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Custom DashBoard


I'm working on a custom dashboard, like already showed somewlere else in Thwack.

Now i would like to create another filter on it but i don't know how.

I want to filter this on a customproperty assigned on an interface instead of the node. How do i need todo this?



select n.caption as [Node], n.detailsurl as [_Linkfor_Node], n.ip_address as [IP],

case when n.cpuload < 0 then 'Not Polled'

when n.host.nodeid is not null and n.host.cpucorecount is not null then concat(round(n.host.cpuload,0),'% of ',n.host.CpuCoreCount,' CPU')

when cpu.[cpu count] is not null then concat(cpuload,'% of ',cpu.[cpu count],' CPU')

else 'Polling Error'

end as [CPU Load]

,'/Orion/NetPerfMon/CustomChart.aspx?chartName=HostAvgCPULoad&NetObject=N:'+tostring(n.nodeid)+'&Period=Today' as [_linkfor_CPU Load]



WHEN cpuload >= n.CpuLoadThreshold.Level2Value THEN '/Orion/images/StatusIcons/Small-Critical.gif'

WHEN cpuload >= n.CpuLoadThreshold.Level1Value THEN '/Orion/images/StatusIcons/Small-Warning.gif'

WHEN cpuload <  n.CpuLoadThreshold.Level1Value THEN '/Orion/images/StatusIcons/Small-Up.gif'

END AS [_IconFor_CPU Load]

,case when percentmemoryused < 0 then 'Not Polled'

else concat(percentmemoryused,'% of ',(round(n.totalmemory/1073741824,0)),' GB')

end as [Memory Used]

,'/Orion/NetPerfMon/CustomChart.aspx?chartName=HostAvgPercentMemoryUsed&NetObject=N:'+tostring(n.nodeid)+'&Period=Today' as [_linkfor_Memory Used]



WHEN percentmemoryused >= n.percentmemoryusedThreshold.Level2Value THEN '/Orion/images/StatusIcons/Small-Critical.gif'

WHEN percentmemoryused >= n.percentmemoryusedThreshold.Level1Value THEN '/Orion/images/StatusIcons/Small-Warning.gif'

WHEN percentmemoryused <  n.percentmemoryusedThreshold.Level1Value THEN '/Orion/images/StatusIcons/Small-Up.gif'

END AS [_IconFor_Memory Used]



WHEN responsetime<0 then 'No Response'

ELSE concat(responsetime,' ms')

END AS [Latency]

,'/Orion/NetPerfMon/CustomChart.aspx?chartName=AvgRt&NetObject=N:'+tostring(n.nodeid)+'&Period=Today' as [_linkfor_Latency]



WHEN responsetime >= n.responsetimeThreshold.Level2Value THEN '/Orion/images/StatusIcons/Small-Critical.gif'

WHEN responsetime >= n.responsetimeThreshold.Level1Value THEN '/Orion/images/StatusIcons/Small-Warning.gif'

WHEN responsetime <  n.responsetimeThreshold.Level1Value THEN '/Orion/images/StatusIcons/Small-Up.gif'

END AS [_IconFor_Latency]

,concat(percentloss,'%') as [Packet Loss]

,'/Orion/NetPerfMon/CustomChart.aspx?chartName=PercentLoss&NetObject=N:'+tostring(n.nodeid)+'&Period=Today' as [_linkfor_Packet Loss]



WHEN percentloss >= n.percentlossThreshold.Level2Value THEN '/Orion/images/StatusIcons/Small-Critical.gif'

WHEN percentloss >= n.percentlossThreshold.Level1Value THEN '/Orion/images/StatusIcons/Small-Warning.gif'

WHEN percentloss <  n.percentlossThreshold.Level1Value THEN '/Orion/images/StatusIcons/Small-Up.gif'

END AS [_IconFor_Packet Loss]




from orion.nodes n

left join (SELECT count(NodeID) as [CPU Count], nodeid

FROM Orion.CPUMultiLoadCurrent

group by nodeid) cpu on cpu.nodeid=n.nodeid



--This is the part that's not working, but i don't know how to link to this?

