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Unexpected Website Error Exception of type 'SolarWinds.ApiProxyFactory.ApiProxyException' was thrown.




I am running NPM 12.0.1. I'm not sure what has changed or may have caused this issue but I am unable to add nodes for NPM to monitor. Every time I try to add a node I get to the point where I choose the resources I want to monitor and then I select next and get the following error.

Unexpected Website Error

Exception of type 'SolarWinds.ApiProxyFactory.ApiProxyException' was thrown.





I have a case open for it but no resolution as of yet. Has anyone else ran into this issue?



Thanks in advance,



Custom Netflow Monitoring


I am very new to SolarWinds, but have been given the task of creating dashboards for for individuals based on the needs, wants, etc of their specific jobs.  I am trying to find a resource that allows Netflow monitoring based on a specific criteria that I give the resource, without having to go to the Netflow page, then filter through there.  I have found the resources that are already in SolarWinds, but I don't see the ability to edit them for the needs that I am having.  Is the best option here to create a custom resource, or is there a way to edit these current resources to fit the needs that I have?  Thanks in advance for the help!

Any way to have NPM (or Windows) mark DSCP values on its ping packets?




        Our Cisco WAN has a pretty complex QOS configuration that marks all traffic with one of several DSCP values with a guaranteed bandwidth per class.  The pings initiated by NPM for device up/down end up in a low priority class that we know has drops occasionally.  As a results I get false positives on devices being down.   I've used Windows group policy in the past to mark UDP or TCP traffic (using it for SNMP with NPM right now).  But it doesn't touch ICMP packets.  Anyone know of a way within Windows or NPM itself to self-mark DSCP values of other than 0 on ICMP?





Why are Web-based PDF reports set to A4 size, & why HTML reports become MHT files?


I hope I'm wrong but it looks to me when I schedule Web-based reports to be sent out via email as PDF attachments, the PDF paper size is hard coded to A4 size (8.26 x 11.69 inches).  I've found no settings to change this.  I know about the report width settings in pixels, but that does not help when someone want to print out the resulting PDF file on Letter-sized paper! 


I've even found comments in your ExportToPdf.js file that says "A4":

        //Check is page is less than Winnovative A4 portrait vitrual device width (793x1122)

        if (width < 1325) {

            width = 1325;  //Use minimum width


And those PDFs still break data table across pages.


Now I wouldn't be bothered with PDF reports if your HTML report format works.  When does it send out MHT file attachments when I select the HTML option?  You are aware you can put HTMLs inside an email message right?  Oh you must know, because all the "THWACK Weekly Digest" email comes to my Inbox with logos and graphics and nice fonts etc.  Why can't you make the scheduled report email looks like that with proper HTML email?


We've been using SolarWinds for 5+ years and you seem to have made no improvement in this regard all this time.  Please tell me I'm wrong and show me how to fix these!

Add Internal Website for Monitoring


How can i add internal website for the monitoring. I want to have it send alert if the website is down or not reachable, response time etc.,


Our website is running of some server with IIS and is getting load balanced through F5.

Swis v3 Unstable.




So I'm having an issue with our environment that I can't seem to locate the underlying source of. Previous to installing version 12 we used version 11.5.3 of NPM. The issue was not present in any previous versions and just became apparent in version 12. Swis v3 is using close to 2 gigs of ram and cpu has gotten as high as 70% or more sustained with this component. This coupled with the iis worker process consuming the rest of the cpu and more ram. When this happens it'll either throw "Request timed out" errors or simply cause the site to hang and spin without response.


I've been having a hard time chasing down what causes this to happen. I thought it could of been something custom but if that was the case than it would of shown in previous versions as well. So I'm having a hard time believing it's anything custom. But rather a leak somewhere making swis v3 unstable.


I've installed all patches and hot-fixes. Set all exceptions on our McAfee and set it not to monitor SolarWinds files and directories. I disabled Windows firewalls. Opened all required ports bi-directional and basically followed written recommendations by solarwinds. Followed all suggestions from support and still no stability and a mystery what's causing this.


Has anyone seen this before? Any suggestions? Opinions? comments? It's all welcomed at this point in my investigation.



Deploying Virtual Appliances


Are you comfortable with deploying virtual appliances?


We're discussing ways to deploy new products that may interact with your NPM (and other SolarWinds) deployments and one of our options is a virtual appliance.

