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Error while adding nodes to NPM....Could not load file or assembly 'Infragistics2


Hello Team,


Kindly advice on how to resolve below error, I am running Orion NPM version 11.5.


Could not load file or assembly 'Infragistics2.WebUI.Shared.v8.2, Version=8.2.20082.1000, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7dd5c3163f2cd0cb' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.


Kind request

Nyamache Evans

Solarwinds Database over 80% full


Hi All,


As the title suggests, my installation of NPM is complaining that it is over 80% full.. I saw some older documentations on how to fix this, I ran the truncate commands on my database tables but that doesn't appear to have done much, and I think the steps changed with new versions I.E. someone mentioned to right click my database and "compact" it however I saw no such options.


If someone could please walk me through getting my DB cleared up, perhaps also help changing the retention periods so they don't pile up again that would be super awesome. I tried reading the documentations for this and they mentioned Orion System Manager but didn't state how to find it.


Software VersionWindows Server 2008 R2
OS Version6.1.7601.65536
Service PackService Pack 1
Database Server(local)\SQLEXPRESS
Database EngineMicrosoft SQL Server 2008 R2 (SP2) - 10.50.4000.0 (X64)
Jun 28 2012 08:36:30
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
Express Edition with Advanced Services (64-bit) on Windows NT 6.1 <X64> (Build 7601: Service Pack 1) (Hypervisor)
SQL VersionMicrosoft SQL Server 2008 R2 (SP2) - 10.50.4000.0 (X64) Jun 28 2012 08:36:30 Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation Express Edition with Advanced Services (64-bit) on Windows NT 6.1 <X64> (Build 7601: Service Pack 1) (Hypervisor) ; Product level : SP2
Security ModelUsername / Password
User NameSolarWindsOrionDatabaseUser
Connection Timeout20
Network Elements7175
Polling Engines1
Last Database Archive01-Jul-2015 02:17 AM
Next Scheduled Database Archive02-Jul-2015 02:15 AM
Database Archive Time02:15 AM
Retain Detail Stats7 Days
Retain Hourly Stats30 Days
Retain Daily Stats365 Days
Retain Events30 Days






Is there anyone that use the SL100 NPM or knows a lot about it?

unmanaged node - still generating alerts?


Seems clear from the screenshot that some alerts were triggered while the node was unmanaged.


Screen Shot 2015-06-27 at 1.26.34 AM.png

Screen Shot 2015-06-27 at 1.26.51 AM.png


Don't remember it happening before. Is this normal?

Monitoring Feature-Function Matrix (XLSX)


This matrix records the features of the monitoring tools you have (or are considering) so that you can get a visual idea of which ones have the highest value, which ones may be under-utilized, where you have significant overlap of functionality, and where you have gaps.


You can use it to analyze your current environment, as a precursor to a more formal RFP process, or on a lazy Sunday afternoon when you need a mind-numbing activity with which to induce catatonia and you're all out of absinthe.


Formulas built into the sheet will color code cells to show you which are the most/least used; which ones are primary for a particular function, which have the highest ease of use, where there are gaps, etc.


The Monitoring Feature-Function Matrix is a product of Leon Adato and AdatoSystems.com. It is provided as free product under the GNU open source license. You are free to use, copy, and share this document. You are not free to be a **** about it by selling it, making a metric buttload of money from it, or claiming it's your idea.


this is the XLSX version of the document found here: Monitoring Feature-Function Matrix (XLS)

Monitoring Feature-Function Matrix (XLS)

Can't see unmanaged interfaces in custom table


So I had an issue that I though somebody might be able to help me out with since I am not very good or familiar with SQL programming language. I have created a custom window on our home page that displays all current nodes that are unmanaged. My issue is that it only shows the nodes and I have tried just about anything I could think of or find to try and get it to display the unmanaged interfaces as well. Does anyone know of a way to do this or a SQL query that I may not have tried or thought of that would work? For the life of me I just can't think of anything. Thanks for any help you can give!

Orion Solar Winds Certification


Hello people:

Best Wishes from Costa Rica. I jus want to know if a ORION certifications exists or not, and if yes, how is the process to ge it, like documents for learn, tests, exam, etc.

I will be pending for all.

Thank you very much if anyone can help me.

Best Regards

NPM 11.5RC


It is in my portal.  Is it in anyone else's?  If so does anyone know where the release notes to documentation is?

Network Atlas Slow?


Hi all. New to both solarwinds and this group.

