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SMS based notifications for Virtualized Orion


Hi all,


Forgive me if this has been answered a million times over,  my google-searching hasn't been very fruitful.


in the past, we had a dedicated Orion server that we set up to send SMS notifications via aircard/notepager Pro.  Once we moved to a virtualized server, that functionality was lost due to limitations of Hyper-V and USB passthrough.  I was wondering what other people were using for notifications in the event there is a full network outage and there is no way to send email notification.  Appreciate any help / advice given!

Configuration Wizard - run time, upgrades


How long does one usually expect the Configuration Wizard to run after upgrading/installing modules?


I am updating our suite (NPM, NTA and NCM) to newest releases from the start of each software train. I just upgraded NPM from 12.0.0 to 12.0.1. The server-side installation took ~15 minutes. Seems reasonable to me. The configuration wizard took almost 45 minutes to run. And that was only the first module. NTA relaunched the config wizard and is running now, and I will have to run it again after updating NCM...


Am I obtuse and have missed somewhere in documentation that mentions stream-lining this process? If you are running multiple modules, having the configuration wizard run after each install seems kind of silly, as opposed to a roll-up configuration wizard run for all installs. Can you do that? I've looked around and haven't seen it mentioned.




Cambium 650 PTP RX Level

Second Instance of SW for Outside Monitoring


I work for a large school district and our networking department has asked me to begin researching this topic because the guy who handles all of our other SW products has a lot on his plate already so I'm trying to help out even though I know very little about the SW platform. So I turn to the community and hope you guys and gals can reach out and help me out!


We already run SW internally to monitor devices/connections, but it was brought up about installing a second instance of SW on an external server (like on perhaps an Amazon AWS account) for outside monitoring (I hope that makes sense). I guess for things that are not under our internal network.


Really looking for any sort of help or advice the community has. Thank you in advance.

Solarwinds is still not stable


The other thread is closed so I figured I would start a new one I usually get more help here than actually contacting support.


So same issues as before but instead of the server not responding in 36 hours or so it took maybe a week but it is the SAME issues. 


1. Server stopped sending alerts out sometime around 11AM on the 4th.

2. Logged onto server and opened Orion service manager and both the module engine and the administration service were going back and forth between running and stopping. 

3. Orion could not connect to SQL

4.  I have some alerts that at are going out but not sure if they are legit or not. 

5. After the reboot I notice that a good chunk of my nodes interfaces are 'unknown' this looks like it fixes itself but again something else going on. 


I have applied the 'hotfix' that you all pushed out to try to fix this.

I have done the change from streaming to buffered

I have done the registry change for the ports

The only thing I have not done is revert the snap shots back to June 14th prior to the update so Solarwinds is stable again. 

At this point I am going to schedule a task in VM Ware to reboot the server every night.  That is pretty much the only way I will know Solarwinds will actually work. 


Thoughts?  serenaaLTeReGo

Report on discovered nodes?


Has anyone successfully created a report on nodes discovered but not imported or added to the ignore list? I'd love to know how to do this. Have experimented with various SWIS queries, but can't seem to find the "DateFound" parameter anywhere.

Are your Orion server and SQL database server in the same Active Directory domain?

Report for repeated Offenders


Hi All


I am in need to create report for Servers which has breached the threshold most number of times in last week and contributed more number of alerts


Parameters like CPU,Memory and Disk should be considered for this report


can anyone suggest me how can i achieve this


we have NPM 12.2 in our environment


Thanks in advance

ConnectNow Feature @ Atlas, Links between Juniper Devices not getting discovered.


Hello everyone,


Recentley i been working a lot with Juniper devices and it looks like there is an issue with the Topology data polling from Juniper Devices.


I've got few Juniper EX series discovered with the Network Discovery tool within NPM, i did a little research and i found out that somtimes Topology data shown for those devices, but even then, it showing incorrect data, i ran a simulation of the production environment at my lab :

Took the same model devices running on the production and tried to discover their Topology data with few different OS versions, the result always been the same, somtimes Topology data shown but incorrect and somtimes not shown at all.


I was trying to run SNMP walk to see if the required OIDs from the bellow kb is shown ( Object IDs and information Orion Platform poll for NTM - SolarWinds Worldwide, LLC. Help and Support  )

However, there is many OIDs missing when i did the walk.


As well, i was trying to see if anyone else had similar issue here at TWHACK but i couldn't find any.


Did anyone ever had such issue or if there is any work around to get those devices to work with Connectnow ?


Thank you guys

Cloud-based video conference analytics & troubleshooting


When troubleshooting cloud-based audio/video communication tools (BlueJeans, Skype, Zoom) for packet loss, jitter etc within your LAN and WAN environments, which SolarWinds tools do you use, and how? Would it be interesting to you to be able to get an end to end view of the call path (user -> LAN -> WAN -> Cloud tool and back) and associated path metrics?

Unmanage Time


When a node is set to be unmanaged, after I would click on the node in hand it would let me know what the unmange time frame is.

It no longer shows that is there a way to have this show within the node again?



I'm pleased to announce that the Network Performance Monitor (NPM) 12.4 Beta 1 is now available!



This beta includes certain items that are mentioned in What We're Working on for NPM (Updated June 1st, 2018) post.


At SolarWinds, being customer-driven and responsive to customer needs is a fundamental part of how we build software. Beta feedback is one of the key avenues we use to inform and adjust what we're building so that it can fit your needs and your environment. We'll take feedback anytime we can get it, but now is the best time to provide feedback that can affect the product.



As an added incentive, beta users who submit feedback will receive 3,000 THWACK® points to buy swag at the THWACK Store. That's enough points to score yourself all sorts of stuff.


To get access to the beta, you need to be a customer on active maintenance for NPM and sign up here. To share feedback, please post on the NPM Beta forum.





