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Custom Pollers - Where do I find them on Thwack?


My NPM doesn't have access to SolarWinds Thwack, so we have to manually download things.


I see under manage pollers there is an option to go to Thwack and line up/search for pollers.


Where is that searching? By a Tag? I've done some searching but it isn't leaping out at me.


Hope we are piling them in one area.



How to Configure Solarwinds to sent alerts for APC UPS


I have created a custom Poller to pull the the Temperature from the Smart UPS and this works...But  when I try to setup an alert to notify the team when the Temp is too high or too low I am not getting anywhere with this.....can someone please Assist

xirrus XR620 array's not 100% recognised.


we have started rolling out our new wireless infrastructure.

array count is already at 54 arrays installed and polling.


Screen Shot 2015-08-13 at 16.40.09.png

as you can see in the screen is the machine type unknown but description gives all the info.

all this is pretty acceptable. now the issue is when we do list resources. as of NPM 11.5 we should be able to see client information.

around 23 of the installed arrays show following option in the list resources:

Screen Shot 2015-08-13 at 16.43.38.png

how can I get this option with the 31 other arrays so I can have a global place to check for network issues

Question on Orion Platform v2015.1.2 HotFix3


So I'm installing this after upgrading from NPM 11.5.0 to 11.5.2, and I love it because now it's an actual installer and I don't have to manually copy files over, however, had a couple of questions:


After the installation of the HotFix completes, it prompts to run the Config Wizard again (to apply HF immediately) or defer the Config Wizard (to apply HF later). I clicked on Run Config Wizard now and then two instances popped up, I cancelled out of one and proceeded with the other.


This seems to be a change from previous hotfixes, where running the Config Wizard after hotfixes were applied would remove the effect of the hotfix?


Does that mean that once I upgrade from SAM 6.2.0 to  6.2.1 tomorrow, I won't have to reapply HotFix3?



Server Forecast Reporting


Hi all,

I just wanted to see if anyone had come across any kind of report for forecasting against Windows nodes? Can obviously see it for individual nodes but management would like a monthly forecasting report generated on all Windows server nodes.




How do I get Hyper V status / stats to display correctly for Server 2012 R2 nodes?


Hello there, we have been successfully using Orion NPM 10.4.1 to monitor our Hyper V estate for a while but now we have added a few new Hyper V servers running Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 the statuses are not being displayed and we get a "Host Status: Could not poll" message. The servers respond correctly to remote WMI queries so we can see volume information and CPU load etc it just seems to be the Hyper V aspects that won't return values.


Has the WMI namespace for Hyper V data change in Server 2012 R2, if so is there anyway I can tweak my Orion NPM 10.4.1 to poll these new values?


Any help and advice would be much appreciated. Thanks.

Trouble with charting UDP transforms


I'm trying to add a thermometer to one of our dashboards that shows total amps drawn by a pdu.  In order to get the total, I have UDPs that get the amps per leg, and then a transform poller that adds it all up into the grand total.  The problem I run into is that that the chart will allow me to select the actual pollers (only one of them, naturally), but does not have the transforms in the list.  Does anyone know how to make this work.  In a worst case scenario, I could use the method I used on the pdu's node page, where I used radial dials, and was able to set the poller id to the one for the transform, but would rather not do that for aesthetic reasons.


Thanks for the help.

Last XX Notes


Hey, have just added the ‘Last XX Notes’ to Nodes Details page. Do any of you use this / have ideas to share on what it may be handy for? Also, any idea as to where these notes reside in the DB?

Network Discovery - Must be me.


I've had issues before with finding previous jobs that I've run in Net. Discovery.


We just upgraded to NPM 11.5.


I just ran a discovery on my own subnet. The wizard type thing did fine, came back and listed what was found then I'm not sure how to answer this prompt.


It was asking to Import. I have these devices in NCM or I think I do but they all were flagged for import. So I said ignore.


Finished up but I wanted to go back and look at the results and produce a PDF of the findings.


I see the previous job that ran, date time etc, but my only option is to check box it and run it again. I've been here before, it is not obvious how to find the results from previous runs and this one seems to not have anything via. history other than it ran before.


My client would like to see the results in a good format.


