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Custom SQL Report Chart - Time Column


Hello all,


I'm trying to create a custom chart based upon my custom SQL that retrieves 95th percentile traffic on business hours. I read I must implement ${FromTime} and ${ToTime}. However I do it I can't seem to get a time column that gives me data on my chart. Any help is greatly appreciated. Below is my custom SQL:





DECLARE @StartDate DateTime

DECLARE @EndDate DateTime


SET @StartDate = CAST((ROUND(CAST(GetDate() - 7 AS FLOAT), 0, 1)) as datetime)

SET @EndDate = GetDate()


SELECT    TOP 10 Interfaces.InterfaceId,


                                Nodes.City AS City,

        Nodes.Caption AS NodeName,

                                Interfaces.InterfaceName AS Interface_Name,

                                Interfaces.CircuitID AS CircuitID,

                                Interfaces.LocalLoop AS LocalLoop,

                                Interfaces.InterfaceSpeed AS Interface_Speed,

                                Nodes.Vendor AS Vendor,

                                Interfaces.InterfaceID AS InterfaceID,

                                Interfaces.OutBandwidth AS Xmit_Bandwidth,

                                Interfaces.InBandwidth AS Recv_Bandwidth,




                                Case OutBandwidth

          When 0 Then 0

           Else (Maxbps_Out95/OutBandwidth)*100       End AS Util_Out95,

                                Case InBandwidth

            When 0 Then 0

            Else (Maxbps_In95/InBandwidth)*100            End AS Util_In95,


When InBandwidth+OutBandwidth=0 Then 0

When InBandwidth=0 Then

(Maxbps_Out95/OutBandwidth)*100 When OutBandwidth=0 Then

            (Maxbps_In95/InBandwidth)*100            Else

            ((Maxbps_In95/InBandwidth)+(Maxbps_Out95/OutBandwidth))*50           End AS AVERAGE_of_CircuitUtil_95RecvXmit,

            (Maxbps_In95 + Maxbps_Out95)/2 AS AVERAGE_ofCircuitUtilBPS


FROM Nodes

INNER JOIN Interfaces ON Nodes.NodeID = Interfaces.NodeID


    SELECT    Interfaces.InterfaceID,

            dbo.GetInBps95th(Interfaces.InterfaceID, @StartDate, @EndDate) AS Maxbps_In95,

            dbo.GetOutBps95th(Interfaces.InterfaceID, @StartDate, @EndDate) AS Maxbps_Out95,

                                                dbo.GetMaxBps95th(Interfaces.InterfaceID, @StartDate, @EndDate) AS Maxbps_95

    FROM InterfaceTraffic INNER JOIN Interfaces ON InterfaceTraffic.NodeID = Interfaces.NodeID

    WHERE (InterfaceTraffic.DateTime >= @StartDate AND InterfaceTraffic.DateTime <= @EndDate) AND


                                  (DATEPART(weekday, InterfaceTraffic.DateTime) = 2) OR

                                  (DATEPART(weekday, InterfaceTraffic.DateTime) = 3) OR

                                  (DATEPART(weekday, InterfaceTraffic.DateTime) = 4) OR

                                  (DATEPART(weekday, InterfaceTraffic.DateTime) = 5) OR

                                  (DATEPART(weekday, InterfaceTraffic.DateTime) = 6)) AND



                                      (Interfaces.gmtOffset = 5) AND

                                      (DatePart(Hour,InterfaceTraffic.DateTime) >= 5) AND

                                      (DatePart(Hour,InterfaceTraffic.DateTime) <= 15)) OR


                                      (Interfaces.gmtOffset = 6) AND

                                      (DatePart(Hour,InterfaceTraffic.DateTime) >= 6) AND

                                      (DatePart(Hour,InterfaceTraffic.DateTime) <= 16)) OR


                                      (Interfaces.gmtOffset = 7) AND

                                      (DatePart(Hour,InterfaceTraffic.DateTime) >= 7) AND

                                      (DatePart(Hour,InterfaceTraffic.DateTime) <= 17)) OR


                                      (Interfaces.gmtOffset = 8) AND

                                      (DatePart(Hour,InterfaceTraffic.DateTime) >= 8) AND

                                      (DatePart(Hour,InterfaceTraffic.DateTime) <= 18))


