Here are some SQL queries as doing weekly Solarwinds Maintenance and creating custom alerts that we as an MSP can't live without. I will most likely update this often but here are some I store in my evernote for now but I will update this frequently when i start looking through everything I use.
This first one isn't a SQL query but good for everyone use FoE to know:
cd C:\Program Files\SolarWinds\FoE\r2\bin\
nfpktfltr getstate
The failover should be set to Filter and the active should be PassThru
The nfpktfltr has a lot of good options to play with including forcing a set for filter or passthru in emergencies
Checking Ghost or Unknown Interfaces
Checking Nodes Not in Groups
not Caption in(
FROM ContainerMemberSnapshots
where EntityDisplayName ='Node'
Checking Total Number of Elements for Custom Value
whereCustom= 'somethinghere'
Getting IP list for Weekly Sonar Discovery by polling engine
ObjectSubType ='SNMP'
andEngineID =_Engine ID Here_
To get a list of your current engines with their ID number just simply run
selectEngineID,ServerName,IP fromEngines
Cleaning up bad hardware alerts manually
DELETEFROMAPM_HardwareCategoryStatus WHERE NodeID =@NodeID
Alerting Variables for Statistical Data
innerjoinAPM_DynamicEvidence_DetailData d on c.ID =d.ColumnSchemaID andc.ComponentID = ${ComponentID}
wherec.ThresholdWarning < d.NumericData groupby c.ID,c.Name} isinWARNING at
${SQL:selectMAX(d.NumericData)from APM_DynamicEvidenceColumnSchema c
innerjoinAPM_DynamicEvidence_DetailData d onc.ID =d.ColumnSchemaID andc.ComponentID = ${ComponentID}
where c.ThresholdWarning <d.NumericData groupbyc.ID,c.Name }
Alerting URL on HTTP Components that is being pulled
This can be used to get any of the values simply changing the [Key] condition to whatever your looking for. Also make sure you set your component type in your trigger condition to 6 to avoid non-http applications sending this alert off.
${SQL:selectValue fromAPM_ComponentSetting
where [Key] ='Url'and ComponentID ='${ComponentID}'}
*****NEW****** Nice Heads up Display Board
The below strictly work under the condition that you have your alerts writing to NetPerfMon and you DO NOT SET the title of the alert action for Write to NetPerfMon and let solarwinds default it to the message you typed in when you save it with a blank title.
Given all the new upgrades and movements of tables and db schema changes recently with NPM and the introduction of SRM I've come up with new Critical and Action item scripts.
I've also moved them to a Stored Procedure as well instead of a view or report this is much faster, more accurate and easily executed.
To add these to a view or resource in your web console you just need set the resource as an Advanced Database Query select SQL for the Query Type and put in the execute for the stored procedure as the screen shot below
This is the script for Critical Items (This also gives a status of how long its been critical)
CREATEprocedure [dbo].[sp_GetDownItems]
