Channel: THWACK: All Content - Network Performance Monitor
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Maximum Traffic Today interface resource confused about definition of today?


Seems like it would be straightforward, but we would all agree that this is reporting incorrectly, yes?





SolarWinds NPM - Monitoring RedHat Servers


Hello Thwack community!

I currently have SolarWinds Network Performance Monitor deployed and am trying to monitor some RedHat servers my company has deployed. I have spent hours poking around the software and forums, yet could not find any helpful information. I would like to see information realting to CPU and RAM usage. I also want to create alerts for whether or not services are running. About the only thing I have been able to do is verify that the "node" is online. I do not receive any health information. Can anyone assist me with this? Is there additional information you need? I'm relatively new to this product.

Right Clicking On A Page In NPM Automatically Reduces/Resizes The Page's Font


When I right click on a page in my Orion environment, the font/formatting on the page appears to drastically reduce in size.


Here is a screenshot of one of the pages BEFORE right clicking:



And here is the same page AFTER right clicking:




This seems to happen the same on any/all pages, whether it is a custom page/view, or a standard/system view.
Also, this happens across Chrome, Firefox, and Internet Explorer.

It only appears to happen within our Orion environment, as I do not see the same results on any other/external pages, outside of our Orion setup.


I actually prefer the reduced size, and would like to just make it permanent. However, I am sure it will bug me to not know why it is happening, or what is causing it.


Anyone else out there having this issue?




Thank you,



NTA quickly identified Internet over utilization source


Today The Boss IM'd my team:  "I'm hearing reports that the Guest Wireless network has suddenly become much slower.  What's going on?"


I keep a custom bandwidth gauge pointed at the Guest Internet pipe 7x24, and had seen it maxing out--I was already on it.


NTA quickly identified the top traffic destination was iTunes.  It was a short jump from there to knowing that Apple just released iOS 9 yesterday.  All our users' iPhones were getting that update, causing the Guest pipe to be filled. 


I sent him the graphs, included the trends for the last 30 days and 7 days, showed him the info identifying iTunes as the source.  And knew the question coming back would be:


"What can we do about this?"


Again, the answers were easy--but this time unpopular with management:

* Shut down access to iTunes

* Throw up a splash screen and require folks to input credit card numbers to pay maybe $1 per MB (hey, it turns a liability into an asset!).

* Retrain all public users everywhere ("It's not NICE to eat up someone else's bandwidth for your personal use."

* Put in a traffic manager (right now the Guest Internet WLAN is wide open) and limit bandwidth per user or per destination.

* Put in a proxy filter and limit access to off hours

* etc.  You get the idea.



How do YOU limit guests / public / employees from consuming all your Guest Internet bandwidth?

VSS vs. standalone switches


What percentage of all your switch ports approximately comes from stacked and standalone switches?

Only 1 Account Does Not Work


We are authenticating users via AD Groups and have one sole user that cannot successfully log in to the GUI. We added this user's account as an individual windows account with the same results.


User is valid...SolarWinds finds the account in AD and lets me add it as a windows account. This user can log in to all of our servers as an admin without issue. It's just the GUI.


Any thoughts on what to check would be appreciated.

Circuit Bandwidth reporting and capacity planning


Has anyone crafted a way to report on the Top 10 or Top 25 circuits (remote locations) with trending and capacity planning in view. I can print out Top XX reports for time periods but seeing trending over time doesn't seem to be available. I've considered number of alerts of a certain type per node, but can't seem to craft a report.


Anyone worked on a solution?

Nexus 7k/5k/2k hardware monitor support


Hey all,


I am about to open a ticket but would also like to hear what the community has to say about it. I found a few similar discussions here but they are a few years old and would like to revisit this topic. The hardware monitor is not picking up several components on our Nexus 7K/5K/2Ks. Hardware Health only shows temperature readings but not the power supplies and fans status, which are present on all of our other Cisco switches. I know we can pull the data using UnDP which would require a bit of MIB research but I imagine this would be a supported feature on the native hardware monitor. Any comments/suggestions are greatly appreciated. Thanks.


Our specs -- NPM 10.5, Nexus 7010 NX-OS v6.1(4), Nexus 5020 NX-OS v5.0(3)N2(1)

Alert emails not being sent after Update to 11.5


We are not receiving alert emails after updating from 10.7 to 11.5


The alerts fire in NPM but it doesn't appear to send the email as specified in the alert configuration


I am able to send/receive a test email generated from the Settings > Manage SMTP Servers > Edit popup


Any ideas what might be preventing the alerts from sending the email?

IP-SLA for MikroTik Router


hi, I want something for mikrotik like ip-sla monitoring packet loss/trip time/delay variance/jitter/stuff like that..

is any way for Mikrotik ?? or someone try that ?



95th Percentile Reporting per ISP - Custom SQL Report


We have several providers for our datacenters, and 10-20 datacenters across the world. Recently, we were hit with some higher-than-expected bills because of bandwidth overages, so we are hoping to take a proactive approach to our bandwidth monitoring to remedy it. Since we get billed on 95th percentile, we are looking to create a report that shows us the 95th percentile usage for each ISP over the last 30 days. We'll then use the reports to gauge where we are with our bandwidth usage and adjust as needed.


I had a call with Solarwinds and it was suggested that I post here for more help. Here's what I have so far... I'll use Level 3 as our ISP in the example.