Repairing PowerShell FullLanguage Mode for AppInsight for Exchange after Updates


My team runs CU updates on Exchange in an N-1 fashion every quarter.  Everytime the updaters reset customizations to IIS and we have to change the powershell application pools to LanguageModel FullLanguage.  I decided to script that for the guys so it's easier.  It could be improved upon by having it connect to the various exchange servers in your environment and running it automatically.  This is probably even easier to do with IISAdministration PowerShell Cmdlets | Microsoft Docs  but I didn't find that until after I built my script.  Hope this helps someone.


Tested in an Exchange 2016 on-prem environment.


 Fixes solarwinds AppInsight for Exchange when updates run.
 AppInsight for Exchange requires PowerShellMode to run in FullLanguage.  This will enable that.  It currently
 only runs on a single server, so you'll have to run it on multiple to get it to function, or call it from an ps-session.
Set-ExecutionPolicy bypass
$ExchangeInstallPath = ‘HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ExchangeServer\v15\Setup’  

$webconfigpaths = @()
$webconfigpaths += Join-Path (Get-ItemProperty $ExchangeInstallPath).MsiInstallPath ClientAccess\PowerShell-Proxy\web.config #back end site path
$webconfigpaths += Join-Path (Get-ItemProperty $ExchangeInstallPath).MsiInstallPath FrontEnd\HttpProxy\PowerShell\web.config #default web site path

foreach ($webconfig in $webconfigpaths) {
    $found = $null    [xml]$xml = get-content $webconfig    $settings = $xml.configuration.appSettings.add    foreach ($setting in $settings) {        if ($setting.key -eq "PSLanguageMode") {            if($setting.value -ne "FullLanguage") {                $setting.value = "FullLanguage"                $xml.Save($webconfig)                $found = $true                break            }        }    }    if ($found -ne $true) {         $newSetting = $xml.CreateElement("add")         $xml.configuration.appSettings.AppendChild($newSetting)         $newSetting.SetAttribute("key","PSLanguageMode")         $newSetting.SetAttribute("value","FullLanguage")         $xml.Save($webconfig)    }


Restart-WebAppPool -name MSExchangePowerShellAppPool
Restart-WebAppPool -name MSExchangePowerShellFrontEndAppPool

Question for the community... Need your help with some issues I'm having.


Hi all,


So I have the perfect storm of issues I've been weathering for nearly 2 years now with no resolution. I was wondering if anyone had these issues and if you could share some tips that might help guide me in the right direction. Between unstable environment and early morning calls telling me the environment is down I have been living in stress and haven't been able to sleep yet. Have several tickets with support but yet unable to resolve.


1. Duplicates and triples in the environment. What I mean by this is for example I'll have one device three time with three different ip's. Or the other way around 3 devices 3 times added with three separate ips. Still haven't found a way to pull this on a report to go fix these devices.

2. Monitoring for snmp and wmi failures. It seems like creating a SAM template would be the best way to go. Can anyone confirm? Simply what I'm trying to do is create a way that solarwinds can send me an email when a device stops polling snmp or wmi.

3. Overloaded SAM. So with close to 300 sql's in appinisight for sql with about 2 to over 50 db's per server. It easily overloaded SAM in component count. What's a more efficient way to monitor sql? Suggestions welcomed.

4. Performance issues. This seems related to disk performance but I have no way to figure out what is the root cause.

5. data integrity in the database. I don't know how to run checks for integrity. and how to make sure I don't have corruption happening.

6. pollers all hanging due to collector and business layer peaking cpu and ram.


These are the top six pressing issues. Any help welcomed.

Agent monitoring brings me endless headaches.


Pain points:


1. Agents causing certain monitored servers to spike in CPU and others in ram and some spike in both. On NPM version 12.2 .. Can't for the life of me figure out why?

2. Agents causing problems with pollers. job engine spiking. Collectors crashing. And ephemeral port spike. How much agents per poller can the pollers handle? Am I overloading my system?

3. On my DMZ servers I can't get anything to work. Even less with agents. Even if manually installed I can't get them to communicate with host. Should I place a poller in the DMZ to make this happen?

4. Moving devices from poller to poller I'm having to manually go into manage agent and move the devices to a different poller manually.

5. 2003 servers are a pain to monitor no matter which way you choose. Even with agents they still like to be problem child's. Have issues trying to figure out good way to monitor these servers. Is agent the way to go?


Just the top 5 pressing issues. Help would be appreciated thanks.

Help to know how Solarwinds count/calculate the ping response for both SNMP and ICMP?




I wanted to know how SolarWinds calculate the ping response for both SNMP and ICMP?

Help to know how Solarwinds count/calculate the ping response for both SNMP and ICMP?