    GROUP BY Interfaces.InterfaceID

) TrafficStat

ON Interfaces.InterfaceID = TrafficStat.InterfaceID


  (Nodes.Vendor = 'Cisco') AND

  (Interfaces.CarrierName = 'CenturyLink')


ORDER BY AVERAGE_of_CircuitUtil_95RecvXmit ASC

I need a latency report that shows trending graphs based on field sites that have been separated into respective groups


I want one report that you can select how far you want to go back, the default being 30 days.


It has to show graphs.


Is it possible to display trends for each individual group/site in one report? (several graphs with the heading showing the name of the group it represents?)



How to monitor MSTP link via NPM?


Hi All,


     There are so many MSTP link between client's headquarter and their branch office. Recently they want to change monitor tool from BMC, so we have recommended them to try SolarWinds NPM+NTA. During the POC, NPM+NTA can help them monitor network devices status and application etc. However, the important point is that how to monitor MSTP link status. As we known, when the wan link down and the client's edge device is up,  how to alert administrator to inform the wan link has issue and they need to notice MSTP provider to check?

     Can we use ping script from solarwinds server or edge device(such as router) to ping continuously another end IP to confirm the mstp link status? Or is there something good way to check that?


Network Atlas - Link Utilization


Hello Y'all


Anyone come across this in the New Network Atlas?


I am unable to get untilization stats between two bits of kit..



Cisco ASR 1002 - 15.2(1)S, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1) - (SYSOID-

Cisco 7606s -  12.2(33)SRE7, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1) (SYSOID-

So I have defined both the physical interfaces that connects the devices together L2 and Layer connectivity is present on said interfaces using a /30 to connect them.


From the below you can see that the 7606 can get L3 and L2 utilization to other devices correctly but not to the ASR which I believe is the issue as the L2 Poller does not return a match for this device.



But the links in question between the ASR and 7606 are showing as down even though it has L2 and L3 connectivity.. I have checked the pollers and it does say that the L2poller does not match on the ASR but L3 does.


L2 Poller


L3 Poller


I was under the assumption that as long as there was either L2 or L3 connectivity it would "ConnectNow"


Anyone able to help, would be forever in your debt

How to exclude device from Top X


HI All,

I would like to exclude our FW from High Errors and Discards Today.

Not sure how to write the exclusion in Edit Resources - Filter Nodes (SQL). Tried few things but not getting result intended.

Help is greately appreciated.

F5 Node Details With Pool Member Connections


Does anyone have a resource they created using UnDP to show connections to each pool member? I would like to show the pool member with the assigned members, then show each connection to those members, all in one pane. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm trying to re-create the wheel and I'm sure someone has already done it




The Ideal F5 Load Balancer Dashboard


If you could create the ideal dashboard for monitoring the health and performance of your F5 load balancers, what would it look like?  What would it include?


Here's a few more questions to get the ideas flowing:

  • What are the key pieces of information that tell you whether your F5s are healthy and performing well, regardless of what NPM can currently show you?
  • The first time you added an F5 into NPM and went to take a look, did the page show you what you expected?  If not, what did you expect?
  • What unhealthy states can exist in your load balancers that you can't currently alert or report on?
  • Are there places where trending, correlation, or aggregation from many F5s would be particularly helpful?


Note we have an existing idea (though with relatively little input) related to this : https://thwack.solarwinds.com/ideas/3333


Excited to hear your thoughts!

What should Network Topology Mapper next release focus on ?

Does your organization use Mobile Device Management or MDM?


With the explosion of smart mobile devices, both tablets and phones and end users wanting to connect them for email, remote access (VPN), wireless etc. How are you handling this?  Does your organization even see this as a problem?  What level of control are you looking for?  Do you care if they have apps like DropBox are installed on them and uploading corporate files without your knowledge?


