is used when the installation is done for the product.

But what i would like to know is- Do have any specific MIB files which can be imported to any other tool while integrating Solarwinds to that tool?

The MIB files will help in interpreting the values sent from Solarwinds to the other tool.


So can anyone throw some light here?





Configure Network Atlas Maps To Show if Node is Contained Within?


So... No idea how to work that title, but yea...


Anywho, I would love LOVE to find a way to create the "Custom Network Map" resource, then either check a box to or create a SQL lookup to ONLY show the maps/links to maps IF the node from the page I'm currently on is contained within a map.


For networking gear I could see 1-100 maps populating in that list sure, and for servers I could see 1-5 showing.  I can't find a way to make this a dynamic query so I don't have to set manual page views for all machines, and then configure the Network Atlas custom list resource each time I add a new map.


TL;DR: Nodes X, Y, Z are in network map 1.   Nodes A, Z are in network map 2.  ALL nodes have Network map resource on page (that hopefully only shows if it has a map).  Orion looks and sees X, Y, Z are in map 1 and adds ONLY map 1 to list.  A also gets map 2 because it resides there as well.


Is this a possibility I'm over looking?  Do I need to find someone's app request for this or make one?

Does anyone have any basic SNMP filter strings for a META switch


I'm looking to set up alarm filtering for SNMP alerts comming from our META switch. Does anyone have a list of strings to filter by or examples of SNMP alerts in use for an active META switch to look for critical, Major alerts, not the routine stuff....????

Getting system time with NPM



I'm looking for any way to get the system time with NPM.


ACCOUNT LIMITATTION ERROR on trial installation


I've created few groups (mixed nodes and applications) on NPM/SAM trial installation as admin. Then I tried to go into groups element at groups view and got page "ACCOUNT LIMITATTION ERROR". Me as admin and other users got the same error page. Is it problem with trial version (mismatch between NPM trial and SAM trial) or anything else?

Job Engine Agent Plugin




I attempt to install the Polling Agent from NPM on my Windows 7 Pro SP 1 Clients.  The agent installs all the plugs except for the Job Engine Agent Plugin.  It fails to start after 1 attempt and won't install even with the FW/Antivirus disabled.  Anyone else seen this or know how to fix this?



Customer Access to NPM


Need for my customers to signon to NPM and have a view with their equipment only.

How to create join in Database Manager?


Hi All,


I'm trying to become a "power" user, and do a fancy SQL query, but it's not working for me.  I can't find a discussion about doing a basic join.


In English pseudocode, I'm trying to:

select IfName as Interface from Interfaces

select IPAddress as 'IP Address' from NodeIPAddresses

where the InterfaceIndex.Interfaces = InterfaceIndex.NodeIPAddresses


select Caption from NodesData

where the NodeID.NodeIPAddresses =  NodeID.NodesData


So, I can get a query that looks like:


Interface          IPAddress          Caption

Gi3/6                      MyRouterA

Po1                        MySwitchB


So, I'm trying to write a query which will selct the interface name from Interfaces, the IP Address from Node IP Addresses, and the Caption from NodesData.


I can manage A select statement, but don't know how to do the joins.


SELECT IfName as Name, InterfaceAlias as Description, NodeID, InterfaceID, InterfaceIndex FROM [dbo].[Interfaces]

Moving Orion Database from one drive to another on the same box


I have been looking through a lot of the posts here but haven't found the situation that I'm in.  The person that originally setup Orion installed everything on the C:\ Drive and there is a data drive (D:\) with quite a bit more space.  Would I go through the normal steps of migrating it to the D Drive like I would to a different server? 

Orion NMP 8.5.1




Access Point in User defind group


Hello All,


Can any one let me know how I can have my all Access point in a new group created by me.

I have AP controlled by Wireless controllers. I can see all AP in NPM-> wireless but I am not able to add them in a group which I want to use as Dashboard for device availability.


Thanks in Advance



All Alerts widget no longer honoring Account Limitations after upgrade to NPM v11.5.2


I recently upgraded to NPM v11.5.2 and I have found that my clients that have account limitations making it so they can only see nodes associated with their account can see all alerts for every system.  It would seem that the new All Alerts widget no longer honors account limitations; is this the case and is there any good solution for this?


This has caused some really huge issues for us to I would be really grateful for any suggestions; thanks!

NPM Report Question


I would like to create a report that has the below information on my Cisco devices


I have been able to figure out majority of them except the number of ports on each device, total memory for each device, and modules installed (I'm not sure if this one is possible.)




Serial NumberNumber of PortsMemory InstalledIOS VersionHostnameManagement IP AddressModules installed, etc.? (3560X Fiber Module, etc.)


