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Wrong hostnames oid


In my network i have 500 alcatel dslams. They are all discovered with the same wrong hostname (ASAM). I guess they are being polled for the hostname with a wrong OID. Is there a way to check which oid is used by orion and to change it if required?


Similarly, i need to know which oid orion is using to get interface errors for a specific device type. I tried to use pollercheckertool.exe but i couldn't figure it out.


Please help!

SQL errors in the logs.


Hi all,


Question: I'm seeing a lot of errors related to an item with the same key already exist or a prinary key couldn't be updated due to duplicates and things of this nature. What's the best way to find the cause and get it to stop.


Here is an exmaple:

Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK__#DownTim__913A95523B22EC15'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.#DownTimeEntitiesToMerge'. The duplicate key value is (Jun 26 2018 3:31PM, 10645, Orion.ADM.NodeInventory).




Question about disk performance.


Hi all,


Could anyone out there tell me how you have your environment setup to provide best possible performance?


1. We are all virtual.

2. We are on SAN storage.

3. We are a decently large environment with a pretty large database. and several additional pollers.


We believe the problem to be related to SAN or Disk configuration. But as you might of guess storage and windows teams say otherwise. What is the best way to setup virtual disks that reside on a SAN for optimal performance? Do they need to be dedicated for the database? Do they need to be tier 0 or higher on tiered storage? How can they be optimized for speed and not storage? And what numbers should we be looking at?


Anyone that can help with parameters and suggestions would be greatly appreciated.




Time Zone Clocks using javascript

Long Running Query -- Very Slow Page Loads


I've noticed several issues since one of my recent upgrades, and sadly my experience with support has been very frustrating. Two issues that I seem to running into are:


  • Sometimes pages will take very long to load, sometimes they will just error out. Restarting the Orion services on the main poller resolves it. But it reoccurs.
  • The Orion Module Engine service randomly crashes with a .Net exception logged in the application event log.


Regarding the page loading issues, I founded that in the OrionWeb.log I see instances of this when the pages have trouble loading:


(8) WARN  SolarWinds.InformationService.Contract2.InfoServiceProxy - (null)  Support! -- LONG RUNNING QUERY: 872928.0327 ms: SELECT LicenseName

, LicenseType

, LicenseKey

, ToUtc(LicenseExpiresOn) as LicenseExpiration

, ToUtc(MaintenanceExpiresOn) as MaintenanceExpiration

, ProductName

FROM Orion.Licensing.Licenses RETURN XML RAW


On the surface that would seem like a pretty basic query. Any ideas on what I should be looking at here?

APC UPS Monitoring with ORION PLATFORM 2018.2


Hi Everyone,


With the release of 2018.2, APC UPS monitoring is now natively supported. I have been trying to figure out why some of my APC UPS units are reporting correctly, and others are not. I am referring to the Power Control Unit Status section of node details, SNMP is functioning but returned unknown status' for a few fields. While the other fields work as expected. Based on my environment, I have been able to limit the problem to SMARTUPS2 devices (aka UPS Network Management Card 2). Where my other older UPS units, like Smart-UPS 3000 RM XL, work without issue. In the example below, I provided one working and one not working node. The battery does not need replacement on this particular node, but returns wrong.



MODELSmart-UPS X 3000
REPLACE INDICATORBattery Needs Replacement


Smart-UPS 3000 RM XL

REPLACE INDICATORBattery Doesn't Need Replacement


Any information or recommendations are appreciated.