I wanted to know how SolarWinds calculate the ping response for both SNMP and ICMP?

Ping problems after upgrading


We're seeing some very odd issues with NPM here. First, a bit about our environment:

Over 7600 nodes
We use 5 additional pollers as well as main poller
Server 2016 main poller:
VMware virtual server with 24 CPU, 64GB ram.
NPM 12.3

UDT 3.3.1

NCM 7.8

VNQM 4.5

IPAM 4.7

NTA 4.2.3


Database server: Server 2016 with SQL 2016


Since ugprading all the applications on 6/15, we've found that on 6/22 the server hung. After resetting it, many nodes began showing as down. We found that they were up if pinged from another machine. Then we realized that ping itself is timing out or not working on the main poller. If we stop the solarwinds services, ping starts working again. Trying to isolate an individual service causing the issue didn't find the culprit. It seems like it might be the job engine service, but stopping it by itself doesn't get ping working again, and we need it running regardless.

I wanted to know like how AP works & which kind of parameter checks to disappeared from WLC in Solarwinds


Hey Guys,


I was looking for an Access point's information. Like how it works in SolarWinds. We have more than 50 WLC added in SolarWinds and Cisco APs are connected to different WLCs.

We observed today almost 7 APs are frequently disconnecting while we haven't found any issue in either routing/switching or WLC and even there were no power issues. In our Environment APs are not added in Solarwinds they connected to  WLC and WLC added in Solarwinds. that's why I wanted to know like how AP works, which kind of parameter checks to disappeared from WLC in SolarWinds.


How can I modify/View the Y graph into a percentage format instead of BW


I'd like to know if it is possible or anyone was able to modify  the Y graph to view it as percentage instead of Bandwidth view format?

Downloaded the 12.3 offline installer (2.9Gb) and the installation won't continue because there is no internet connection


Downloaded the 12.3 offline installer (2.9Gb) and the installation won't continue because there is no internet connection, during the initial test phase it comes back with a couple of recommendations which are all passable bar the message 'No Internet Connection Detected' and it suggests to me to download the offline installer, can anyone let me know what I am doing wrong here

Solarwinds is now horribly unstable.


Last week I did an upgrade to all of the latest versions of solarwinds and now every two days it just stops working to a point where I have to reboot the server.

Alerts still work, but you cant view anything on the main front page.  I have done a config on the web front end several times and it still doesn't work.  I have included an any/any exception so that nothing will be blocked, though it never had this problem prior to the upgrade.


Does anyone else have this issue?  Or something similar?




How to get past latency history from source router to destination router


How to get past latency history from one router to another ?At present source router is down & no IPSLA configured. Please share your views.

Orion Platform 2018.2 Improvements - Chapter Three


For those of you might have missed it, check out the other exciting Orion Platform improvements detailed by my teammates aLTeReGo and jblankjblank

This chapter contains content around my areas of concern on the Orion platform - usability improvements and deployment.


Updated Popovers


A small but mighty feature on the Orion platform is our standard object popovers, aka hovers. These are the perfect UI element to give you additional information without taking valuable real estate, and also without requiring you to navigate to an entirely different page. In this release we decided to give some love to these supporting players and add some functionality too! Before I show you the new, let me remind of what it looks like before our change.


Hover Examples from oriondemo.solarwinds.com

And now that you've received that visual reminder, here we are with the new update:


Hello New Popovers


We updated the node popovers (as seen above) with the ability to trigger commands straight from the popover. Supported commands include:


  • Go to Details View
  • Edit Node
  • Mute & Unmanage Now


What do you think? Are there commands that you'd like to have quick access to through the popovers? We also updated interface & volume popovers. We did not update all object popovers, so you'll still see some examples of older style popovers, but if you love what you see, let us know which popovers we should rework next!





This also applies to the new Manage Entities page, to allow you quick actions on each of the entities, as well as the Integrated Search page.


Manage Entities
SolarWinds Orion Search


Also, for those of you who have up-voted the feature request Customize the Hover-Over Popup tooltip while we don't have complete customization capability, we did add a little something for you. Look closely at the screenshot for SolarWinds Orion Search above, do you see the custom properties appearing in the popover?



We will show up to 5 custom properties on the popover. The key? As long as when you've created the custom property you've selected "Object Details Views" as the usage, then it is eligible to appear in the popover.



PerfStack Widget


For fans of Performance Analysis - PerfStack | SolarWinds we have something special for you in this release. You asked for a PerfStack widget for your dashboards, and we are delivering.