Can anyone please help me out on this on or point me in the right direction?

web based report is the only resource on Summary page that loads, pre-existing resources now don't load


I made a web-based report showing two interface custom properties, the interface speed, tx%, rcv%, tx bps, and rx bps.  There are only seven interfaces.  The report looks fine when viewed natively via reports management in web interface.  I made note of the URL and added custom HTML resource to an existing page.  The HTML is i-frame code with the URL of the web report.  I even added &&PRINTABLE=TRUE to the URL and ensured that my report had no logos.  When I add that i-frame plus custom HTML with report URL to my previously working page, the web report loads while nothing else does.  The other resources are mix of Top XX UDP resources, AJAX trees, and ReportWriter resources.  There are no limitations on my page or the account.


The report I am replacing was done via ReportWriter.  My dilemma is that making reports in Win32 application ReportWriter and then copying that same report to my other installations seems a little inefficient and not in keeping with the direction the product is going.  I thought of using the SWQL hammer on this nail, but figured that was overcomplicating given that I only need to show seven interfaces, native interface metrics, and two custom properties for each interface.  From a time management point of view, I would like to use the web reporting more (this may even be my first web report, having done ReportWriter stuff over the past eight years with more SWQL over the last six months).


Is there a better way to show a web report via the web?  It seemed that natively one can only show ReportWriter resources with no option to show web reports (the irony does not escape me).  I've opened a support case in hopes that I've missed something, but I figure I'd stick my finger in the wind to see everyone else's experience with web reports on summary pages.

In NPM 11.5 triggering object information (Triggered By) in the alert would not change after renaming node


I think it is a bug. Steps to replicate:


1. Create a node

2. Create an alert and trigger it

3. Reset trigger condition (reset alert)

4. Rename node

5. Trigger alert again

6. Go to alert landing page. "Triggered by:" on Alert Status Overview would not be updated

7. Go to node: In Active Alerts resource "Object Information" would still show old name


I have tried to toggle Alert's Enable (On/Off) - issue still persist. I guess I will need to recreate alert for this to be cleared

Way to group/ merge duplicate results in the report


I'm aware that the solarwinds report is able to group the results in column but, is there a way to group or merge the duplicate results in the report and instead of displaying in column it will display in row? Here's the example:



Name      Interfaces

Node 1Interface1
Node 2Interface1




Thank you.

SNMP vs WMI polling - pros and cons


I'm pulling together a (semi-comprehensive) comparison of the impact of monitoring via WMI versus SNMP.


The upshot for those who are impatient: WMI monitoring (whether WMI polling or WMI via SAM) has a measurable - but manageable - impact on both the target device and the poller.


That said, if you are considering converting your monitoring of Windows devices from SNMP to WMI, what are you gaining? What are you losing?


Here's the start of my list. Please add your own in the comments below. Note that this is an off-the-top-of-my-head list. Coherency comes later.


SNMP Monitoring (as compared to WMI)

  • CON Cannot monitor Windows Volume Mount points
  • CON Challenges configuring earlier versions of Windows (NT, W2k)
  • CON Requires additional non-default configuration actions (enabling snmp agent, setting RO string, etc)
  • PRO Fewer ports for enterprise firewall rules (translates to an easier time getting security to agree to variances)
  • PRO No single point of failure for access
  • CON Changing SNMP string requires enterprise-wide changes
  • CON Uses SNMP service start time for uptime metrics, rather than actual server reboot time
    • Work-around: set up UnDP for hrSystemUptime
  • PRO Extremely efficient use of CPU, RAM and bandwidth (on both target and poller)


WMI Monitoring (as compared to SNMP)

  • CON WMI-only devices cannot use custom pollers (UnDP).
    • Work-around: If the machine has EVER been an SNMP polled device, the snmp info is retained and custom pollers can be used (at least until the SNMP RO string changes)
  • PRO Account settings used by SAM automatically
  • CON significantly more firewall ports required
    • Work around: per-server config can nail down WMI to just a couple of ports
  • CON will not work across a NAT-ed WAN connection (VPN, etc)
  • CON one password change in AD can cripple monitoring
  • CON cannot monitor topology
  • PRO doesn't try to monitor RAM as a volume (why does NPM do that, anyway?!?)
  • PRO uses REAL reboot time for uptime metrics
  • CON less efficient (vis a vis SNMP) use of CPU, RAM and bandwidth on both target and poller


OK guys, there's the start of my list. What did I miss?

Need help with HSRP alert


I need to create an alert in NPM to tell me when an HSRP-enabled node has changed states (active/standby). I've searched and read some other post that were KIND OF what I need to do, but I just ended up confused,  Can anyone who has accomplished this let me know how it was you did it?


Thanks in advance!

Recieving error when trying to use Orion Universal Device Poller


Tried looking into installing MDAC, but not sure where to find it.

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