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anyone can define how many database support NPM except SQL server?

Licencing query


We currently have a inactive license for Orion Network Performance Monitor SLX,that still has support until next year (purchased and never used)  however we don't need a full new NPM instance we just need an Additional PE can this license be used for that? thanks

How to monitor a disk that gets expanded


Trying to figure out how to know when a server disk gets changed. we have had disks get extended to make more disk space available but NPM does not discover the new size of the disk and will display incorrect stats and alert incorrectly. other than removing the resource and re-adding it to correct it. I'm looking for an automated way that will update the disk attributes.


Thanks Tom

Replacing self signed certs within Orion


Hello everyone!


Today I'm looking into replacing the self-signed certificates within Orion to ones generated by a CA within the corporation. I've found the following post interesting but not sure if this could be done for all self-signed certificates within Orion.


Change SolarWinds Information Services SSL Certificate


We're looking into using CA issues certs in everything from WinRM connections for SAM AppInsight for Exchange to Poller communications. Is this supported and do we have any good documentation on the procedures and pitfalls of doing this?



Disable view refresh on view by view basis?


Does anyone know if its possible to disable the automatic view refresh on a view by view basis?  Is there a querystring parameter that will stop individual view refreshes?

Report writer filters


I keep getting the Complex condition is empty error. (actual error in attached file)

My filter starts with:Select records where all of the following appy
-Interface Type Description _is equal to_ Ethernet

Then I have my match any of the following which states which Node Names or Node IP addresses I want.

I have even tried putting the all at the bottom and any at the top. This seems like it should be so simple but it's driving me nuts!





Topology doesn't even work on Ciscos with CDP? Please, someone explain this....


OK, seriously, can someone explain this to me?


An ASR 9001, CDP enabled, interfaces in monitoring, CDP topology poller applied, and Network Topology Resource shows me this;



Top item, isn't able to discern the LOCAL interface name.


OK, maybe something else is going on, maybe I screwed up, maybe the configuration isn't right, let's check.


Oh look, a CDP Neighbor Resource using SWQL from Craig Norberg.I wonder what it shows on this router?





So, an SWQL custom query will return the information correctly, but the NPM Topology Resource will not?


What is the possible reason for this?


Here are the pollers;


And here is the custom query in case anyone can make some type of guess. Because I can't figure out how SolarWinds can fail to inform it's own Topology resource with information it already has. Unfathomable.


SELECT I.InterfaceName AS [Local Interface], CDP.IPAddress AS [IP Address], DeviceId AS Device, DevicePort AS [Remote Interface], (SELECT N2.DetailsURL from Orion.Nodes N2 JOIN Orion.NodeIPAddresses NIP ON (N2.NodeID = NIP.NodeID) WHERE NIP.IPAddress = CDP.IPAddress) AS [_LinkFor_Device]

FROM Orion.NodeCdpEntry CDP

JOIN Orion.Nodes N ON (N.NodeID = CDP.NodeID)

LEFT OUTER JOIN Orion.NPM.Interfaces I ON ((CDP.NodeID = I.NodeID) AND (CDP.IfIndex = I.Index))

WHERE (CDP.NodeID = ${NodeID}) AND (N.IPAddress <> CDP.IPAddress)

Interface Graphs above 100% stop graphing


I am running version 10.7 and am having an issue with graphing Ethernet interfaces.  When I graph my Metro Ethernet WAN port it stops graphing if I bust my rate limits.  If I set my bandwidth to be 50Mbps on a Gig Ethernet port it will stop graphing anything above the 50Mbps.  When we were running 9.x it was able to graph above the bandwidth that I would enter for the interface and show readings above 100%.


Is there a setting that would allow the system to graph above the declared interface speeds?

How does one change the name of a Multiple Object Chart in a Custom Summary view?


I created a new view, added a Multiple Object Chart to a column, got the chart built the way I wanted, but I find I cannot edit out or change the section called "Multiple Object Chart" or "Custom Object Resource."


There's no "Edit" function in the window.


What is necessary to eliminate or rename these two lines?