Performance Analyzer (PerfStack) Widget for Dashboards

Add Perfstack as a resource for views


Looking at my environment I can see that in My Awesome Group, I've got a host that has a child status of warning.



Clicking over to the host, I can add this to PerfStack by clicking the "Performance Analyzer" link in the Management widget. This will open a new Analysis project that will show me the full stack of data to troubleshoot the issue in real time.


New Analysis Project

Troubleshooting this, the issue might be something that could continue. You may want to put this data in context with other data on views, or show this on a NOC. We've got you covered for this scenario with the introduction of the PerfStack widget. At this point while you have your PerfStack modified with just the right metrics, you can save the PerfStack. In fact, anyone regardless of privilege, can create and save their own PerfStack. However only Orion admins with View Customization privileges can proceed with the next step.




There are a few ways to drag & drop this widget easily to your preferred view, but searching for the PerfStack by project name is by far the easiest method. As an admin, you can see any created PerfStack for the entire installation. If one of your colleagues created a great PerfStack, no problem, you can share this on a view for all to enjoy. All existing limitations to view customization still exist, so just make sure that if you're putting a PerfStack widget on a node details page, that you really want that PerfStack on all the node details pages.  Don't forget that you can also favorite any PerfStack widgets in the widget drawer for faster access in the future!

In this beta release, we haven't provided support, yet, for all chart visualizations. If you have a PerfStack that contains status as an example, you  may have an empty chart.


Search by PerfStack name is the easiest method!


SolarWinds Orion Installer 2.0.0

With this release, this may be your first opportunity to use the newest version of the SolarWinds Orion Installer version that can upgrade your scalability engines. In general, when I mention a version associated with the installer this is the file version of the downloaded file. You can always right click to see the file properties to verify what version of the installer you are running. In the example below, the relevant version number is 2.0.0 but the 1348 is an internal build number for our teams, and is not relevant for your daily purposes. In this section you'll find details for a small update in version 1.3.2 & 2.0.0, but I have a separate document detailing the new staging capabilities that are going to be available in this release (Orion Platform: Preparing for the Upgrade to 2018.2 )




In our previous release of the 1.3.1 installer , we consolidated our legacy installer's scalability engine capabilities into our SolarWinds Orion installer. This could be seen on fresh installations with the addition of a new option next to the existing "Lightweight" and "Standard" options. Clicking this would allow you to deploy a fresh or upgrade an Additional Polling Engine, Additional Website, or HA backup server. This was a seamless experience for any users using our recommended online installer option. Essentially, it allowed you to download any product installer (e.g. NPM 12.3 installer), use it to deploy your main poller and then use the same installer file to deploy any scalability engines.




The experience was a little less seamless for our offline users. If our offline installer users attempted to move that 2 GB installer to their intended scalability engine server, they would be confronted with the following message.



I'm happy to say that with 1.3.2 & 2.0.0 versions of the installer, that is no longer the case. If you want to move the offline installer that you used for your main poller to the server that you intend to deploy a scalability engine, you absolutely can. You will have the same user experience that users of our online installer users will have. However, that file is 2GB, and sharing that around to various servers is no joke. The following is a valid installation path for any user that requires an offline option.


  1. Download one of the offline product installers (e.g. NPM 12.3). Even if you intend on installing more than just NPM, you still only need to download one installer, as you can select additional products from the product selection screen.
  2. Set up your main poller. The deployment or upgrade of the main poller must be finalized to what you want before proceeding with any other installations.
  3. Move your scalability engines installer to the server you intend to deploy
    1. The 41MB installer can be downloaded from your Polling Engines setting page e.g. http://<ipaddress>/Orion/Admin/Details/Engines.aspx
    2. You can download the 41MB online installer for NPM
    3. You can move your offline product installer to the server
  4. Set up your scalability engine by executing the installer file and following the steps outline through the installer and configuration wizard.


Please note that selecting the scalability engine option will always download the required files from the main poller. That is why offline users can choose to use the smaller online installer or offline installer, and either option will be able to adhere to your offline requirement .



With 2.0.0, you also have the ability to use our new staging feature which I've gone into detail here: Orion Platform: Preparing for the Upgrade to 2018.2


Now that you know about the amazing features we have in store for you in this release from the 2018.2 platform release, please go forth and install! We look forward to hearing about your experiences and feedback.

reducing Event time




on my orion web console I receive immediatelly trap messages, but the event (Last 25 event) are visualized more or less 30/40 seconds later.

Is anyone of us able to make immediatelly this events?


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