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Polling Engine Alert


Running NPM 12.2.  I was wondering is there a way to send an alert when a new Polling engine is added to the environment?  I would like a group to receive an email when an additional polling engine is added.



Triggered Alert History - Last 30 Days

Multiple Product Upgrade And Migration - NPM 12.1 - 12.3, SAM 6.4 - 6.7, NCM 7.6 - 7.8, And NTA 4.2 - 4.4


Please Help!!!

According to Upgrade and Migration Guide, I have to migrate the Engine and SQL servers to Windows 2016 and minimum SQL server 2016.


Current Config
SAM 6.4
NCM 7.6
NPM 12.1
NTA 4.2

Existing Servers
Windows 2008 R2

Database Server
Windows 2012
SQL Database 2014

New Servers
Windows 2016

Database Server
Windows 2016
Windows SQL Server 2016

I was wondering if someone can help with the migration steps that I need to take in order to upgrade all of the applications to the latest software.

SAM 6.7
NCM 7.8
NPM 12.3
NTA 4.4


Keep in mind that we have to migrate to new servers for the pollers and the SQL database.

Orion JIRA integration


Many SolarWinds Orion users need to integrate the monitoring and alerting capabilities with task or ticket tracking systems. The recent addition of the integration to ServiceNow allowed many users to have an easy way to connect the two worlds without needing custom scripts. In a similar way, the research team at SolarWinds has written an integration with Atlassian JIRA.


Note: This integration currently relies on the "Alert Integration" feature in Orion.  Ensure that is turned on for the alerts that you want to create JIRA issues for.


To gauge interest and find early bugs, we are releasing an unofficial alpha level integration for our customers who use JIRA. This integration synchronizes Orion alerts with JIRA issues. This post will describe the configuration and usage of this integration for users to try out and let us know additional features, usability, and usefulness of the software.


The integration is meant to link alerts in Orion with issues in JIRA. For example,

  • A triggered alert in Orion will create a new issue in JIRA.
  • Alert notes in Orion will add a comment to the JIRA issue.
  • Acknowledged alerts will transition a JIRA issue to a certain state
  • Alerts that reset will transition a JIRA issue to a certain state.


Step 1: Installation

Download the bits attached to this post.

Set up the service - install the service on your main Orion server.


Step 2: JIRA Integration Configuration

Next open the file settings.json from the installation directory with a text editor like Notepad.

Update the following fields with the correct information.

Orion Settings


Hostname of your Orion server


Username of the Orion user you wish to access the Orion Information Service with. This must be an admin account in order to configure the alert notifications.


Password for the user above

WebhookListenUrlThe url that JIRA will call back when an event occurs in JIRA. The port in this field will need to be accessible through the firewall so that the JIRA events will be able to communicate back to the Orion JIRA Integration service

JIRA Settings

ServerHostHostname for your JIRA server
ServerPortPort your JIRA server is listening on
UseHttpsWhether the JIRA server is configured to for HTTPS
ProjectKeyProject key in JIRA that you want the issues opened in.

JIRA issue type you would like the Orion JIRA Integration to create issues as. This field is one of the predetermined list of options available in JIRA like "Story", "Task", etc.

UsernameJIRA username you want to use to connect to the JIRA server
PasswordPassword for the above username

Name of the transition to set the issue to when an alert is acknowledged in Orion.  Set to an empty string if not used.

ResetTransitionActionName of the transition to set the issue to when the alert is reset. Set to an empty string if not used
EventsToListenForThis field is mainly for development use so do not adjust this field

Specify the mapping of Orion user properties to Jira custom fields.

The Orion properties must be added under the "Alert Integration" section of the Alert Summery page.


A sample definition would be


"FieldAssignment" : {

     "JiraField1" : "IP Address",

     "JiraField2" : "Caption"



Sample settings file

{    "OrionHost": "orion.foo.local",    "OrionUsername": "Test",    "OrionPassword": "test",    "WebhookListenUrlRoot": "http://localhost:8080",    "Jira" : {        "ServerHost" : "jira-01.foo.local",        "ServerPort" : "8080",        "UseHttps": false,        "ProjectKey" : "ITX",        "IssueTypeKey": "Task",        "Username": "JiraUser",        "Password": "JiraPass",        "AcknowledgedTransitionAction" :  "",        "ResetTransitionAction" :  "Done",        "EventsToListenFor": [],        "FieldAssignment": {},    }



Restart the Orion JIRA Integration windows service after updating the configuration file.