When building the view, I still see no option for editing the above circled items:

Standalone Unmanage / Remange Node ASP .Net Page


In my another post (http://thwack.solarwinds.com/docs/DOC-171082) I added a search function in Solarwinds Page header , also modified the search results page to show some direct links related to the nodes, such as Edit Node, List Resources, etc., but not the unmanage/re-manage links.  Solarwinds build-in unmanage node page is a pop-up window; you cannot access the URL directly via web console.


Did some search and I found an alternative way to achieve it.  I created a customised standalone ASP .Net page for unmanage or re-mange node using Solarwinds SDK (PowerShell SwisSnapin) and MS Visual Web Developer 2010 Express. The ASP .Net page will run Solarwinds Powershell commands on Solarwinds server to re/unmanage a node.  The page takes three parameters:


NodeID: N:1234


NodeStatus:  if it is 9, it means the node is unmanaged


You can call this page from your search result page to unmanage/remange the node, the search results look like:






On Solarwinds Master (Web) server:

•    If not installed, Install PowerShell 2.0 or above. (http://technet.microsoft.com/en-gb/library/hh847837.aspx)

•    If not installed, Install Windows SDK for Windows Server 2008 and .NET Framework 3.5/4.0 (http://www.microsoft.com/en-gb/download/details.aspx?id=11310)

•    If not installed, install MS IIS Web Deploy (http://www.iis.net/downloads/microsoft/web-deploy)

•    Install Orion SDK 1.8 (http://thwack.solarwinds.com/message/220862)

•    Install Visual Studio - Visual Web Developer 2010 Express: (http://www.visualstudio.com/en-us/downloads/download-visual-studio-vs#DownloadFamilies_4)




1.    Create an ASP.NET Web Application


•    Run Visual Web Developer 2010 Express to create a New Project  C#  ASP.NET Application

•    Add “AjaxControlToolkit” to the project (http://www.codingfusion.com/Post/3-Different-ways-to-add-AjaxControlToolkit-in-Asp)

•    Add a reference to the PowerShell assembly called “System.Management.Automation” from "C:\Program Files (x86)\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0"

•    Create a folder called “images” to save you images used by the web-page.




•    Add a new aspx page (Add – New Item – Web Form).  In my example it is called “swnodemanagement.aspx”.


Please see the attachments for the codes (aspx & cs files).

Some useful links to help you building the page

•    http://devinfra-us.blogspot.co.uk/2011/02/using-powershell-20-from-aspnet-part-1.html

•    http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/18229/How-to-run-PowerShell-scripts-from-C


2.    Build the Deployment Package

Build the Project as a zip file (Project -- Build the Deployment Package)

3.    Deploy the application (zip) to Solarwinds

•    Run IIS manager, Create a new website (Do not deploy the application to current Solarwinds website), called “Solarwinds SDK”, using different port, say 8080


•    Deploy the package (zip file) from Deploy—Import Application

4.    Update C:\inetpub\SolarWinds\Orion\NetPerfMon\Resources\NodeSearchResults.aspx

•    Add codes below



                    <a href="http://your-solarwinds-server-url:8080/SWNodeManagement/swnodemanagement.aspx?NodeID=N:<%#Eval("NodeID")%>&NodeCaption=<%#Eval("Name")%>&NodeStatus=<%#Eval("Status")%>"  target="_blank"><img alt="img006" src="/Orion/images/StatusIcons/Unmanaged.gif"  width="14" height="14">Re/Unmanage</a>



5.    Test, the result should like:




Tested on Windows Server 2008 with PowerShell 2.0 and Solarwinds environment: NPM 10.6 + Solarwinds SDK1.8. Please feel free to use/ modify the codes. I am not a web developer please correct the errors in the codes if found.



Can an NPM alert include UDP that's not part of the trigger?




We have two MIB-based UDPs assigned to a node, and a third transformed UDP assigned to the same node which is a sum of the other two.  All three are part of the same UDP group if that matters.  The value we're interested in for measuring/alerting purposes is the transformed sum value.  But we'd like to include the other two source UDP values in the alert. 