When I talk about Mobile Device Management I mean specifically things like:

  • Remotely manage and setup end users mobile devices (i.e. Google Android or Apple iOS) with the settings for service such as email access, wireless, VPN etc.
  • Enforce corporate security standards and best practices such as ensuring a pass-code is set or disabling certain feature or functions on the device like the camera
  • Ability to remotely wipe a device if lost or stolen
  • Report on types of devices, the hardware and software installed on them in your environment
  • Track users or stolen devices via GPS

Integrate Google Charts with Solarwinds reports/view, A Pie chart example


When built reports with Solarwinds report builder we only have plain data tables. It would be very informative if we could add some customised charts, such pie charts in the reports. It is possible to use MSSQL report builder to create more richly reports but this involves installing additional components on MSSQL server and you need access the Solarwinds Database directly.


I start to use Google Chart recently for my “Raspberry  Pi “ projects and suddenly realize I could Integrating the Google Chart into the Solarwinds reports/views. Here is an example:



You need an IIS web server supporting ASP and can access both your Solarwinds Website and Internet. You can use Solarwinds web server if it can access Internet.


Step 1: Build a report using Solarwinds Report Builder

Report Title:  “Solarwinds Statistic - Node Polling Method”
In my example I am using “Advanced SQL”, the query is:


(SELECT COUNT(Nodes.NodeID) FROM Nodes)  AS Total_Nodes,
(SELECT COUNT(Nodes.NodeID) FROM Nodes where ObjectSubType = 'ICMP')  AS ICMP,
(SELECT COUNT(Nodes.NodeID) FROM Nodes where ObjectSubType = 'SNMP' and SNMPVersion = 1)  AS SNMPv1,
(SELECT COUNT(Nodes.NodeID) FROM Nodes where ObjectSubType = 'SNMP' and SNMPVersion = 2)  AS SNMPv2,
(SELECT COUNT(Nodes.NodeID) FROM Nodes where ObjectSubType = 'SNMP' and SNMPVersion = 3)  AS SNMPv3,
(SELECT COUNT(Nodes.NodeID) FROM Nodes where ObjectSubType = 'WMI' )  AS WMI

In the “Field Formatting” you need add “Web URL” for each data you want to send to Google chart.  This is for parsing data out from the report later in the asp page. Here I am using dummy URL, you can using real links to link your table/chart to another Solarwinds page.




Step 2: open your report from Solarwinds web console:

The URL should looks like: "http://solarwinds-web-server-IP-or-FQDN/Orion/Report.aspx?Report=Solarwinds_Statistic_-_Node_Polling_Method&Printable=TRUE&accountid=userID&password=userPwd"


Added the following parameter to the end of the URL link:
userID is Solarwinds user account ID, userPwd is the account password. The account should be read only.


From your browser: open view page source, you should find the dummy links you created in the report, we will use these information to parse the data in the ASP page below.



Step 3:  Create an ASP page

Create an asp page and save it to a web server which can assess Solarwinds web pages and Internet. The asp page has three parts: VBscript, JavaScript and HTML codes.


The VBScript will get the report page and save the return to a string. I use the regular expression to  parse the data from the string and pass them to JavaScript. The JavaScript will call Google Chart API to draw the Pie chart in the HTML <div></div>


The asp code is:


' URL link to the Solarwinds Report
' http://solarwinds-web-server-IP-or-FQDN/Orion/Report.aspx?Report=Solarwinds_Statistic_-_Node_Polling_Method
' add the following parameter to the end of the URL link: &Printable=TRUE&accountid=userID&password=userPwd"
' userID is Solarwinds user account ID, userPwd is the account password. The account should be read only.
strURL = "http://your-url/Orion/Report.aspx?Report=Solarwinds_Statistic_-_Node_Polling_Method&Printable=TRUE&accountid=user&password=userpwd"

' get the URL return text
strHttpText = GetTextFromUrl(strURL)