Step 3: Orion Alert Configuration

Currently, the integration relies on the "Alert Integration" feature in Orion.   Edit each alert you want to create JIRA tickets for and make sure the alert is enabled and the "Alert Integration" checkbox is checked.   To do so

  1. Navigate to the "Manage Alerts" from the admin area and edit the alert

  2. Ensure the the alert is "Enabled"

  3. Navigate to the summary page by clicking the "summary" tab

  4. Expand the "Alert Integration" section and ensure that "Integrate alert with other SolarWinds products and subscribers" is checked.

  5. Click the submit button.


Step 4: Test the integration


Trigger a test alert in Orion and confirm that the desired task is created in JIRA.




See the issue in JIRA



Update the alert notes. Confirm that alert notes you add in Orion get entered as a comment in the JIRA task.



See the notes as comments in the JIRA task.


Test complete! Congratulations, you have now just used the SolarWinds Orion JIRA Integration.


Step 5: Enjoy and give feedback


Thank you for using this alpha stage integration and please let us know by responding to this post any additional requests you have for this sort of alerting integration. Also, since this is not an official release, you can not call SolarWinds support and get support for this feature. Support will be provided through this post from the research team at SolarWinds. If things are not functioning well, please stop the Orion JIRA Integration windows service and set the service to be disabled so that it does not restart on reboot.



SolarWinds Architecture Research and Innovation Team


Message was edited by: Zeid Derhally Updated attachment to provide more logging.


Message was edited by: Zeid Derhally Updated to include information about the Field Assignment functionality

NOC View - Issues After Upgrade


We have some Rasberry PIs that are connected to TVs with a NOC view running. After we upgrade our Windows and SQL servers to 2016, we are having problems.  It could possibly be a timeout.  Has anybody done some troubleshooting with a NOC view recently? Please share.

Dependency aware Alert examples


Hi guys,


Could anyone please share screenshots of their trigger condition for an alert that is suited to mute Down alerts on Child objects that are down?

I have a dependency where a router is the parent and a group is the child. I only wish to receive alerts when the router is down and suppress the hundreds of alerts I would get when the group members are down. Any help greatly appreciated.

Map - Weather Help




Trying to get the weather to display on a worldwide map, (Similar to: Adding Live Weather to the "Worldwide Map" Resource ) however i get the overlay for options, but no weather data displayed.


Has anyone got code that's working that they can share, and preferably with 'idiot' proof instructions so that i can implement within my environment?




Execute Program in Trap Rule Alert Action


Hey guys, I'm looking for some help with the Execute Program Alert Action in a Trap Rule. I am trying to launch a powershell script when a certain condition is met but I can't work out the syntax.

I am trying the following but it is not launching:

C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe D:\directory\filename.ps1 ${vbData4}


I also can't find any logs where Orion logged anything about trying the action and failing.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Report SQL - How to display only if field is not NULL


I've edited one of the 90/95/99 percentile web reports that comes in Solarwinds by default, but trying to do a slight modification. I've added a custom property of "Agreement" to the interface. The report shows this, but I want the report to only show me interfaces with that agreement field not being NULL. This way I can have a report auto-generate of all our burstable billing customers directly to Sales without any manual intervention required. The value is "Interfaces.Agreement" at the start of the select, how would I make this only display lines with that not null?