Since the variable names in the alerting interface are the same for all three, I can't find a way to include the other two UDPs in the alert, even though they're not part of the alert trigger criteria. 


Trigger conditions:


Alert Message:

Variable ${N=SwisEntity;M=CustomPoller.UniqueName} on ${N=SwisEntity;M=Node.SysName} is currently at ${N=SwisEntity;M=CustomPollerStatusScalar.Status} used sessions. 


In the alert we want to also show the individual values of the other two UDP counters.  Can't figure out how to do this.  In the alert, the ${N=SwisEntity;M=CustomPoller.UniqueName} & ${N=SwisEntity;M=CustomPollerStatusScalar.Status} variables refer to the transformed sum value (since that's what the trigger condition refers to).  I can't find a way to include the value of these unrelated variables that have the same name. 


What am I missing here?

SNMP Walk tool does not provide description of OIDs?


Does the SNMP walk tool not provide descriptions of OIDs? From what I  can see the tool will perform a MIB walk of the device it's been pointed at but what it appears to return is the OIDs, the type of variable it is returning and the value of said variable. What use is this if we don't get a description of the variable and we are looking to set up a UnDP we wouldn't know which OID to poll?

What is the best way to learn SWQL?


I'm new to Solarwinds and I'm learning as much as I can.  I have a feeling that as we expand upon using alerting and reports, we are going to get into using SWQL.   I'm wanting to get a head start on learning SWQL.  I'm wanting to know the basics so that I'm not totally lost and wondering where to start.   Could someone point me in the right direction?  Is there a hand list of all the variables and what they are for when you do use SWQL? 


I'm also a "newbie" to SQL. I do have a basic concept between the differences in SQL and Solarwinds SWQL. 

Challenge: Export manually created nodes that are polled via ICMP, with manually assigned names. Import into separate NPM. Why can't it be done?


My old NPM has a few thousand nodes that were added one by one over years.  Each one has a manually created name and a manually assigned IP address.


My new NPM needs those entries installed in it.  I can't find a way to do it.


I can export the entire list from the earlier version of NPM, save it in Excel or .csv format.


I can import the list into the new NPM.  But here's where I run into problems:


The import has to "match to" and "import to" specific columns between the old version and the new one.  Although it seems they're essentially identical, in fact there is no place to which I can import the Node Name.  It seems it has to be imported to a custom field.


Old NPM export--search on part of the device's name, then select them all, then choose "Export custom property values".

This doesn't work because I can't import the customized Name into the new NPM.



New NPM only allows import into a limited number of fields; I don't understand why I can't take my old nodes, listed by name and address, and import them directly into new NPM.


New NPM import options:


But I don't want to import a "custom property value"--I want to import a normal node with normal values like Node Name and IP Address.




When I proceed with the import from the old NPM's exported nodes:




It looks like I get IP Address and Node Name.


I click on Validate, then when it's successful I click Import.


But when I search for those new nodes that I thought were being imported, none of them are present.


Do I have to manually recreate every one in NPM?  I hope not . . .


One option mentioned is to use Network Sonar to discover nodes; that won't work here because these nodes have manually assigned names in the older NPM.  I need a way to get them and their IP addresses exported out, and imported into the new NPM.



How can I create/update a SQL query to list NPM nodes without names, then add names to those nodes from an older NPM instance?


My team has opted to install a parallel instance of NPM rather than upgrading our original / older version of NPM.  The reasons are varied, but unimportant once the decision was made.


They've run into a snag importing older NPM 's ICMP-monitored nodes.  The nodes were created manually over many years; each one has an IP address and a manually created name.


Alerts were built for those nodes based on a name included in the node.  If a node goes unreachable, NPM sends an alert based on that name to a group of users who support those nodes.


We've found we're unable to extract that list of ICMP-monitored nodes without losing their names--all that comes out is their IP addresses.


How can we extract the ICMP-monitored IP addresses AND their names imported into the new NPM?