I recently joined a firm who have solarwinds NPM in place. It hasn't been configured fully and many of the alarms still need modifying for our needs. The thing is, the firm has no network topology and i would really like to get one mapped out, simply because I prefer to work with logical views of networks.


Heres the issue I have. Solarwinds is running from ServerA which I do not have access too(yet - supposed to be getting access any day now)

So I have been running network atlas from my desktop machine, changing the host from local to ServerA's name, and pulling all the network details over from there.

It took some time but after I let it run for a while it returned all the nodes on the network, im not sure how many but lets say well over 100 nodes over our many offices.


I can see the nodes on the left but when ever I drag one of them over on to the map, It hangs for a long long time. Up to 5 or 6 mins per node. Of course if I try and drag a group of nodes over, it takes so long that it times out or crashes network atlas altogether.


Now my question is...

Is this slowness/lagging of adding nodes to the map simply because I am working on my own desktop and pulling all that info from ServerA...and when I get ServerA access next week, will everything run much smoother... OR .. is there something else I could do to improve this? i would say its so slow that is actually just not functional at the moment which is a shame because I really want to get this going.


Any help would be appreciated.



Migrating from Report Writer to Web Writer: Unable to deserialize new report file.


I am currently on NPM 10.6.1, working on migrating from report writer to web writer before upgrading.


Using the following process:

  1. Login to NPM Server
  2. Login to DB Manager and into DB for NPM
  3. Copy content from the definitions portion of the table for the report i want to transfer
  4. Save it XML with UTF-8 encoding
  5. /orion/reports/import.aspx
  6. import the XML file i created



Unable to deserialize new report file.

Expecting element 'Report' from namespace 'http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/SolarWinds.Reporting.Models'.. Encountered 'Element' with name 'Report', namespace '


Detailed Error:

Message: Expecting element 'Report' from namespace 'http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/SolarWinds.Reporting.Models'.. Encountered 'Element'  with name 'Report', namespace ''.

ErrorSite: System.Runtime.Serialization.DataContractSerializer.InternalReadObject

ErrorType: System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationException


at System.Runtime.Serialization.DataContractSerializer.InternalReadObject(XmlReaderDelegator xmlReader, Boolean verifyObjectName, DataContractResolver dataContractResolver)

at System.Runtime.Serialization.XmlObjectSerializer.ReadObjectHandleExceptions(XmlReaderDelegator reader, Boolean verifyObjectName, DataContractResolver dataContractResolver)

at System.Runtime.Serialization.DataContractSerializer.ReadObject(XmlReader reader)

at SolarWinds.Orion.Core.Reporting.DAL.Loader.Deserialize(XElement data)

at Orion_Reports_Import.OnLoad(EventArgs e)


My XML File Created from Report Writer:


-<Report Version="1.0" Group="Test Report" Title="Test Report" Type="History" TypeDescription="Historical - Interface Traffic" Icon="History" Schema="InterfaceTraffic.Schema" SubTitle="" Description="" Footer="" Time_Frame="Named" Named_Time_Frame="Last Month" Relative_Time_Frame="4 Months" Starting_DateTime="8/1/2008" Ending_DateTime="8/31/2008 11:59:59 PM" Grouping="Date" Group_Position="Beginning" SQL="SELECT TOP 10000 Convert(DateTime,Floor(Cast(DateTime as Float)),0) AS SummaryDate, Nodes.NodeID AS NodeID, Nodes.Caption AS NodeName, Interfaces.InterfaceName AS Interface_Name, Interfaces.InterfaceSpeed AS Interface_Speed, AVG(Case When InBandwidth+OutBandwidth=0 Then 0 When InBandwidth=0 Then (Out_Averagebps/OutBandwidth) * 100 When OutBandwidth=0 Then (In_Averagebps/InBandwidth) * 100 Else ( (Out_AverageBps/OutBandwidth)+(In_AverageBps/InBandwidth))*50 End) AS AVERAGE_of_CircuitUtil_AvgRecvXmit, AVG(Case When InBandwidth+OutBandwidth=0 Then 0 When InBandwidth=0 Then (Out_Averagebps/OutBandwidth) * 100 When OutBandwidth=0 Then (In_Averagebps/InBandwidth) * 100 Else Case When (Out_AverageBps/OutBandwidth) > (In_AverageBps/InBandwidth) Then (Out_AverageBps/OutBandwidth)*100 Else (In_AverageBps/InBandwidth) *100 End End) AS AVERAGE_of_CircuitUtil_MaxRecvXmit, AVG(InterfaceTraffic.In_Averagebps) AS AVERAGE_of_Average_Receive_bps, MAX(InterfaceTraffic.In_Maxbps) AS MAX_of_Peak_Receive_bps, AVG(InterfaceTraffic.Out_Averagebps) AS AVERAGE_of_Average_Transmit_bps, MAX(InterfaceTraffic.Out_Maxbps) AS MAX_of_Peak_Transmit_bps FROM (Nodes INNER JOIN Interfaces ON (Nodes.NodeID = Interfaces.NodeID)) INNER JOIN InterfaceTraffic ON (Interfaces.InterfaceID = InterfaceTraffic.InterfaceID) WHERE ( DateTime BETWEEN 39659 AND 39689.9999884259 ) AND ( (Nodes.Caption LIKE '%l3dex11%') AND (Interfaces.InterfaceName LIKE '%0/11%') ) GROUP BY Convert(DateTime,Floor(Cast(DateTime as Float)),0), Nodes.NodeID, Nodes.Caption, Interfaces.InterfaceName, Interfaces.InterfaceSpeed ORDER BY SummaryDate ASC, 3 ASC" TopX="All" TopXCount="10" TopXPercent="10" Orientation="Landscape" CookedData="TRUE" Web="TRUE" ShowFolders="">




























































































