Orion.NPM.InterfacesCustomProperties.CircuitCode like 'A'


order by caption

Installing Solarwinds modules in Windows cluster




Can some one help me to know whether Solarwinds modules(NPM, SAM etc) can be installed in a windows cluster instance, both primary and additional polling engine servers.

NPM Dashboard Customisation


Hi All,


I've been playing around quite a bit with reporting and dashboards over the last few days and am struggling to get some of the data in the format I want.


Before I spend too much more time on it, I'd like to know if what I'm trying to achieve is even possible out of the box, or if I'd need to look at custom development to get the data in the format I would like.


I've attached a simple mocked up example for what I can see in the GUI vs how I would like to display basic VM data. The percentage bars provide a nice visual, but I can't see a way to combine or use that source data in a new table or report.


Ideally, I would like to list my Nodes on separate lines with KPI data in the format shown, but if we set aside the possible pitfalls of that, is it even possible? How do I reference the CPU load and Memory used bars in a report, because I just can't see how I do it.


If I create a new view and add the resource "Top XX Volumes by Disk Space Used", I have data there that I want to use in another report, but I can't see how I add a percentage bar into a new report or even edit the layout of that report. It is even possible?


Many thanks in advance,



NPM 12.3 Orion 2018.2 Upgrade Feedback


What has your upgrade to NPM 12.3 on Orion Platform 2018.2 looked like? We on the product manager team would like to hear about it all, the good the bad and the ugly! For a starting point here is a quick getting started blog post on upgrading to 2018.2 Orion Platform: Preparing for the Upgrade to 2018.2

Performance Analysis - Filter for buisness hours


So we are trying to baseline/trend a server with PerfStack, however as I'm looking at my graphs, the Average Memory and CPU are base-lining off hours, (I'm trying to do a 6 month trend), which skews my report to management to be able add more resources to my server.  Is there a way to get more granular with showing only 7am-5pm business hours for the past 6 months?




NOC View Help


Hi Guys!


I was asked by a broadcasting company to suggest a NOC view for their Solarwinds as they feel that they haven't fully utilized their Solarwinds enough. Currently they just have a NOC view of their network thru Network Atlas. They have almost all the modules they need for a perfect appstack view, but i figured since they're focusing on network (routers, switches), Appstack wouldnt be the view that they want to see. Their line graphs are currently deployed thru prtg, telling me they cannot understand perfstack that well, when they view the graph, the intervals are too small to notice. Personally, if I'm monitoring the network, a network diagram on NOC view is enough. but i want to know what you guys think will help them make a better view on their network through solarwinds dashboard. Also, their network atlas is having a problem. some routers and switches dont link up so they have to manually set the link. I was wondering what the problem is too.. I hope you guys can help me with this. I really want them to be able to utilize their solarwinds to the full extent.

2 Different URLs in the Same Column SWQL




I have little to no experience with SQL and SWQL and have been messing around in SWQL to create custom queries for our Dashboards. The current one I am working on is this Active Alerts one I got here on thwack awhile ago. After doing some edits to the original I just am trying to try to get the Alert Object column to function like the one on the All Active Alerts Page. ie "Object"<URL> on "Node"<URL> I have only been able to get one URL to work. ie "Object on Node"<URL> Here is the query below:




     o.AlertConfigurations.Name AS [ALERT NAME],

        '/Orion/NetPerfMon/ActiveAlertDetails.aspx?NetObject=AAT:' + ToString(o.AlertObjectID) AS [_LinkFor_ALERT NAME],


             WHEN o.AlertConfigurations.Severity = 2 THEN '/Orion/images/ActiveAlerts/Critical.png'

             WHEN o.AlertConfigurations.Severity = 3 THEN '/Orion/images/ActiveAlerts/Serious.png'

             WHEN o.AlertConfigurations.Severity = 1 THEN '/Orion/images/ActiveAlerts/Warning.png'