declare @i int;
declare @numrows int;
declare @curNode int;
declare @curAlert nvarchar(255);
declare @object nvarchar(max);
declare @entity varchar(255);
declare @objectId nvarchar(255);
declare @srmtable varchar(255);
declare @srmCol nvarchar(255);
declare @colParam nvarchar(500);
declare @colquery nvarchar(max);
declare @tblParam nvarchar(500);
declare @tblQuery nvarchar(max);
declare @customerdowns table (
vimg nvarchar(255)null,
simg nvarchar(255)null,
NodeName nvarchar(255)null,
Issue nvarchar(max)null,
IP_Address nvarchar(255)null,
TotalDownTime nvarchar(255)null,
AlertTime datetimenull
declare @tempTable table (
id intPrimaryKeyidentity(1,1),
alertId bigint,
nodeid bigint,
entity nvarchar(255),
objectid nvarchar(255)
insert @tempTable select aa.AlertActiveID,ao.RelatedNodeId,ao.EntityType,ao.EntityNetObjectId from AlertActive as aa innerjoin AlertObjects as ao on aa.AlertObjectID = ao.AlertObjectID where aa.Acknowledged ISNULL
set @numrows =(selectCOUNT(*)from @tempTable)
set @i = 1
if @numrows > 0
while(@i <= @numrows)
set @curNode =(select nodeid from @tempTable where id = @i)
set @curAlert =(select alertId from @tempTable where id = @i)
if (@curNode ISNOTNULL)
insert @customerdowns
select'<img src=/NetPerfMon/images/Vendors/'+ VendorIcon +'/>'as vimg
,'<img src=/NetPerfMon/images/small-'+ GroupStatus +'/>'as simg
,'<a href=/Orion/NetPerfMon/NodeDetails.aspx?NetObject=N%3a'+cast(n.NodeID asvarchar(255))+'>'+ n.Caption +'</a>'as NodeName
,SUBSTRING(ahv.Message,charindex(':', ahv.Message)+2,LEN(ahv.Message))as Issue
convert(varchar(10),(DATEDIFF(d,0,GETDATE()-DateAdd(HH,-4,asv.TriggeredDateTime))))+' Days '+
convert(varchar(10),(DATEDIFF(HH,0,GETDATE()-DateAdd(HH,-4,asv.TriggeredDateTime))% 24 ))+' Hours '+
convert(varchar(10),(DATEDIFF(mi,0,GETDATE()-DateAdd(HH,-4,asv.TriggeredDateTime))% 60))+' Mins 'as'Total_Down_Time'
from AlertActive as asv WITH(NOLOCK)
innerjoin(selectMAX(CAST(AlertRefID asvarchar(255)))AlertRefID,MAX(ObjectType)ObjectType,MAX(AlertHistoryID)AlertHistoryID,MAX(RelatedNodeId)RelatedNodeId,MAX(ActionTypeID)ActionTypeID,MAX(EventTypeWord)EventTypeWord,MAX(Message)Message,MAX(EntityCaption)EntityCaption,AlertActiveID from AlertHistoryView where ActionTypeID ='WriteToNPMEventLog'
and EventTypeWord ='ActionSucceeded'Groupby AlertActiveID)as ahv on (asv.AlertActiveID = ahv.AlertActiveID)
innerjoin Nodes as n WITH(NOLOCK)on n.NodeID = ahv.RelatedNodeId
Leftouterjoin APM_HardwareInfo as hw WITH(NOLOCK)on hw.NodeID = n.NodeID
WHERE asv.AlertActiveID = @curAlert
AND (n.Status= 2 AND ahv.MessageLIKE'%down%'))
if (@curNode ISNULL)
declare @newCol nvarchar(255)
createtable #tmp (
colName nvarchar(255)null
set @object =(select objectid from @tempTable where id = @i);
set @entity =(select entity from @tempTable where id = @i);
set @objectId =SUBSTRING(@object,CHARINDEX(':',@object)+1,len(@object));
set @srmtable ='SRM_'+REVERSE(SUBSTRING(REVERSE(@entity),0,CHARINDEX('.',REVERSE(@entity))));