<LEFTFIELDPATH>Network Nodes.Node Details.Node Name</LEFTFIELDPATH>





























































<LEFTFIELDPATH>Interfaces.Interface Details.Interface Name</LEFTFIELDPATH>





























































<LEFTFIELDPATH>Interfaces.Interface Details.Interface Speed</LEFTFIELDPATH>





























































<LEFTFIELDPATH>Historical Interface Traffic.Transmit+Receive Data Combined.Circuit Utilization (Avg of Recv,Xmit)</LEFTFIELDPATH>












<LEFTCAPTION>Circuit Utilization (Avg of Recv,Xmit)</LEFTCAPTION>

















































<LEFTFIELDPATH>Historical Interface Traffic.Transmit+Receive Data Combined.Circuit Utilization (Max of Recv,Xmit)</LEFTFIELDPATH>












<LEFTCAPTION>Circuit Utilization (Max of Recv,Xmit)</LEFTCAPTION>

















































<LEFTFIELDPATH>Historical Interface Traffic.Received Data.Average Receive bps</LEFTFIELDPATH>





























































<LEFTFIELDPATH>Historical Interface Traffic.Received Data.Peak Receive bps</LEFTFIELDPATH>





























































<LEFTFIELDPATH>Historical Interface Traffic.Transmitted Data.Average Transmit bps</LEFTFIELDPATH>





























































<LEFTFIELDPATH>Historical Interface Traffic.Transmitted Data.Peak Transmit bps</LEFTFIELDPATH>





















































































<LEFTFIELDPATH>Network Nodes.Node Details.Node Name</LEFTFIELDPATH>





























































<LEFTFIELDPATH>Interfaces.Interface Details.Interface Name</LEFTFIELDPATH>



































<FieldName="SummaryDate" Header="Date" Range="Positive" Parser="Date" Format="" Alignment="Left" Width="1590" Units="" Hidden="False" WebURL="" />



<FieldName="NodeID" Header="Node ID" Range="Positive" Parser="None" Format="" Alignment="Center" Width="0" Units="" Hidden="True" WebURL="/NetPerfMon/View.asp?View=NodeDetails&NetObject=N:${NodeID}" />



<FieldName="AVERAGE_of_CircuitUtil_AvgRecvXmit" Header="Circuit Utilization (Avg of Recv,Xmit)" Range="ZeroAndAbove" Parser="Numeric" Format="0.00" Alignment="Center" Width="1200" Units="%" Hidden="False" WebURL="" />



<FieldName="NodeName" Header="Node" Range="ALL" Parser="None" Format="" Alignment="Left" Width="1245" Units="" Hidden="False" WebURL="/NetPerfMon/View.asp?View=NodeDetails&NetObject=N:${NodeID}" />



<FieldName="Interface_Name" Header="Interface" Range="ALL" Parser="None" Format="" Alignment="Left" Width="1755" Units="" Hidden="False" WebURL="/NetPerfMon/View.asp?View=InterfaceDetails&NetObject=I:${InterfaceID}" />



<FieldName="AVERAGE_of_CircuitUtil_MaxRecvXmit" Header="Circuit Utilization (Max of Recv,Xmit)" Range="ZeroAndAbove" Parser="Numeric" Format="0.00" Alignment="Center" Width="1005" Units="%" Hidden="False" WebURL="" />