             WHEN o.AlertConfigurations.Severity = 0 THEN '/Orion/images/ActiveAlerts/InformationalAlert.png'

             WHEN o.AlertConfigurations.Severity = 4 THEN '/Orion/images/ActiveAlerts/Notice.png'

         END AS [_iconfor_ALERT NAME],



          WHEN o.RelatedNodeCaption = EntityCaption THEN o.EntityCaption

          WHEN o.RelatedNodeCaption != EntityCaption THEN CONCAT(o.EntityCaption, ' on ', o.RelatedNodeCaption)


         o.EntityDetailsURL AS [_LinkFor_ALERT OBJECT],

         '/Orion/images/StatusIcons/Small-' + p.StatusIcon AS [_IconFor_ALERT OBJECT],


     TOLOCAL(o.AlertActive.TriggeredDateTime) AS [ALERT TRIGGER TIME],



          WHEN MINUTEDIFF(o.AlertActive.TriggeredDateTime,GETUTCDATE()) > 1440

               THEN (TOSTRING(DAYDIFF(o.AlertActive.TriggeredDateTime,GETUTCDATE())) + 'd '

                        + TOSTRING(HOURDIFF(o.AlertActive.TriggeredDateTime,GETUTCDATE())%24) + 'h '

                        + TOSTRING(MINUTEDIFF(o.AlertActive.TriggeredDateTime,GETUTCDATE())%60) + 'm')

          WHEN MINUTEDIFF(o.AlertActive.TriggeredDateTime,GETUTCDATE()) > 60

               THEN (TOSTRING(HOURDIFF(o.AlertActive.TriggeredDateTime,GETUTCDATE())%24) + 'h '

                        + TOSTRING(MINUTEDIFF(o.AlertActive.TriggeredDateTime,GETUTCDATE())%60) + 'm')

          ELSE (TOSTRING(MINUTEDIFF(o.AlertActive.TriggeredDateTime,GETUTCDATE())) + 'm')

     END AS [Time Active],



         WHEN aa.Acknowledged = TRUE

            THEN aa.AcknowledgedBy

         Else 'Click to Acknowledge'

     END AS [Acknowledged By],

        '/Orion/Netperfmon/AckAlert.aspx?AlertDefID=' + ToString(aa.AlertObjectID) AS [_Linkfor_Acknowledged By],


     ah.Message as [Note]


FROM Orion.AlertActive AS aa

JOIN Orion.AlertObjects AS o ON aa.alertobjectid = o.alertobjectid

LEFT JOIN Orion.Nodes AS p ON p.nodeid = o.relatednodeid

LEFT JOIN Orion.alerthistory AS ah ON ah.AlertActiveID = aa.AlertActiveID AND ah.EventType IN (2,3)

LEFT JOIN Orion.AlertConfigurationsCustomProperties AS acp ON o.AlertID = acp.AlertID


WHERE acp.ResponsibleTeam = 'NOC'

ORDER by o.AlertActive.TriggeredDateTime DESC

To SaaS or not to SaaS, that is the question.


Please help us understand your organization's thinking on this topic by selecting how much you agree or disagree with the following statement:


"My company would never purchase a SaaS-based monitoring tool to monitor our on-premises IT infrastructure."

Are your Orion server and SQL database server in the same Active Directory domain?

Variable ${FullName} showing up in some alerts instead of name


Some of our alerts are showing up with the actual variable instead of the servername. "${FullName} has reached 95% full." It also shows up that way in Last 25 Events in the console. If I drill down into the event it shows me the actual server name. Now the weird parts of this is that it only happens once in a while and it's almost always different servers. Most of them show up just fine. Usually I'll delete the node and re-add it and it clears right up but we want to find a permanent resolution and not have to band-aid this all the time.

Bug with custom field drop down lists and alerting


I just reported this as a bug to to support, but thought I would also post it here for anyone else that may experience this.


