We would like to improve user experience and for such reason I'd like to better understand if our users prefers INITIALLY to add nodes manually or run product network discovery in order to import devices to NPM
When you installed NPM, did you add Nodes manually or did you run discovery?
Unmanaged Devices (Availability Report shows 0%)
Hi All,
I have some devices which have been down for a couple of months due to ongoing building renovations. I unmanaged them last month in order for the availability report to show 100% up. As I check the report for the last month its show 0% availability for these devices.
My understanding is that the availability for unmanaged devices is calculated as 100% while they are unmanaged.
Please help me understand, what could have caused the availability report to be 0%. One thing that I can guess is, I unmanaged these devices at a time when they were already down.
Thanks and Regards
Main Ahmad
Adding link to a hostname in a result of an UnDP, in custom table?
I currently have a custom table that returns different values polled via SNMP. Basically, I'm asking an application who host it. Values returned are the same as caption of another monitored node. (Think of it as if you were asking a VM who's the active and standby host).
Polled Node it the node where the UnDP result is coming from, and Active_Host & Standby_host are text values returned from polls.
I would like to enable link to the page of the active_host and standby_host.
My data source is defined this way:
SELECT N.NodeID, '<img src="'+'/Orion/Images/StatusIcons/'+N.StatusLED+'" width="16" height="16">' as Status, '/Orion/NetPerfMon/NodeDetails.aspx?NetObject=N:'+CAST(N.NodeID as varchar(256)) as 'DetailsURL' , N.Caption as 'Polled Node', N.System, N.SysName, Active_Host = ( SELECT TOP 1 CPSD.Status FROM CustomPollerAssignment CPA INNER JOIN CustomPollers CP ON CPA.CustomPollerID = CP.CustomPollerID AND CP.UniqueName = 'eadsP25ActiveHostName' INNER JOIN CustomPollerStatistics_Detail CPSD ON CPA.CustomPollerAssignmentID = CPSD.CustomPollerAssignmentID WHERE CPA.NodeID = N.NodeID ORDER BY CPSD.DATETIME DESC ), Standby_Host = ( SELECT TOP 1 CPSD.Status FROM CustomPollerAssignment CPA INNER JOIN CustomPollers CP ON CPA.CustomPollerID = CP.CustomPollerID AND CP.UniqueName = 'eadsP25StandByHostName' INNER JOIN CustomPollerStatistics_Detail CPSD ON CPA.CustomPollerAssignmentID = CPSD.CustomPollerAssignmentID WHERE CPA.NodeID = N.NodeID ORDER BY CPSD.DATETIME DESC ) FROM Nodes N WHERE NodeID IN ( SELECT NodeID FROM CustomPollerAssignment CPA INNER JOIN CustomPollers CP ON CPA.CustomPollerID = CP.CustomPollerID AND CP.UniqueName IN ( 'eadsP25ActiveHostName', 'eadsP25StandByHostName') AND N.System = 'XXXXX' ) ORDER BY N.Caption ASC
How could I approach the issue and provide the links (and ideally the tooltips) in the active_host & standby_host column?
Device Add/Registration TimeStamp ?
I am trying to determine when a device was added into the SolarWinds DB. I have looked through the following tables without luck
Any help will result in a correct answer and or a potential like. Have a great weekend my fellow SolarWinds compadres!
Upgrade to NPM 12 from 11.5 - Caveats
Guys, we are about to start monitoring a lot more data in our NPM instance. As such, it think it might better to upgrade from 11.5 to 12 before we start adding in tonnes of customized scripts etc. Just wondering how the community have upgrade their instances?
- Have you done in place upgrades or build outs?
- Any gotchas to be aware of that aren't documented?
- Anything that plain doesn't work?
Just looking to see if it's worth doing the upgrade now which I am leaning to.
Availability report, not adding up
I created a custom availability report that was just a modified version of the current "Group Availability (with members) - This Year" report. The only thing I changed was that I dropped the up/down status and added Group_Member_Availability. However, one discrepancy that I am seeing is that in some areas the group availability will show up as 99%, however the group members are all at 100%. How can the entire group have a lower availability then the average of all the members in that group?
NPM & NTA Vs Network Bandwidth Analyzer Pack
I am wondering what is the difference between buying NPM then buy NTA and bying "Network Bandwidth Analyzer Pack" which is NPM+NTA ? is there any benefit ?
Which Help Desk / Service Desk are you using?
Documentation of Solarwinds Services
I've been looking around on the Success Center for a document which explains which Orion services do what, ie the Orion Module Engine, the Solarwinds Information Service V3, etc. I'm also interested in finding out how the different services interact with one another. A good example of what I am looking for would be how the individual services work together to send an email for an alert.
I can't really say that I found much.
I did find this Thwack post earlier (https://thwack.solarwinds.com/docs/DOC-170557#start=25 ), and it was a good place to start, but I didn't get much further. I'll be grateful for any other resources that I can be pointed toward.