Off to review a video I guess.



Node custom properties re-configuration



I just added new node to Orion with unassigned "Depeartment" and "Environment" custom properties.

The problem is now I'm not able to find that node from search, when attempted to open link from the "Audit Events" menu got that "Unexpected Website Error. You are not permitted to view net object". Even when I'm trying to open this node with my Admin based user account.


How can I edit this node and change "Depeartment" and "Environment" custom properties to required?



Node reports alert with "High Packet Loss." No packet loss shown in reports or with continuous ping


I have one Windows 2008 R2 node where NPM sends a "Node is experiencing high packet loss" alert.  Again, it's a Windows 2008 R2 machine hosted on vSphere ESXi 5.0 with a vmxnet adapter. NPM is 11.0.1.  Several other nodes have the same configuration, Same NIC adapter, same host, same or greater utilization.  This node provides a RemoteApp for users.  Two other RemoteApp servers never say a word.


I've tried the usual 2008 R2 vmxnet adapter tweaks, RSS, tcp chimney offload, etc.. on this node as well as others to replicate the problem.  No effect.


It just seems to send out random events that it's experiencing high packet loss. Nothing in reports or anything else in NPM seem to show that it does have any packet loss and a continuous ping throughout the day from the NPM server to the node doesn't drop a packet, and yet an alert shows up.


I have tried removing the node from NPM and then adding it back. Same thing.  The only idea I have left is to simply build another VM doing the same thing, but that would create a brief outage for users.


Anyone have any thoughts?



Add decimal point to SNMP Value


I am querying for temperature with UDP and the SNMP value is 783 for 78.3F 


How do I add the decimal point in the 783 value?

Orion SWIS Error


Newbie here. I am running into an error creating a REST call in Python.

       Code snippet:

                headers = {'accept': 'application/json;odata=verbose'}

                server_url = "https://atlnpm01:15888/SolarWinds/InformationService/v3/Json/Query"

                data = '{"query":"SELECT, NODENAME, IPAddress, Caption, NodeDescription, Vendor, Location, Contact, FROM, Orion.Nodes ORDER BY NODENAME WITH ROWS 1 TO 100 WITH TOTALROWS"}'

                results = requests.get(server_url, auth=(username,password),stream=True, headers=headers, verify=False, data=data)


  Error :-

           {"Message":"Value cannot be null.\u000d\u000aParameter name:       query","ExceptionType":"System.ArgumentNullException","FullException":"System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.\u000d\u000aParameter name: query\u000d\u000a  at SolarWinds.Data.Query.Engine.QueryProcessor.ProcessQueryWithDeferredReaderCreation(String query, IQueryExecutionContext context)\u000d\u000a   at SolarWinds.InformationService.Core.QueryPlanCache.GetQueryPlan(String query, String username, Func`1 buildQueryPlan)\u000d\u000a   at SolarWinds.InformationService.Core.InformationService.RunQuery(String query, IDictionary`2 parameters, IDataSerializer serializer)"}



What is it talking about? It will either do or sometimes give me "no viable alternative at input". Please help!!



Is there an upgrade doc for NPM?


I am currently on NPM version 10.6.1, IPAM 4.0, IVIM 1.9.0 and I want to upgrade to the latest version of these products.  I found the migration doc, but I believe an upgrade path is much different from just move to a different server or servers.  Can someone give me the steps to upgrade or the link.



Ross Jurek

vCenter connection failing again


So I've run into this issue again and support was not able to get it resolved for me this time. I'm hoping maybe someone else has also run into this.

We had this issue a few months ago and the fix was to remove MS Update KB 2661254 on both the solarwinds server and the vcenter server. That worked last time.


I cannot find that patch on either system but yet the symptom looks the same. I'm not sure that this may be another MS patch or maybe the NPM 10.5 update done in June.


Here is what I see.....

Error while connecting to VMware device - The underlying connection was closed: Could not establish trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel.


Open view in NOC mode on startup. Auto login.


I have seen discussions about this but haven't found something that works for me yet.


I have a Linux (Ubuntu) PC that I want to set up to run a monitor screen (just an information screen). Ideally I want it to auto-login at startup.