If you add a custom field drop down (other than Yes/No) and then create an alert that says "is not equal to" and use the drop down, the alert will not work.


In my case, I have a custom field called "District" and a drop down list with multiple entries.

When I set the alert up like this, it does not work:

Node custom properties:


If I remove the custom field from the alert, then it will trigger:


Initially support tried to tell me that development said this was expected behavior. They advised that you cannot use drop down lists (other than Yes/No) in alerts.

1) That's absolutely ridiculous

2) That's not true.


I changed a node to to have the district set to Reynolds


Then I change the alert to say if the district "is equal to" Reynolds send the alert


and that works


This is clearly a bug.


I wanted to post this here in case anyone else ran into this. The support technician told me he advised another customer last week that they couldn't do alerting on custom field drop downs so I wanted to get the word out that you should be able to and that this needs to be fixed.

The support technician told me he was escalating this to development so my other reason for this post is to make sure that this does not slip through the cracks. This is a pretty big deal for us.

My case number for this is 00124609.

Is there a way to choose the order of colums in a table?


Hello all

I have a few OIDs set up to gather information about the interfaces.

All work well.

My issue is in showing the results.


I use a tabular universal Device poller

in the listing of the universal device poller selection, they're in order, sort of:


But when you look at the results, the order is all mixed up:



Is there a way to straighten that out?


Thank you all in advance.

Stop Alerts During Maintenance




Is there a way to stop alerts from triggering when doing a maintenance? I've tried pausing the alerts before the maintenance, but when I resume the alerts after the maintenance is complete I get a flood. I would rather not unmanage all my nodes because(and correct me if I am wrong) then when I go to re-enable them by selecting all, couldn't that enable devices that were manually unmanaged?


Thank you, Pat

Custom Poller Report not Updating Data


I created two custom pollers to grab chassis alarms on my Ciena switches - they show the correct data when I check the poller.


I then created a report that will show me the node and the alarms on each node - looked great and I used it to go through and clear alerts and take care of some maintenance.


Now I want to set this to be a scheduled report that emails me once a week so I can see if any new alarms have cropped up on devices. The issue is that whenever I click the report to run it it shows the old information from before I cleared all the alarms. I picked a specific device and if I go on it it shows no alarms, if I check the poller results through the Universal Device Poller on the server it shows correctly, no alarms. If I pull up the report it shows all the alarms I already cleared. It is like something is cached. I tried copying the report to a new one, but same results.


Any suggestions on what I could be missing that is causing the report to come up with old data?

Is there any way to add bulk node on NPM 12.2



Anybody knows how to add bulk node on 12.2. Previously there was an option to import from spreadsheet. But in Orion 2017 and NPM 12.2, i don't see any option to do so. Is there any other way to add bulk nodes?



Universal Device Poller not polling


I have assigned several pollers to some devices, set the polling interval to 2 minutes, and still the pollers have not polled.  The last polled value is blank.


I tested the pollers against each device, and they return the correct values.  What am I missing to get these polling every two minutes?

RabbitMQ Service not running over 12.2 to 12.3 upgrade

What We're Working on for NPM (Updated June 1st, 2018)


NPM 12.3 has shipped and we're hard at work building the next release.  Here's what we're working on, in no particularly order.


  • Cisco ACI Monitoring
  • Remote Collector - New, agent based collector for distributed environments and hybrid deployments
  • Next Generation Orion Mapping - First version delivered in NPM 12.3 via Orion Platform 2018.2.  Working on the next version.
  • Centralized Upgrades
  • Website & Database Performance Improvements
  • Windows Device Guard Support
  • SAML Authentication Support
  • Replace syslog/trap with the functionality from our new Log Manager product

Are your Orion server and SQL database server in the same Active Directory domain?

How to get similar alert details in single email summary




In my test environment I have one wireless controller (many clients with different IP's in it). we configured an alert to monitor RSSI (signal)strength. Getting many alerts and emails with respect to configured alerts. So my requirement is to get one single mail with all the alerts details. please let me know your inputs in configuring this.




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