NPM 12.0.1 SSH Client settings
Are there any sort of settings to configure in the embedded SSH client built into NPM 12.0.1? I don't see any in the web interface
Perhaps an ".ini" file with options?
NetPath agent management issues
Hi guys,
Can anybody help out here?
We have recently migrated our solarwinds server to a new server and new database and upgraded to the latest version. So this is what we did:
1. OlderServer moved to NewServer (which has different name and IP address temporarily)
2. OldServer was shutdown and NewServer's name was changed to the OldServer's name and IP address
3. All worked fine and polling continued as normal. (licensing was also migrated successfully)
The problem is, NetPath just doesn't work and never has. Under 'manage agents' the agent says the NewServer's temporary name (that was changed) and can't connect. I tried deleting it but it won't delete. I tried adding another agent and it throws up website errors. I tried installing the agent software manually and this is the type of error I keep seeing:
Error getting agent installer for download. There was no response from the Agent Management Control Service located at "SOLARWINDSSERVER:17777".
I've run the configuration wizard numerous times. I've tried re-installing NetPath alone. I'm getting no where. I've raised a call with the Solarwinds guys and they've told me to run some queries on the database to remove the incorrect name, but this hasn't worked. It looks like I need to re-install the agent management service or something like that but i'm not sure what it is I need to re-install. I've also found the table in the DB references the wrong name and removed it. Still nothing. Maybe I just need to do a complete re-install of solarwinds???
Any help or advice, would be great. Thanks.
The Ultimate CPU Alert for Large Environments
If you've been playing along at home you will have likely implemented adatole's and the slightly modified version (by yours truly!) for Linux While I don't have a problem with either alert for small and medium sized environments when you start scaling to large environments things can get a little hairy.
What is large? We have nearly 11,000 nodes and almost 145 million entries in the CPUMultiLoad view. (You can find out how many rows you have by running SELECT COUNT(NodeID) FROM CPUMultiLoad WITH (NOLOCK) against your DB) While examining our database via Database Performance Analyzer (you have DPA, don't you!?) we noticed that the Alert Status query associated with our CPU alerts kept showing up as a source of blocking. Blocking queries generate wait time for other queries while the consume resources to complete. In this case the blocking appeared to be caused by a query that was taking a long time to execute. I put on my SQL query detective's hat and went to work.
The core of the Server and Application Monitor component. The top of the query looks like this:
is a pair of INNER JOINS to get the number of CPUs for each node so that it can be compared to the Win_Processor_Queue_Len value that is captured by the
SELECT DISTINCT Nodes.NodeID AS NetObjectID, Nodes.Caption AS Name
FROM Nodes
INNER JOIN APM_AlertsAndReportsData ON (Nodes.NodeID = APM_AlertsAndReportsData.NodeId)
(SELECT c1.NodeID, COUNT(c1.CPUIndex) as CPUCount
( SELECT DISTINCT CPUMultiLoad.NodeID, CPUMultiLoad.CPUIndex FROM CPUMultiLoad ) c1
) c2
ON Nodes.NodeID = c2.NodeID
That innermost SELECT statement is where we run through the entire CPUMultiLoad table so that we can then select the NodeID and count of the CPUIndex. Given that this view (as CPUMultiLoad is a view, not a table) has 144 million rows in our DB (and since you don't really change the number of CPUs on a server all that often) there might be a better way to perform this query. Here's what we did:
INNER JOIN APM_AlertsAndReportsData
ON (Nodes.NodeID = APM_AlertsAndReportsData.NodeId)
) c1
ON Nodes.NodeID = c1.NodeID
Instead of grabbing the data from CPUMultiLoad and then selecting it again we removed an INNER JOIN and selected the NodeID and MAX(CPUMultiLoad.CPUIndex) instead. Of course, CPUIndex values start with zero and, since we want a count for comparison against the number of processes running against those CPUs, we added 1 and called it CPUCount. In order to trim the number of rows returned from this SELECT statement (remembering that we have to INNER JOIN the select results (we called it c1) with the Nodes table) we added a WHERE DATEDIFF clause. We take the time stamp in the CPUMultiLoad table and compare the difference, in hours, against the current date and then return only those rows where the hours are less or equal to 4. Why 4? Our Orion environment is set to Eastern time and UTC is 4 hours difference from Eastern time. (I might do 6 hours -- just to be safe for daylight savings time, etc. -- but you get the idea!)
When we ran the two queries back-to-back we found that the updated query returned results 250% faster! I'm not a SQL whiz by any stretch, but I definitely think this is a great step in the right direction.
How would you improve the query?