' using vbs regular expression to parse the data

' get total number of nodes polling by Ping
Set rexp01 = New RegExp
With rexp01
      .Pattern    = "polling-ping" & Chr(34) & ">\d+</a"      .IgnoreCase = False      .Global    = False
End With
set matchs01 = rexp01.Execute(strHttpText)
If matchs01.Count > 0 Then    set match01 = matchs01(0)    match01 = Replace(match01, "polling-ping" & Chr(34) & ">", "")    match01 = Replace(match01, "</a", "")    match01 = cInt(match01)    'response.write match01 - debug
Else    match01 = 0
End If

' get total number of nodes polling by SNMP1
Set rexp02 = New RegExp
With rexp02
      .Pattern    = "polling-snmp1" & Chr(34) & ">\d+</a"      .IgnoreCase = False      .Global    = False
End With
set matchs02 = rexp02.Execute(strHttpText)
If matchs02.Count > 0 Then    set match02 = matchs02(0)    match02 = Replace(match02, "polling-snmp1" & Chr(34) & ">", "")    match02 = Replace(match02, "</a", "")    match02 = cInt(match02)    'response.write match02 - debug
Else    match02 = 0
End If

' get total number of nodes polling by SNMP2
Set rexp03 = New RegExp
With rexp03
      .Pattern    = "polling-snmp2" & Chr(34) & ">\d+</a"      .IgnoreCase = False      .Global    = False
End With
set matchs03 = rexp03.Execute(strHttpText)
If matchs03.Count > 0 Then    set match03 = matchs03(0)    match03 = Replace(match03, "polling-snmp2" & Chr(34) & ">", "")    match03 = Replace(match03, "</a", "")    match03 = cInt(match03)    'response.write match03 - debug
Else    match03 = 0
End If

' get total number of nodes polling by SNMP3
Set rexp04 = New RegExp
With rexp04
      .Pattern    = "polling-snmp3" & Chr(34) & ">\d+</a"      .IgnoreCase = False      .Global    = False
End With
set matchs04 = rexp04.Execute(strHttpText)
If matchs04.Count > 0 Then    set match04 = matchs04(0)    match04 = Replace(match04, "polling-snmp3" & Chr(34) & ">", "")    match04 = Replace(match04, "</a", "")    match04 = cInt(match04)    'response.write match04 - debug
Else    match04 = 0
End If

' get total number of nodes polling by WMI
Set rexp05 = New RegExp
With rexp05
      .Pattern    = "polling-wmi" & Chr(34) & ">\d+</a"      .IgnoreCase = False      .Global    = False
End With
set matchs05 = rexp05.Execute(strHttpText)
If matchs05.Count > 0 Then    set match05 = matchs05(0)    match05 = Replace(match05, "polling-wmi" & Chr(34) & ">", "")    match05 = Replace(match05, "</a", "")    match05 = cInt(match05)    'response.write match05 - debug
Else    match05 = 0
End If

iTotalNodesCount = match01 + match02 + match03 + match04 + match05

' Sub Function: get a URL return text
Function GetTextFromUrl(url)
  Set oXMLHTTP = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP.3.0")  oXMLHTTP.Open "GET", url, False  oXMLHTTP.Send  If oXMLHTTP.Status = 200 Then    GetTextFromUrl = oXMLHTTP.responseText  End If
End Function

%><!--Google Chart: Load the AJAX API--><script type="text/javascript" src="https://www.google.com/jsapi"></script><script type="text/javascript">

// Load the Visualization API and the piechart package.
google.load('visualization', '1.0', {'packages':['corechart']});

// Set a callback to run when the Google Visualization API is loaded.