select @colquery =N'select COLUMN_NAME from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS where TABLE_NAME = '''+ @srmtable +''' and ORDINAL_POSITION = 1';
SET @colParam =N'@retvalOUT nvarchar(255) OUTPUT';
insertinto #tmp (colName)execsp_executesql @colquery, @colParam, @retvalOUT=@srmCol OUTPUT;
set @newCol =(select colName from #tmp);
select @tblQuery =N'select n.Vendor as vimg
,''<img src=/Orion/StatusIcon.ashx?entity=Orion.SRM.StorageArrays&status='' + cast(n.Status as varchar(255)) + ''&size=small />'' as simg
,''<a href=/Orion/SRM/ArrayDetailsView.aspx?NetObject=SMSA%3a'' + cast(n.StorageArrayID as varchar(255)) + ''>'' + n.UserCaption + ''</a>'' as NodeName
,SUBSTRING(ahv.Message,charindex('':'', ahv.Message)+2,LEN(ahv.Message)) as Issue
convert(varchar(10), (DATEDIFF(d,0,GETDATE() - DateAdd(HH,-4,asv.TriggeredDateTime)))) + '' Days '' +
convert(varchar(10), (DATEDIFF(HH,0,GETDATE() - DateAdd(HH,-4,asv.TriggeredDateTime)) % 24 )) + '' Hours ''+
convert(varchar(10), (DATEDIFF(mi,0,GETDATE()- DateAdd(HH,-4,asv.TriggeredDateTime)) % 60)) + '' Mins '' as ''Total_Down_Time''
from AlertActive as asv WITH(NOLOCK)
inner join (select MAX(CAST(AlertRefID as varchar(255)))AlertRefID,MAX(ObjectType)ObjectType,MAX(AlertHistoryID)AlertHistoryID,MAX(RelatedNodeId)RelatedNodeId,MAX(ActionTypeID)ActionTypeID,MAX(EventTypeWord)EventTypeWord,MAX(Message)Message,MAX(EntityCaption)EntityCaption,AlertActiveID from AlertHistoryView where ActionTypeID = ''WriteToNPMEventLog''
and EventTypeWord = ''ActionSucceeded'' Group by AlertActiveID) as ahv on (asv.AlertActiveID = ahv.AlertActiveID)
inner join '+ @srmtable +' srmt on srmt.'+ @newCol +' = '''+ @objectId +'''
inner join SRM_StorageArrays n on n.StorageArrayID = srmt.StorageArrayID
inner join SRM_StorageArrayCustomProperties srmsac on srmsac.StorageArrayID = n.StorageArrayID
WHERE asv.AlertActiveID = '+ @curAlert +'
AND ((ahv.AlertRefID = ''69157a99-c259-4353-87f6-8a44b7f08cc9'')
OR (n.Status = 2 AND ahv.Message LIKE ''%down%''))';
set @tblParam =N'@retvalOUT nvarchar(255) OUTPUT';
insertinto @customerdowns execsp_executesql @tblQuery, @tblParam, @retvalOUT=@srmCol OUTPUT;
droptable #tmp;
set @i = @i + 1
select*from @customerdowns orderby AlertTime desc
This is the script for Action Items
CREATEprocedure [dbo].[sp_GetActionItems]
declare @i int;
declare @numrows int;
declare @curNode int;
declare @curAlert nvarchar(255);
declare @object nvarchar(max);
declare @entity varchar(255);
declare @objectId nvarchar(255);
declare @srmtable varchar(255);
declare @srmCol nvarchar(255);
declare @colParam nvarchar(500);
declare @colquery nvarchar(max);
declare @tblParam nvarchar(500);
declare @tblQuery nvarchar(max);
declare @internalaction table (
vimg nvarchar(255)null,
simg nvarchar(255)null,
NodeName nvarchar(255)null,
Issue nvarchar(max)null,
IP_Address nvarchar(255)null,
AlertTime datetimenull
declare @tempTable table (
id intPrimaryKeyidentity(1,1),
alertId bigint,
nodeid bigint,
entity nvarchar(255),