For the record, this is the entire query for the
Nodes.Caption AS Name
FROM Nodes
INNER JOIN APM_AlertsAndReportsData
ON (Nodes.NodeID = APM_AlertsAndReportsData.NodeId)
MAX(CPUMultiLoad.CPUIndex)+1 AS CPUCount
) c1
ON Nodes.NodeID = c1.NodeID
WHERE Nodes.n_mute <> 1
AND Nodes.Prod_State = 'PROD'
AND APM_AlertsAndReportsData.ComponentName = 'Win_Processor_Queue_Len'
AND APM_AlertsAndReportsData.StatisticData <= c1.CPUCount
AND ( (nodes.CPU_Crit is null
AND nodes.CPULoad < 90)
OR (nodes.CPU_Crit is not null
AND nodes.CPULoad < nodes.CPU_Crit) )
Wireless AP no longer detected after 12.0.1 upgrade from 12.0
We have Avaya Wireless APs, which are OEM Xirrus units. SInce the 12.0 upgrade we were receiving AP-type stats on each of the endpoint's home pages. However, since the upgrade to NPM 12.0.1 these seem to have disappeared.
Also a possibility a recent software upgrade from 7.5.4 to 8.1 on the APs may have caused this.
SNMP requests for Serial Numbers of Cisco Devices
I am trying to find out how it is possible to display values for a Cisco Host from a specfic table.
The Table is from Cisco ENTITY-MIB
entPhysicalEntry (OID:
In the end I would like to have a table of the Serial Number associated with this device/host, e.g.
entPhysicalDesc (OID:
entPhysicalName (OID:
entPhysicalModelName (OID:
enyPhysicalSerialNum (OID:
And if possible I would like to filter the results displaying only entries where the serial number is defined.
Any help would be mush appreciated.
Cisco ASR 1002-X, 1002-HX Node Details
What We're Working on for NPM (Updated October 25th, 2016)
Since the release on NPM 12.0 we've been hard at working building the next round of exciting functionality and improvements in existing functionality. I'm pleased to share the following list of items we're working on:
- Improved Meraki Wireless Support - Full support for Meraki wireless access points
- Silence Alerts - Silence Alerts While Still Monitoring
- Network Insight for Cisco ASA - Covering things like VPN tunnel monitoring, ACL visibility, and improved platform health (H/A status, hardware health).
- Faster and web based simplified product upgrades and installation of hot fixes
- Integrated Disaster Recovery Engine
- Windows Authentication for SQL DB - Orion can optionally use AD user credentials to authenticate to the SQL database instead of SQL local credentials.
- Performance Analyzer - Pull metrics, statuses, events and other data sets into a single view with a shared timeline for correlation and faster troubleshooting.
- Import nodes from file with custom properties
Netpath not showing redundant LAN links
Between the probe and the destination is about 4 or 5 hops. Some hops, with redundant links, aren't showing redundant paths - netpath is showing a straight hop to hop topology, like a straight line.
Specifically, the flow is crossing a router, that has four uplinks - 2 each to 2 parallel L3 switches, which also have 2 links each to the destination.
So, it should look like line to a baseball diamond. I'm using Cisco EIGRP, with ECMP routing. All the hops are monitored solarwinds nodes.
here's the routing table I'm worried about - as you can tell, the routing table has four hops, with equal metrics:
RMER1#sh ip route
Routing entry for
Known via "eigrp 250", distance 170, metric 51210880, type external
Redistributing via eigrp 250
Last update from on GigabitEthernet0/0/4, 1w0d ago
Routing Descriptor Blocks:, from, 1w0d ago, via GigabitEthernet0/0/4
Route metric is 51210880, traffic share count is 1
Total delay is 100011 microseconds, minimum bandwidth is 1000000 Kbit
Reliability 255/255, minimum MTU 1500 bytes
Loading 1/255, Hops 2, from, 1w0d ago, via GigabitEthernet0/0/2
Route metric is 51210880, traffic share count is 1
Total delay is 100011 microseconds, minimum bandwidth is 1000000 Kbit
Reliability 255/255, minimum MTU 1500 bytes
Loading 1/255, Hops 2
*, from, 1w0d ago, via GigabitEthernet0/0/3
Route metric is 51210880, traffic share count is 1
Total delay is 100011 microseconds, minimum bandwidth is 1000000 Kbit
Reliability 255/255, minimum MTU 1500 bytes
Loading 1/255, Hops 2, from, 1w0d ago, via GigabitEthernet0/0/1
Route metric is 51210880, traffic share count is 1
Total delay is 100011 microseconds, minimum bandwidth is 1000000 Kbit
Reliability 255/255, minimum MTU 1500 bytes
Loading 1/255, Hops 2
WPM Transaction
I would appreciate if you can tell me if there is a option to create an alert in WPM Transaction Availability. Want to trigger an alert event after two consecutive failures polls of 5 minutes?
why does Min/Max/Average bps In/Out chart show 90th Percentile when 95th was picked.
I have searched and did not see a discussion on this so I hope I'm not being repetitive here. We have a custom chart of Min/Max/average bps In/out and have the show the 95th percentile line checked, but on the chart it is showing the 90th percentile. Any ideas?
11.5 and iframes
Prior to 11.5 I was able to embed selected orion views on other webpages using iframes with a simple html as below. After upgrading to 11.5 I'm getting "This content cannot be displayed in a frame". Any knows how to get this going again.
<iframe src="" width="1300" height="1200">