        DECLARE @StartDate DateTime

        DECLARE @EndDate DateTime



        SET @StartDate = ${FromTime}

        SET @EndDate = ${ToTime}





        Nodes.Caption AS NodeName,

        Interfaces.Caption AS Interface_Caption,



        FROM Nodes

        INNER JOIN Interfaces ON Nodes.NodeID = Interfaces.NodeID

        INNER JOIN (

        SELECT InterfaceID,

        dbo.GetInBpsPercentile(InterfaceID, @StartDate, @EndDate,95) AS Maxbps_In95,

        dbo.GetOutBpsPercentile(InterfaceID, @StartDate, @EndDate,95) AS Maxbps_Out95

        FROM InterfaceTraffic

        WHERE InterfaceTraffic.DateTime >= @StartDate AND InterfaceTraffic.DateTime <= @EndDate

        GROUP BY InterfaceID

        ) TrafficStat

        ON Interfaces.InterfaceID = TrafficStat.InterfaceID

Disks Approaching 100% Capacity This Month

Are your Orion server and SQL database server in the same Active Directory domain?

SolarWinds Agent using 2-3+ GB RAM


We're noticing that the SolarWinds agent is consuming a significant amount of RAM on our servers.

In this instance, it's using over 3GB.


Restarting the agent does temporarily alleviate the issue. I'm thinking of running a scheduled task on all my servers to restart the agent daily, but that seems to be masking the problem.

Does anyone have any ideas on how to resolve this?

Creating a Heat Map within Network Atlas


When I try generate the heatmap within atlas I get the following error "Failed to Poll Access Points / Reference Points"  It was working yesterday.  I don't know what to do to resolve this, can you help??

GPS Coordinates


I have devices in the field that are reporting GPS coordinates information. I created a Universal Device Poller and am able to see the Latitude and Longitude listed. I would like to have this information displayed on the Node Details as static information such as Lat xx.xxxx Lon -xx.xxxxx. The only option that I have been able to find is to display these items as two separate fields using radial gauges. Is there a way to display the coordinates properly?

When you installed NPM, did you add Nodes manually or did you run discovery?


We would like to improve user experience and for such reason I'd like to better understand if our users prefers INITIALLY to add nodes manually or run product network discovery in order to import devices to NPM

Netpath NOC session Timeout


Hi all


I have recently upgraded to NPM 12.1, and I have created NOC showing different Netpath ... if there is way where I can disable the session timeout because of inactivity.

Difference Between SWQL ADDDATE and SQL DATEADD Results


The following SQL query returns 230:

Select COUNT(*) AS 'NodeCount' FROM [SolarWindsOrion].[dbo].[NodesStatistics] WHERE [LastSync] < DATEADD(MINUTE, -1, GETDATE())


The following SWQL query against the same database within seconds of the first returns 42 which is incorrect:



The following SQL query, again within seconds on the same database, returns 42:

Select COUNT(*) AS 'NodeCount' FROM [SolarWindsOrion].[dbo].[NodesStatistics] WHERE [LastSync] < DATEADD(DAY, -1, GETDATE())


While the following SWQL query, again within seconds on the same database, also returns 42:

SELECT COUNT(*) AS NodeCount FROM Orion.Nodes WHERE LastSync < ADDDATE('HOUR', -1, GETDATE())


A physical count of the Nodes with Last Sync older than 1 hour is 42 so both of the last two queries are correct.  Why is the second query not working correctly?




Custom SQL Script to Display NodeCaption columns from NCM_Nodes To NCM_RTNAudit


Hello Team,


Good day! This is an NCM feature but it is more on creating a View with a custom sql script to display the information. (NPM 12.1 and NCM 7.6)


I have setup the Orion NCM Real-time Change Detection feature for us to see any changes and automatically download configs for comparison. I have setup the RTCD feature fine but I'm having some trouble in creating a view that will show the NodeCaption on a custom table where I pull the objects (Column) on the NCM_RTNAudit.


I'm not an expert on SQL but I'm thinking SQL JOIN commands are needed to show information.


On the Web console I created a Custom table resource to display the infomation from NCM_RTNAudit:


Custom SQL Script on the resource:


Select TOP 30 * FROM NCM_RTNAudit


The display is perfect it's just that the table NCM_RTNAudit only shows NodeID and not the NodeCaption

While looking further I saw that the Node ID is also on the NCM_Nodes (View) and a NodeCaption column also exist.




Can someone help me on the script to show the NodeCaption, IP, DateTime and Message?



NPM 12.3 and SQL transactions filling log file


Every since we upgraded to 12.3 NPM i have been having a battle trying to keep the Database transaction log file from filling the entire log disk


I have done a lot of research and found some things.