objectid nvarchar(255),
fixedId bigint
insert @tempTable select aa.AlertActiveID,ao.RelatedNodeId,ao.EntityType,ao.EntityNetObjectId,REVERSE(SUBSTRING(REVERSE(ao.RealEntityUri),0,CHARINDEX('=',REVERSE(ao.RealEntityUri))))as FixID from AlertActive as aa innerjoin AlertObjects as ao on aa.AlertObjectID = ao.AlertObjectID where aa.Acknowledged ISNULL
set @numrows =(selectCOUNT(*)from @tempTable)
set @i = 1
if @numrows > 0
while(@i <= @numrows)
set @curNode =(select nodeid from @tempTable where id = @i)
set @curAlert =(select alertId from @tempTable where id = @i)
if (@curNode ISNOTNULL)
insert @internalaction
select'<img src=/NetPerfMon/images/Vendors/'+ VendorIcon +'/>'as vimg
,'<img src=/NetPerfMon/images/small-'+ GroupStatus +'/>'as simg
,'<a href=/Orion/NetPerfMon/NodeDetails.aspx?NetObject=N%3a'+cast(n.NodeID asvarchar(255))+'>'+ n.Caption +'</a>'as NodeName
,SUBSTRING(ahv.Message,charindex(':', ahv.Message)+2,LEN(ahv.Message))as Issue
,DATEADD(HH,-4,TriggeredDateTime)as AlertTime
from AlertActive as asv WITH(NOLOCK)
innerjoin(selectMAX(CAST(AlertRefID asvarchar(255)))AlertRefID,MAX(ObjectType)ObjectType,MAX(AlertHistoryID)AlertHistoryID,MAX(RelatedNodeId)RelatedNodeId,MAX(ActionTypeID)ActionTypeID,MAX(EventTypeWord)EventTypeWord,MAX(Message)Message,MAX(EntityCaption)EntityCaption,AlertActiveID from AlertHistoryView where ActionTypeID ='WriteToNPMEventLog'
and EventTypeWord ='ActionSucceeded'Groupby AlertActiveID)as ahv on (asv.AlertActiveID = ahv.AlertActiveID)
innerjoin Nodes as n WITH(NOLOCK)on n.NodeID = ahv.RelatedNodeId
Leftouterjoin APM_HardwareInfo as hw WITH(NOLOCK)on hw.NodeID = n.NodeID
WHERE asv.AlertActiveID = @curAlert
AND n.StatusNOTIN(2,9)
if (@curNode ISNULL)
declare @newCol nvarchar(255)
createtable #tmp (
colName nvarchar(255)null
set @object =(select objectid from @tempTable where id = @i);
set @entity =(select entity from @tempTable where id = @i);
set @objectId =SUBSTRING(@object,CHARINDEX(':',@object)+1,len(@object));
if (LEN(@objectId)<= 0)
set @objectId =(select fixedId from @tempTable where id = @i);
set @srmtable ='SRM_'+REVERSE(SUBSTRING(REVERSE(@entity),0,CHARINDEX('.',REVERSE(@entity))));
select @colquery =N'select COLUMN_NAME from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS where TABLE_NAME = '''+ @srmtable +''' and ORDINAL_POSITION = 1';
SET @colParam =N'@retvalOUT nvarchar(255) OUTPUT';
insertinto #tmp (colName)execsp_executesql @colquery, @colParam, @retvalOUT=@srmCol OUTPUT;
set @newCol =(select colName from #tmp);
select @tblQuery =N'select n.Vendor as vimg
,''<img src=/Orion/StatusIcon.ashx?entity=Orion.SRM.StorageArrays&status='' + cast(n.Status as varchar(255)) + ''&size=small />'' as simg
,''<a href=/Orion/SRM/ArrayDetailsView.aspx?NetObject=SMSA%3a'' + cast(n.StorageArrayID as varchar(255)) + ''>'' + n.UserCaption + ''</a>'' as NodeName
,SUBSTRING(ahv.Message,charindex('':'', ahv.Message)+2,LEN(ahv.Message)) as Issue
,DATEADD(HH,-4,TriggeredDateTime) as AlertTime