// Callback that creates and populates a data table,
// instantiates the pie chart, passes in the data and
// draws it.
function drawChart() {
    // Create the data table.    var data = new google.visualization.DataTable();    data.addColumn('string', 'NodeStatus');    data.addColumn('number', 'Slices');    data.addRows([        ['PING <%= match01 %>', <%= match01 %>],        ['SNMP1 <%= match02 %>', <%= match02 %>],        ['SNMP2 <%= match03 %>', <%= match03 %>],        ['SNMP3 <%= match04 %>', <%= match04 %>],        ['WMI <%= match05 %>', <%= match05 %>]    ]);    // Set chart options    var options = {title: 'Total Nodes: <%= iTotalNodesCount %>',                width: 550,                height: 250,                is3D: true,                pieSliceText: 'percentage',                  sliceVisibilityThreshold: 0,                pieStartAngle: -100,                slices: {0:{offset: 0.2, color: 'Magenta'},                        1: {offset: 0.1, color: 'orange'},                        2: {color: '#0099C6'},                        3: {offset: 0.1, color: 'yellow'},                        4: {offset: 0.2, color: 'blue'},                        },    };    // Instantiate and draw our chart, passing in some options.    var chart = new google.visualization.PieChart(document.getElementById('chart_div'));    chart.draw(data, options);
}</script></head><body>  <!--Div that will hold the pie chart-->  <div id="chart_div"></div></body></html>



Step 4: In Solarwinds, create a view page and add two resources: “Report from Orion Report Writer” and “Custom HTML”


Edit “Report from Orion Report Writer”, Link the report to the report you just created
Edit “Custon HTML”, add the following code:  (replace with your asp page link)



<iframe src="http://link-to-your-asp-page/solarsta.asp" width=550 height=250 frameborder=0 scrolling="no"></iframe>



View your chart in the view page. Done!


You can use the similar method to create different chats, such as  Node status pie chart. Also you can make the chart click-able to link to other pages.  Just add the following code in asp page after JavaScript function “chart.draw(data, options);”  An example for Node status pie chart:


* Below is an image, not text. Cannot paste as text




Hope this is helpful. Thanks


Update: 01


As designerfx suggested, the code is  attached as a text file

How to Configure Solarwinds to sent alerts for APC UPS


I have created a custom Poller to pull the the Temperature from the Smart UPS and this works...But  when I try to setup an alert to notify the team when the Temp is too high or too low I am not getting anywhere with this.....can someone please Assist

SWQL and IPaddressGUID




I'm trying to use the IPaddressGUID as a variable in a web based Custom Query (SWQL) in Orion NPM (10.7)


SELECT n.MachineType ,  '/Netperfmon/Images/Vendors/' + n.vendoricon as [_IconFor_MachineType]

, n.caption, n.detailsurl as [_LinkFor_caption], '/Orion/images/StatusIcons/Small-' + StatusIcon AS [_IconFor_caption]


from Orion.nodes n where


(n.ipaddressguid = 'FE' + substring('${IPAddressGUID}', 3, 40))


The query is a resource on the node details page. For a node with IP address, the query should find and display details for (and links to) a node with IP address (if it exists).


The Custom Query fails with an error message :Error: A query to the SolarWinds Information Service failed.


The query works if I replace ${IPAddressGUID} with the actual value of IPAddressGUID.


Is there a list of what variables are supported by SWQL?





Solarwinds and Gartner


The Feb 2015 Gartner Magic Quadrant report does not list Solarwinds in its assessment of various NPMD domain. Does Solarwinds plan or intend to rectify this situation? If so, when will these happen?

Monitoring Big F5 Resources - List of Virtual Servers Resource - List of Pools Resource - List of Nodes Resource- Connections


Lots of user still looking for the Universal Device Poller as a solution on thwack therefor adding the post below.

In order to monitor  Big F5 Resources you no longer relay on Universal Device Pollers as following resources will be monitored default in Orion and will be presented in Graphs as below.




List of Virtual Servers Resource

List of Pools Resource

List of Nodes Resource



Requirements are Following OID's should be present within the device MIBWALK in order to assign the default poller.



List of Virtual Servers Resource



Object Name


Address TypeF5-BIGIP-LOCAL-MIBltmVirtualServTable:ltmVirtualServAddrType1.
IP AddrF5-BIGIP-LOCAL-MIBltmVirtualServTable:ltmVirtualServAddr1.
Enabled StateF5-BIGIP-LOCAL-MIBltmVsStatusTable:ltmVsStatusEnabledState1.
Availability StateF5-BIGIP-LOCAL-MIBltmVsStatusTable:ltmVsStatusAvailState1.