So in my autostart settings I have been trying:


/usr/bin/google-chrome-stable --start-fullscreen http://server-name.uk/Orion/Login.aspx?accountid=accountname&password=password


Google starts ok but I just get the Login screen.


I also tried:


/usr/bin/google-chrome-stable --start-fullscreen http://server-name.uk/Orion/SummaryView.aspx?ViewID=63&accountid=accountname&password=password



I don't want to get into mucking around with setting up Views/changing account settings... mainly because I'm not an Orion administrator and the chap who is is very busy! So if there's a simple way to do it via URL it would be great. (The view has been created for the user I am logging in as)


It seems like pasting this URL into the browser bar works as I want it to:




But if I run from the command line it just goes to the login screen:


/usr/bin/google-chrome-stable --start-fullscreen http://server-name.uk/Orion/SummaryView.aspx?ViewID=63&accountid=accountname&password=password


So maybe I'm missing a command line option?


Any help much appreciated.



Mass Editing of Node Resources


Hello All,


I've searched through many posts here looking for a solution for enabling various resources within a node in bulk. Normally this is done individually with nodes by "List resources" and then checking the appropriate resources to monitor/poll for. I'm wondering if there is already a method or feature within NPM to select the same type of resources under a node for example: checking volume utilization for all Windows servers - checking all volumes other than floppy disk drive/cd/dvd drives.

It can take a significant amount of time to go to each node, list resources, check them, poll them.. I'm hoping there is a more efficient way to go about this...

I would appreciate any help or insight into a solution for this issue. I was thinking that there might be a way to do this through manage pollers... if there was a way to create a custom poller that included only the values I wanted to have checked... it would be as simple as turning that custom poller on for every node that is eligible. Once again, any help with this is much appreciated.

How To ... Change the header logo and background image


I know there are folks out there that want to change the header logo and background image on their SolarWinds Orion instance to reflect the look and feel of your own company.

I want to share with everyone how to do this.  I am currently running Orion v11.5.2.


Changing the Logo in the header:

    1. The file to edit is: inetpub\SolarWinds\Orion\Controls\PageHeader.ascx
    2. Open the file with your favorite text editor. (The one I prefer is vi so I use gvim)
    3. For changing the logo, find the line that looks like this:
    4. Replace the <%= SiteLogoUri %> with the url or location for your logo.  examples: http:/mycompany.com/mycompanylogo.png
    5. The image can also be put in the inetpub of Orion, in this case you would place the file in 'inetpub/SolarWinds/Orion/images/mycompanylogo.png'
    6. The new line would like like this:Find the Style type named .sw-mainnav-branding, the section will look something like this:

               NOTE: the logo height is set to 55 pixels.


Changing the Header background image:

  1. The file to edit is: inetpub\SolarWinds\Orion\Controls\PageHeader.ascx
  2. Open the file with your favorite text editor. (The one I prefer is vi so I use gvim)
  3. Find the style section named .sw-mainnav-branding
  4. Change the background image URL to the desired image.  The image can be placed in the inetpub/SolarWinds/Orion/images/mybackground.png
  5. The new section would look something like this:
.sw-mainnav-branding {    background-color: #FFFFFF ! important;    background-image: URL('/Orion/images/mybackground.png') ! important;    background-repeat: no-repeat;    background-position: top right;    height: 95px ! important;

Here is what ours looks like after the changes:



Post yours here to show off any cool options.


Hope this helps those that need it.

Deltona I hope this helps.

Do you use the Network Sonar Discovery?


When adding new nodes to NPM, do you use Network Sonar or you add your nodes directly?

Problems with the NPM Upgrade to 11.5.2?


Hi everyone,


Trying to upgrade the NPM form 11.0.1 to 11.5.2 failed in the stage of database configuration (configuration wizard) with the error:


Database configuration failed:
•  Error while executing script- There is already an object named 'CcmPhonesDupIDs' in the database.


No other option available except Finish button which let me with no access to Orion website.


Anyone sharing the same issue?

(My installation includes NPM, NTA, NCM, UDT, VNQM)

Already opened a case in technical support, waiting for a solution to be delivered.


Thank you and regards,


Catalin Apostol

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