<FieldName="Interface_Speed" Header="Speed" Range="ZeroAndAbove" Parser="Bandwidth" Format="" Alignment="Center" Width="960" Units="bps" Hidden="False" WebURL="" />



<FieldName="AVERAGE_of_Average_Receive_bps" Header="Average Receive bps" Range="ZeroAndAbove" Parser="Bandwidth" Format="" Alignment="Center" Width="990" Units="bps" Hidden="False" WebURL="/NetPerfMon/CustomChart.asp?Chart=AVGBPS&NetObject=I:${InterfaceID}" />



<FieldName="MAX_of_Peak_Receive_bps" Header="Peak Receive bps" Range="ZeroAndAbove" Parser="Bandwidth" Format="" Alignment="Center" Width="960" Units="bps" Hidden="False" WebURL="/NetPerfMon/CustomChart.asp?Chart=MMAVGBPS&NetObject=I:${InterfaceID}" />



<FieldName="AVERAGE_of_Average_Transmit_bps" Header="Average Transmit bps" Range="ZeroAndAbove" Parser="Bandwidth" Format="" Alignment="Center" Width="975" Units="bps" Hidden="False" WebURL="/NetPerfMon/CustomChart.asp?Chart=AVGBPS&NetObject=I:${InterfaceID}" />



<FieldName="MAX_of_Peak_Transmit_bps" Header="Peak Transmit bps" Range="ZeroAndAbove" Parser="Bandwidth" Format="" Alignment="Center" Width="1035" Units="bps" Hidden="False" WebURL="/NetPerfMon/CustomChart.asp?Chart=MMAVGBPS&NetObject=I:${InterfaceID}" />








Issues Polling Cisco 6500 Switch - Hardware polling failed: Error 31040 - Timeout


Under the Hardware Details we're getting a message of:

               Hardware polling failed: Error 31040 - Timeout


I've tried both the Rediscover and Poll Now buttons. I tried editing the node and testing our community string but it fails. I've removed and readded the SNMP config to the device and it still fails.



Anyone have any ideas or suggestions on how to resolve this?

Database maintenance has overdue.


How can I make this message go away? NPM 11.5.2


InterfaceErrors_Detail6/9/2015 12:02:58 AM14 DaysInterfaces
InterfaceErrors_Hourly5/24/2015 12:00:00 AM14 DaysInterfaces
InterfaceTraffic_Detail6/9/2015 12:02:58 AM14 DaysInterfaces
InterfaceTraffic_Hourly5/24/2015 12:00:00 AM14 DaysInterfaces




I want to make an account log in straight to a Network Altas map


How do I do this? NPM 11.5.2.


I want to have a basic guest type account that once it logs in, it sees a high level network overview.





Is there a way to troubleshoot why the the "test" button fails when adding a new node using via SNMP


I was asked to add a node (not a windows server, a UPS or similar device)  to Orion that must be added via SNMP.  Adding it and then hitting the "Test" button returns "Test Failed" but no details (for all versions of SNMP). I used the MIB Walk tool from the Engineers toolset (that is installed on the same server Orion and it's poller runs on) and was able to use the same SNMP read string to walk the MIB without issues.


Is there a n Orion log or something (a debug setting, etc.) I can use to try and find out why Orion is failing to use SNMP but the MIB Walk tool has no issues?

Am I senile? I thought I remember running multiple additional poller installers concurrently - allowed or not?


Am I senile? I thought I remember running multiple additional poller installers concurrently.

Yet when I call my friendly support rep they assure me the SWIS service is only open for installing pollers one at a time. Anyone else try this and succeed or fail?


Trying to save time.

Core 2015.1.2 looks to break on SWQL custom resources that include "--order by"


Try this with then remove the SQL comments from the Order by.

Am I the only unlucky one?


Select ServerName, IPAddress, Port, SSLEnabled from Orion.Websites

--Order by WebsiteID

What We're Working on for NPM (Updated March 30, 2015)


The 11.0 release just occurred today, but we're already hard at work looking at items for future release. We have some game-changing new features in the works, so please stay tuned. Kindly find below list of items we are working on:



Ongoing Initiatives:

  • Increased scalability per SolarWinds instance (target of 250k elements / instance)
  • Improved performance and decreased resource load times via analysis with SolarWinds DPA
  • Increased number of pollers possible per instance



PLEASE NOTE:  While we are working on these items, this is NOT a commitment that all of these enhancements will make the next release.  We are working on a number of other smaller features in parallel.   If you have comments or questions on any of these items (e.g. how would it work?) or would like to be included in a preview demo, please let us know!







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