Example:  A typical ICMP-monitored node contains the phrase "Fred" and a site location in its name.  When it stops responding to pings, NPM detects a "Fred" kind of node is down and sends that device's name and IP address in an e-mail to the analysts who support "Fred" devices.  Since the name also contains the site location and the device's IP address, they know just which city/site it's in, and who to contact to troubleshoot it.


Extracting this list of devices from old NPM gives a long list of IP addresses without the names that should be associated with them.  This causes the alerts to fail since they're looking for "Fred" in the name.  Then the analysts don't receive their notifications until the end users complain.



How would you export the list of ICMP-monitored devices to include both their names and their IP addresses for import into the latest version of NPM?


Rick S.

Consultation on Atlas. // Consulta sobre Atlas.


Hello, I hope you can help me with this problem is on ATLAS.


By creating a group with nodes including the rule it is simple; If a node is in the group DOWN turn red meaning alert.


My question is: what happens when a node triggers an alert either disk, memory, cpu. Why not put red group ??? if it is a critical alert should a node of red alert and put the group.

There will be some way to make that presentation ??? as is done ??? Please I need your help.


From already thank you for your help and attention.




Hola , espero me puedan ayudar con este problema se trata sobre ATLAS.


Al crear un grupo con sus nodos incluidos la regla es simple; si un nodo esta en DOWN el grupo se pondra de color rojo lo que significa alerta.


Mi consulta es: que pasa cuando a un nodo dispara una alerta ya sea de disco, memoria, cpu. Por que no se pone de color rojo el grupo??? si es una alerta critica de un nodo deberia de avisar y poner de rojo al grupo.

Habra alguna forma de hacer esa presentación??? como se realiza???, por favor necesito su ayuda.


Desde ya agradezco su ayuda y atención.

Multiple CPU Count & Each Load on CPU for the Node


In order to verify the CPU for (Windows / Linux / Unix ) nodes following OID's should return the value for each CPU core . (hrProcessorFrwID) (Number of CPU Core ) (hrProcessorLoad)  (Each CPU Load )

(For Cisco ) (Total Physical Index of CPU ) (Total 1 min for each CPU) (Total 5 min for each CPU )


For Cisco Extreme Switches  ( extremeCpuAggregateUtilization )




Free CISCO-PROCESS-MIB SNMP MIB Download - Free MIB Download - Search MIBs - OiDViEW

Monitoring CPU utilization on IOS-XR based platforms using SNMP tools - Cisco Support Community


You can create Universal Device Poller in order to verify the Value is been returned correctly by the Node for each core .

Launch UDP.

Start > All programs > SolarWinds Orion > Network Performance Monitor > Universal Device Poller

place the OID click Browse MIB Tree


Select your Node and Test in this Node can see 4 CPU is been presented

core .JPG

Now make sure  Processor Load is been also presented for each core

Orion will not show that  CPU Core in Graph if the load is not been presented by the Node for that Core CPU .

Now Test the same for hrProcessorLoad and make sure the value is been returned by the node.

Load cpu.JPG

You should be able to see the result below on node detail page.


If you are running Wireshark the packet should return load for each core.



here is an example of the Node which is not showing the load for each processor and there for Orion will display only graph for single Processor .

we can see the 4 processor however the processor load is returned only for single core by the node  .


and here is the results for this Node ( only showing single CPU ) as we have not received the process load for other 3 cores from the Node's MIB's



For more OID's  for Vendors  please see following KB


upgrading from NPM 10.1.1 need help


Hi Guys,


I am working on upgrading our Orion NPM 10.1.1. NCM 6.1  to the latest. currently they are installed on a 2003 server and using sql 2005 for database.

I had a look around but couldnt find any upgrade path from 10.1.1.


Can any of you please help me with finding the right upgrade path, steps and anything to be  careful with?



I will really appreciate ur help in this regards.






NPM Alerts occasionally missing a few nodes


we have the alert where if a node is down it will shoot an email to everyone on the list and once they go back online it will shoot another email to everyone saying its back on. Recently it occasionally will not shoot the email for it going back online or in a group of down alerts it will miss a couple of them. Anyone know why this could be happening?

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