SQL for report

DECLARE @StartDate DateTime

DECLARE @EndDate DateTime


SET @StartDate = ${FromTime}

SET @EndDate = ${ToTime}


SELECT    Interfaces.InterfaceId,



Nodes.Caption AS NodeName,

Interfaces.Caption AS Interface_Caption,




FROM Nodes

INNER JOIN Interfaces ON Nodes.NodeID = Interfaces.NodeID


SELECT InterfaceID,

dbo.GetInBpsPercentile(InterfaceID, @StartDate, @EndDate,95) AS Maxbps_In95,

dbo.GetOutBpsPercentile(InterfaceID, @StartDate, @EndDate,95) AS Maxbps_Out95,

dbo.GetInBpsPercentile(InterfaceID, @StartDate, @EndDate,95) +

dbo.GetOutBpsPercentile(InterfaceID, @StartDate, @EndDate,95) AS Maxbps_All95

FROM InterfaceTraffic

WHERE InterfaceTraffic.DateTime >= @StartDate AND InterfaceTraffic.DateTime <= @EndDate

GROUP BY InterfaceID

) TrafficStat

ON Interfaces.InterfaceID = TrafficStat.InterfaceID

WHERE (Interfaces.Caption LIKE '%level 3%' OR Interfaces.Caption LIKE '%level3%')


This produces a table that shows me the 95th percentile usage. However, it doesn't show me the sum of all locations. We want to see the ISP and the total 95th percentile usage across all sites.


Screen Shot 2015-09-18 at 2.29.52 PM.png


The other option I tried was to put it on a graph. However, I'm unable to find a Timestamp field so that I can associate the data with a time and put it on a graph. I've tried some different SQL queries but haven't been able to get it yet.


So... does anybody know of a way to get a total sum for the column OR how I can associate the data with a time so that it will fit on a graph? Let me know if you need more information and I'll work with you.

how can I generate a Down Nodes type of resource via Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio


I was inspired by the below article to rewrite something that no longer works for me.


SQL Server Reference Guide | Powershell and SQL Server - Web Pages from a SQL Query | InformIT


I want to create an HTML file of down nodes and move it to a Linux server.  I already do this on each of my two pollers.  Ideally, this would be one HTML file that I would move to a Linux server.  So I'm doing it from my SQL server rather than each of my two pollers using NCM.  (The obvious way of having Linux server wget has been tried and works, but not with PKI...hence my attempts at workarounds.  I am not the admin of the Linux server.)  If I was running PowerShell v3 on my SolarWinds servers, I know I would have some options similar to wget.  Unfortunately I'm running PowerShell v2.  v3 is too far out for me to wait for that option.


The reference to which I linked seems like it could work, but I'm a little hung up on how to execute against the correct table of the correct database--'SolarWindsOrion'.


When I launch Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, I see the following:


<my server name, which I'm redacting here>\SOLARWINDS (SQL Server 10.50.2550 - <domain redacted>\<username redacted>)


System Databases

Database Snapshots





     Database Diagrams


          System Tables





My SQL query against dbo.Nodes is dead simple--Select Caption, Status FROM [SolarWindsOrion].[dbo].[Nodes]


Any suggestions on how to set this up?  I envision a service account running this so that an updated 'Down Nodes.html' file will be copied to my Linux server.  The movement of the file is not the issue.  The URL I referenced uses SQLText.txt in C:\temp\ for the SQL query.So my text file would be something like the query in the preceding paragraph.


Is [SolarWindsOrion].[dbo].[Nodes] specific enough that my query definitely won't run elsewhere (for example, in ConfigMgmt)?

Changing interface bandwidth for slower WAN connection


I have a location with a Point to Point microwave connection.  The radio is connected to Port 23 on my Cisco 3550 switch.  I am monitoring the port for utilization but of course it is reading at 100Mbps, the radio connection is actually about 27Mbps.  How can I change or monitor this interface with a more realistic bandwidth?

Newbie to Network Monitor need guidance.




We have a environment With Dell SonicWALL connected with 3 WAN Links. At core switches end we have Cisco catalyst 6500, At Distribution switches end we have Cisco 4500 and at access switches end we have 2960-S Switches. My boss has told me to check for a Network Monitoring tool. Now the question is from where shall I start from ? What do I need to setup a Network Monitoring manager, which can give real time bandwidth utilization for our environment ?

Weather map -> 9.5


I was wondering if anyone was able to port over the weather map background image to 9.5 yet?  I see with the upgrade of Map maker to Network Atlas the directory structure is different.  We really like the map so before I upgrade I want to see if this is working in 9.5...and if so how?



Cisco ASA as a Default gateway?


There has been over 1 million of Cisco ASAs built and deployed around the world in a past years (good job Cisco!). As not supporting SNMP protocol properly, they often complicate our lives when configured to be Default gateways, not allowing products like SolarWinds User Device Tracker to monitor what's behind. Do you use your ASAs as a Default gateways too? If so, what percentage of your network they route?

Do you use the Network Sonar Discovery?


When adding new nodes to NPM, do you use Network Sonar or you add your nodes directly?

NOC view setup and customization.


Ok.. this is going to be a simple request.    If I can click on any page and create a NOC view out of it in NPM.  And I can go to the Admin page and pull up pages that have a NOC view in a single window.   Why can I not be able to create NOC views of my existing pages and then put them together in one view without having to redo the pages that I want in the same NOC view.  This to me would be the same as the options we have to create individual tool bars.


Just think this would be great!


Error with Discovery Processing Results NPM 11.5.2


We are receiving an error when trying to use the network sonar discovery. "An error while processing results has occurred. See discovery log for more details."

Discovery Error.PNG

Also tried to add the nodes by clicking the "results" tab and get the following error.

"ProvideFault failed, check fault information."

Discovery Error 2.PNG

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