As far as I can tell there is nothing wrong with the SQL server itself and Microsoft agrees.


Currently our SQL server is SQL server enterprise 2017, and we are running in an AlwaysOn HA pair. So the database is in full recovery mode and has transaction log backups running every 15 minutes.

After troubleshooting using  DBCC OPENTRAN  and traced back a large number of processes that are keeping the transaction logs from clearing I've found a few things.


using sp_who2 on the processes i see that the ProgramName is causing this every time:  SolarWinds.Collector.Service@domain-SolarWinds.HardwareHealth.VMwareJobExtension.HardwareHealthVmwareResultProcessor


These SPID's will run the SQL server out of space in the span of about 2-3 days, and we have a 350GB log disk. This is mainly due to previously it ran out of space and we had to increase the size to allow SQL to continue functioning

I've had to resort to kill the offending processes. Obviously this isn't the ideal way to fix the issue but it was those processes or the entire Solarwinds environment.


Has anyone else had any issues like this?

NetPath Service not getting created


Has anyone seen this before -


We are able to install a NetPath probe on a system but unable to create any service whether on the intranet or an Internet service.


A support ticket has been raised but it has been quite a while that we are able to get the NetPath Service created.


Some logs from NetPath

2018-10-29 13:14:55,309 [21] DEBUG SolarWinds.NetPath.Bgp.BusinessLayer.BgpBusinessLayerPlugin - (null)  { Stop entered

2018-10-29 13:14:55,309 [21] INFO  SolarWinds.Orion.Common.SWEventLogging - (null)  Bgp Service [HYDNCMAPP01] Stopped

2018-10-29 13:14:55,309 [21] DEBUG SolarWinds.NetPath.Bgp.BusinessLayer.BgpBusinessLayerPlugin - (null)  Stoping Bgp Business Layer Plugin

2018-10-29 13:14:55,340 [Scheduler] DEBUG SolarWinds.Common.Utility.Scheduler - (null)  Checking if Scheduler should shutdown

2018-10-29 13:14:55,340 [Scheduler] INFO  SolarWinds.Common.Utility.Scheduler - (null)  Got ShuttingDownEvent. Exiting.

2018-10-29 13:14:55,340 [21] INFO  SolarWinds.NetPath.Bgp.LocalManager.LocalBgpManager - (null)  Stopping Local BGP Manager

2018-10-29 13:14:55,356 [21] INFO  SolarWinds.NetPath.Bgp.LocalManager.LocalBgpManager - (null)  Stopping Local BGP Manager

2018-10-29 13:14:55,434 [21] DEBUG SolarWinds.NetPath.Bgp.BusinessLayer.BgpBusinessLayerPlugin - (null)  BGP Resolver Business Layer stopped.  Current App Domain: domain-SolarWinds.NetPath.Bgp.BusinessLayer.dll

2018-10-29 13:14:55,434 [21] DEBUG SolarWinds.NetPath.Bgp.BusinessLayer.BgpBusinessLayerPlugin - (null)  } Stop exited


2018-10-29 12:32:18,249 [23] INFO  SolarWinds.BusinessLayerHost.PluginInstanceAppDomain - Stopping plugin: "BGP Resolver Business Layer"

2018-10-29 12:32:18,343 [23] INFO  SolarWinds.BusinessLayerHost.PluginInstanceAppDomain - Plugin: "BGP Resolver Business Layer" stopped in 0.081 sec.


SW Support states that the BGP Business Layer of NetPath is crashing. Support suggested opening BGP port 43 & port 443 from the Orion server to Internet for site whois.arin.net & stat.ripe.net. But our observation is that - other Orion setups (where NetPath is working) is that the Orion server does not even have Internet access.


Multiple probes have been tried - even the Main Poller as probe.


Security settings on probes like AV & FW exclusion settings on probes as well as Main Poller have been checked and rechecked, but no sign of NetPath service creation success.


At the behest of Support, we have run Configuration wizard too but no light visible at the end of dark tunnel. Unable to find our path err NetPath!!





Case # - 00191002 Netpath configuration

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