NPM Team

Monitor Zscaler in the cloud


How do you go about monitoring zscaler in the cloud? I have a URL and username and password, I am not seeing any snmp settings within the dashboard. How are people doing this?

No database connection - Server 2016 issue?




We've got two, seperate Soalrwinds NPM deployments at the moment both running on Server 2016 and both have/had the same issue.  The additional poller connects to the database during configuration but never again.  It gives the event information:


Service was unable to open new database connection when requested.

SqlException: Login failed for user 'sa'.

Connection string - Data Source=<SWL ListenerIP;Initial Catalog=master;User ID=sa;Password=*******;Pooling=False



The thing is, the username and password IS correct and the same error occurs with a windows domain account.  The database shows as having connected during the configuration wizard but never does again.  One setup did this from the off and the other after working for a few months.  The newer one, we resolved by creating a new database but the other is now full of nodes and config etc and it would seem the issue can occur even after it has worked for a while.


We have never had this before and are wondering if it is an issue with Server 2016 perhaps? Does anyone have any idea?


Many thanks

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Dell PowerConnect 28xx (CPU ONLY)

CheckPoint 44000 integration


I am trying to get informations out of the CheckPoint 44000, it's a Cluster of 2 physical nodes with some virtuell firewalls on it.

Appart from the basic informations, there is not much i can get out of the firewalls.


Creating a "device template manually" also fails because i can't find the device in the lis, when i choose the wizzard. And when i select the XML Editor it always tells me that the OID is in the wrong format.


Has anybody already included such machines in their monitoring? Does anybody know why the node is not listed int the device template manager?

Upgrades Gone Wrong


So I'm on day three of what was suposed to be a simple upgrade. I'm taking NPM 12.1 to 12.2 and SAM 6.4 to 6.6 while removing some products where the license has expired or we aren't finding useful at this time. Additionally, I was looking to eval WPM so I added it to the install list. The first problem I ran into was the installer stuck at "Importing Sample Maps". Initially I removed IPAM and tried again with no luck. Then I removed NCM, VNQM, and UDT. This got me past that point but, there were issues with the web site setup. I ended up blowing away the website completely and allowing the Configuration Wizard to rebuild it. That seemed to work. At this point I had a working primary/core. My envinorment has the Primary, 2-2APEs, and one remote APE. I took the provided installer from the Primary and placed them on the APEs. Initally, they complained that my APE licenses, active and due to expire in 3/2019 according to my Customer Portal, where not active. I made multiple failed attempts through the Primary to sync licenses via the portal provided License Manager. Following a link about reseting licenses, I ended up downoading/installing a standalone license manager tool to the APE. This didn't work either. I tried the same on the Primary which also didn't work. Support tells me that this corrupted me so I guess don't do that!. Support walked me through the deactivation of all my product licenses. I'm told this was neccessary because the sync would not work with the EVAL status that WPM was in. For purposes of getting through this I decided to uninstall WPM. Still, none of my licensed product would reactivate. Support got some license expert on thier end who did some license reseting on thier end and using the portal provided License Manager, I was able to reactivate NPM and SAM but, had to manually add the APEs. There was no sign of WPM so I figured we were good. By my way of thinking we have a working Primary with NPM and SAM. I went to each of the APES and placed the provided installer on them. When running the installer it would fail at a point where it was trying to download a file "UpgradeFix.exe" from the main server. Looking at the installer log file, this was a file supposedly at downloads.solarwinds.com. From each of the APEs, I had no issues using IE to go to that wesite and downloading the file. So I have to assume the its actually trying to get the file from the Primary but, that file does not exist anywhere on it, nor could I figure our where I could put the file where the APE upgrade installer would find it. Support tells me that this file is related to WPM and there must still be remanents of WPM on my Primary. So they send me a "Burn" script. Basically this script wipes the server of any and all Solarwinds products completely. So I run this on the working Primary. After a considerable amount of time it completes. You are admentaly warned not to interrupt the process. I reboot after the burn and reinstall selecting only NPM and SAM, fight through some website configuration issues ending up with a working Primary except for the annoying IE security prompt when opening the UI, which I still have but, will resolve later...I hope. So again, back to the APEs, using the SW portal on an APE, I navigate to the Polling Engines setting and download an installer. When I run it, it pases all the checks but, there it is again, WPM. The installer intends to place WPM on the APE even though there is no WPM. I can't get rid of this thing. I have combed through the Primary removing any and all mentions of WPM from the registry. I have no idea where else to look or what else to do. I've listed this as a question in hopes maybe someone else has had a similar issue and was able to resovle it. Support will get back to me around 1pm my time today after reviewing all the diagnotic information I have provided but, I thought I reach out here to see if I could find some more ideas.


2018-05-22 18:36:16,879 [17] DEBUG (null) SolarWinds.Administration.SystemInfoCollector.Detectors.InstalledProductsDetector.InstalledModulesDetector - Modules detected in msi library: ACTIVEDIAGNOSTICS:, COLLECTOR:, CORE:2017.3.5320.1819, CORTEX:, DPAIM:, DPI:, HA:2017.3.1.851, JOBENGINE:, MIBS:, NETPATH:, NETWORKATLAS:, NPM:12.2.5300.1871, ORIONHA:2017.3.1.3303, ORIONIMPROVEMENT:, RABBITMQ:, RECOMMENDATIONS:, SAM:, SQLCE35:3.5.8080.0, SQLNATIVECLIENT2008:10.0.1600.22, SQLSMO2012:11.0.2100.60, SWA:, SWIS:2017.3.0.710, VIM:, WINPCAPSILENT:, WPM:


This is from the AdminstrativeService log on the Primary, which I beleive the APE installer is using to understand what it shold put on the APE.

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