List of Pools Resource




Object Name


Enabled StateF5-BIGIP-LOCAL-MIBltmPoolStatusTable:ltmPoolStatusEnabledState1.
Availability StateF5-BIGIP-LOCAL-MIBltmPoolStatusTable:ltmPoolStatusAvailState1.

List of Nodes Resource




Object Name


NameF5-BIGIP-LOCAL-MIBltmNodeAddrTable:ltmNodeAddrName (for BIG-IP SW Ver 11.2+)
Address TypeF5-BIGIP-LOCAL-MIBltmNodeAddrTable:ltmNodeAddrAddrType1.
Enabled StateF5-BIGIP-LOCAL-MIBltmNodeAddrStatusTable:ltmNodeAddrStatusEnabledState1.
Availability StateF5-BIGIP-LOCAL-MIBltmNodeAddrStatusTable:ltmNodeAddrStatusAvailState1.





Object Name


Connections TotalF5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIBsysGlobalStat:sysStatClientTotConns1.
Connections CurrentF5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIBsysGlobalStat:sysStatClientCurConns1.
Connections SSLF5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIBsysGlobalClientSslStat:sysClientsslStatCurNativeConns1.
Connections SSL CurrentF5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIBsysGlobalClientSslStat:sysClientsslStatCurCompatConns1.





Object Name


Client Bytes InF5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIBsysGlobalStat:sysStatClientBytesIn1.
Client Bytes OutF5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIBsysGlobalStat:sysStatClientBytesOut1.
Server Bytes InF5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIBsysGlobalStat:sysStatServerBytesIn1.
Server Bytes OutF5-BIGIP-SYSTEM-MIBsysGlobalStat:sysStatServerBytesOut1.




How can i confirm the above  OID's are available under the device.


Please run the below MIB Walk tool and search through the MIBWalk out put.

Download Zip File from below link on Orion Server desktop


Run SNMPWalk.exe

Enter ip address of the Node under "Agent Address or DNS name >

Select Version " 2c / or 3 " Depending on the Node configured .

Enter the " community String" configured for the device .

Click on  " Scan "

Wait for the finish and save the .Txt file open and search if you are able to locate the above OID's within the device MIB.


- If you still have the issue please open support ticket -

Multiple Node down events getting triggered


HI All,


We have multiple node down alerts that have been created since there are set of nodes for which the notification needs to go to respective stakeholder.

Also we have 5 polling engines in our environment.


Now what we recently observed while integrating solarwinds with other tool, the node down events are actually getting triggered twice for the same node. The reason i see is because the node could be part of 2 Polling engines and few of the alerts have been set up based on the polling engine.


So i m trying to understand that if the node down qaulifies for both the events then should it trigger twice? Or any alternate setup needs to be done?

Manage resources list for multiple nodes in Orion


Some from "Volume utilization" resources like "/run/" and "/sys" must be removed recursively from production monitoring on more than three hundreds nodes which already added.


Volume Utilization

  • Swap space - KEEP IN MONITORING
  • /sys/fs/cgroup - REMOVE FROM MONITORING


Is there any way to automate this process instead of try to remove this not required resources by hands for each node?




Ending Support for SQL 2005- Thoughts?


With the end of Microsoft's extended support for SQL 2005 rapidly approaching (Microsoft Product Lifecycle Search) we are investigating the possibility of announcing a future end-of-support for SQL 2005 for the Orion platform. We know the percentage of customers running 2005 dwindles daily, but wanted to pose the question to the community- anyone out there running 2005 that would have trouble migrating to a (slightly) more modern SQL version?

Mobile device tracking


Do you track mobile devices in your network?

I need to plot a graph showing Latency/Response time for 2 interfaces on the same router. To show the difference between 2 different circuits


Can this be done? I want to plot a linear graph showing the ms response times that are for different circuits, different as in type and ISP (ex: MPLS and DSL).


Anyone do this before?



What is the #1 networking problem you need to solve in the next 30 days?


Please expand on “Other” and why by adding a comment below.

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