from AlertActive as asv WITH(NOLOCK)
inner join (select MAX(CAST(AlertRefID as varchar(255)))AlertRefID,MAX(ObjectType)ObjectType,MAX(AlertHistoryID)AlertHistoryID,MAX(RelatedNodeId)RelatedNodeId,MAX(ActionTypeID)ActionTypeID,MAX(EventTypeWord)EventTypeWord,MAX(Message)Message,MAX(EntityCaption)EntityCaption,AlertActiveID from AlertHistoryView where ActionTypeID = ''WriteToNPMEventLog''
and EventTypeWord = ''ActionSucceeded'' Group by AlertActiveID) as ahv on (asv.AlertActiveID = ahv.AlertActiveID)
inner join '+ @srmtable +' srmt on srmt.'+ @newCol +' = '''+ @objectId +'''
inner join SRM_StorageArrays n on n.StorageArrayID = srmt.StorageArrayID
inner join SRM_StorageArrayCustomProperties srmsac on srmsac.StorageArrayID = n.StorageArrayID
WHERE asv.AlertActiveID = '''+ @curAlert +'''
AND n.Status NOT IN (2,9)';
set @tblParam =N'@retvalOUT nvarchar(255) OUTPUT';
insertinto @internalaction execsp_executesql @tblQuery, @tblParam, @retvalOUT=@srmCol OUTPUT;
droptable #tmp;
set @i = @i + 1
select*from @internalaction orderby AlertTime desc
Good View to display all assets on monitoring including whats in SRM
This we use for our integration to our CRM System, this is can have many applications though. You might not need all the casting we did this for the CRM sync side.
First this view relays on a quick function we created to translate the real bytes to mb to read it better i couldn't find a built in function in solarwinds to do it so here is that function first.
createfunction [dbo].[convertBtoMb] (@BSize asbigint)
declare @MBSize bigint
set @MBSize = @BSize/1024/1024
return @MBSize
Now this is our view that uses the above function to translate the real bytes as well.
CREATEview [dbo].[SWAssetSyncView] as (
cast(CRM_Account asnvarchar(20))as AccountNumber,
cast('NPM'asnvarchar(3))as SourceType,
n.NodeID as MachineID,
cast(n.AssetType asvarchar(11))as AssetType,
cast(SUBSTRING(Caption,CHARINDEX('-',Caption)+1,LEN(Caption))asnvarchar(80))as ComputerName,
cast(CASEWHEN si.HardwareSerialNumber ISNOTNULLTHEN si.HardwareSerialNumber ELSE hi.ServiceTag ENDasnvarchar(201))as SystemSerialNumber,
cast(LEFT(ni.MACAddress,2)+'-'+SUBSTRING(ni.MACAddress,3,2)+'-'+SUBSTRING(ni.MACAddress,5,2)+'-'+SUBSTRING(ni.MACAddress,7,2)+'-'+SUBSTRING(ni.MACAddress,9,2)+'-'+SUBSTRING(ni.MACAddress,11,2)asnvarchar(40))as MACAddress,
cast(SysNameasnvarchar(255))as dnsComputerName,
cast(si.Domain asnvarchar(64))as Domain,
cast(IP_Address asnvarchar(20))as IpAddress,
cast(PublicIP asnvarchar(20))as PublicIP,
cast(ni.Gateway asnvarchar(20))as DefaultGateway,
cast(CASEWHEN si.Manufacturer ISNOTNULLTHEN si.Manufacturer ELSECASEWHEN hi.Manufacturer ISNOTNULLTHEN hi.Manufacturer ELSE n.Vendor ENDENDasnvarchar(256))as Manufacturer,
cast(CASEWHEN si.Model ISNOTNULLTHEN si.Model ELSE hi.Model ENDasnvarchar(256))as ProductName,
dbo.convertBtoMb(si.TotalMemoryB)as MemorySize,
cast(si.MemorySlotsCount asvarchar(100))as MemorySlots,
cast(p.Processor asnvarchar(max))as Processor,
cast(p.ProcessorType asnvarchar(max))as ProcessorType,
cast(p.ProcessorVersion asnvarchar(max))as ProcessorVersion,
cast(p.ProcessorSpeed asvarchar(24))as ProcessorSpeed,
cast(n.Vendor asnvarchar(64))as OSType,
cast(CASEWHEN si.OperatingSystem ISNOTNULLTHEN si.OperatingSystem ELSE n.IOSImage ENDasnvarchar(150))as OSInfo,
cast(CASEWHEN si.OSVersion ISNOTNULLTHEN si.OSVersion ELSE n.IOSVersion ENDasnvarchar(132))as ServicePack,
n.LastSync as LastCheckIn,
cast(si.LastLoggedInUser asnvarchar(100))as LastLoginName,
dbo.convertBtoMb(h.TotalSize)as TotalSize,
h.HardDriveCount as NumberOfDrives,
cast(si.Manufacturer asnvarchar(200))as WarrantyProvider,
si.WarrantyDate as WarrantyEndDate
from Nodes n
leftjoin AssetInventory_ServerInformationView si WITH(NOLOCK)on n.NodeID = si.NodeID
leftjoin APM_HardwareInfo hi on hi.NodeID = n.NodeID
leftjoin(select Gateway,UPPER(REPLACE(MACAddress,':',''))as MACAddress,IPAddress from AssetInventory_NetworkInterface WITH(NOLOCK)) ni on ni.IPAddress = n.IP_Address
selectMAX(NodeID)as NodeID,MAX(Caption)as Processor,MAX(Model)as ProcessorType,MAX(Stepping)as ProcessorVersion,CAST(MAX(CAST(SpeedMhz asvarchar))+' MHz'asvarchar)as ProcessorSpeed from AssetInventory_ProcessorView WITH(NOLOCK)groupby NodeID
) p on n.NodeID = p.NodeID
selectMAX(NodeID)as NodeID,Count(NodeID)as HardDriveCount,SUM(CapacityB)as TotalSize from AssetInventory_HardDrive WITH(NOLOCK)GROUPBY NodeID
) h on h.NodeID = n.NodeID
where ObjectSubType <>'ICMP'
ANDStatus<> 11
cast(CRM_Account asnvarchar(20))as AccountNumber,
cast('SRM'asnvarchar(3))as SourceType,
srmn.StorageArrayID as MachineID,
cast(srmc.AssetType asvarchar(11))as AssetType,
cast(SUBSTRING(UserCaption,CHARINDEX('-',UserCaption)+1,LEN(UserCaption))asnvarchar(80))as ComputerName,
cast(SerialNumber asnvarchar(201))as SystemSerialNumber,
cast(NULLasnvarchar(40))AS MACAddress,
cast(Name asnvarchar(64))as dnsComputerName,
cast(NULLasnvarchar(64))AS Domain,
cast(IPAddresses asnvarchar(20))as IpAddress,
cast(NULLasnvarchar(20))as PublicIP,
cast(NULLasnvarchar(20))as Gateway,
cast(Manufacturer asnvarchar(256))as Manufacturer,
cast(Model asnvarchar(256))as ProductName,
cast(NULLasbigint)as MemorySize,
cast(NULLasvarchar(100))as MemorySlots,
cast(NULLasnvarchar(max))AS Processor,
cast(NULLasnvarchar(max))AS ProcessorType,
cast(NULLasnvarchar(max))AS ProcessorVersion,
cast(NULLasvarchar(24))AS ProcessorSpeed,
cast(Vendor asnvarchar(64))AS OSType,
cast(Firmware asnvarchar(150))as OSInfo,
cast(NULLasnvarchar(132))AS ServicePack,
LastSync as LastCheckIn,
cast(NULLasnvarchar(100))AS LastLoginName,
dbo.convertBtoMB(CapacityRawTotal) as TotalSize,
Disks as NumberOfDrives,
cast(NULLasnvarchar(200))as WarrantyProvider,
cast(NULLasdatetime)as WarrantyEndDate
from SRM_StorageArrays srmn
innerjoin SRM_StorageArrayCustomProperties srmc on srmn.StorageArrayID = srmc.StorageArrayID
That's all I can muster at the moment while trying to get some work done but I will try to update this as often as possible.