Upgrades Gone Wrong


So I'm on day three of what was suposed to be a simple upgrade. I'm taking NPM 12.1 to 12.2 and SAM 6.4 to 6.6 while removing some products where the license has expired or we aren't finding useful at this time. Additionally, I was looking to eval WPM so I added it to the install list. The first problem I ran into was the installer stuck at "Importing Sample Maps". Initially I removed IPAM and tried again with no luck. Then I removed NCM, VNQM, and UDT. This got me past that point but, there were issues with the web site setup. I ended up blowing away the website completely and allowing the Configuration Wizard to rebuild it. That seemed to work. At this point I had a working primary/core. My envinorment has the Primary, 2-2APEs, and one remote APE. I took the provided installer from the Primary and placed them on the APEs. Initally, they complained that my APE licenses, active and due to expire in 3/2019 according to my Customer Portal, where not active. I made multiple failed attempts through the Primary to sync licenses via the portal provided License Manager. Following a link about reseting licenses, I ended up downoading/installing a standalone license manager tool to the APE. This didn't work either. I tried the same on the Primary which also didn't work. Support tells me that this corrupted me so I guess don't do that!. Support walked me through the deactivation of all my product licenses. I'm told this was neccessary because the sync would not work with the EVAL status that WPM was in. For purposes of getting through this I decided to uninstall WPM. Still, none of my licensed product would reactivate. Support got some license expert on thier end who did some license reseting on thier end and using the portal provided License Manager, I was able to reactivate NPM and SAM but, had to manually add the APEs. There was no sign of WPM so I figured we were good. By my way of thinking we have a working Primary with NPM and SAM. I went to each of the APES and placed the provided installer on them. When running the installer it would fail at a point where it was trying to download a file "UpgradeFix.exe" from the main server. Looking at the installer log file, this was a file supposedly at downloads.solarwinds.com. From each of the APEs, I had no issues using IE to go to that wesite and downloading the file. So I have to assume the its actually trying to get the file from the Primary but, that file does not exist anywhere on it, nor could I figure our where I could put the file where the APE upgrade installer would find it. Support tells me that this file is related to WPM and there must still be remanents of WPM on my Primary. So they send me a "Burn" script. Basically this script wipes the server of any and all Solarwinds products completely. So I run this on the working Primary. After a considerable amount of time it completes. You are admentaly warned not to interrupt the process. I reboot after the burn and reinstall selecting only NPM and SAM, fight through some website configuration issues ending up with a working Primary except for the annoying IE security prompt when opening the UI, which I still have but, will resolve later...I hope. So again, back to the APEs, using the SW portal on an APE, I navigate to the Polling Engines setting and download an installer. When I run it, it pases all the checks but, there it is again, WPM. The installer intends to place WPM on the APE even though there is no WPM. I can't get rid of this thing. I have combed through the Primary removing any and all mentions of WPM from the registry. I have no idea where else to look or what else to do. I've listed this as a question in hopes maybe someone else has had a similar issue and was able to resovle it. Support will get back to me around 1pm my time today after reviewing all the diagnotic information I have provided but, I thought I reach out here to see if I could find some more ideas.


2018-05-22 18:36:16,879 [17] DEBUG (null) SolarWinds.Administration.SystemInfoCollector.Detectors.InstalledProductsDetector.InstalledModulesDetector - Modules detected in msi library: ACTIVEDIAGNOSTICS:, COLLECTOR:, CORE:2017.3.5320.1819, CORTEX:, DPAIM:, DPI:, HA:2017.3.1.851, JOBENGINE:, MIBS:, NETPATH:, NETWORKATLAS:, NPM:12.2.5300.1871, ORIONHA:2017.3.1.3303, ORIONIMPROVEMENT:, RABBITMQ:, RECOMMENDATIONS:, SAM:, SQLCE35:3.5.8080.0, SQLNATIVECLIENT2008:10.0.1600.22, SQLSMO2012:11.0.2100.60, SWA:, SWIS:2017.3.0.710, VIM:, WINPCAPSILENT:, WPM:


This is from the AdminstrativeService log on the Primary, which I beleive the APE installer is using to understand what it shold put on the APE.

Using Your Custom HTML Resource To Properly Display SWQL Query Results

Add Web report to Custom HTML




I tried use iframe, but I got an error:

Cannot display this content in a frame

Solarwinds to SNOW integration


Hi All,


I am aware that there is a default connector which helps in connecting Solarwinds to SNOW and there is also another way which is from SNOW wherein it pulls the data from Solarwinds over API.


My question is, in the Solarwinds event logs, we get lot of activities logged like interface name changed, ifspeed changed etc.. which are not the actual alerts. Since SNOW pulls everything from events table, it directly processes these events as alerts in SNOW. Now everytime we will have to write rules for such scenarios so that this doesnt result into a ticket. Is there anyway to avoid these events getting logged in Solarwinds?

ICMP Node doesn't go to Unreachable status when dependency alert is triggered


Hi everyone.


I'm facing an annoying issue: in a dependency that has an ICMP node as a child object, when the parent object alerts, the child object doesn't turn from down to unreachable status. Even when the child object is a group and within this group there is an ICPM node, the status remains as down (node's status, only). There are cases where I have SNMP and ICMP nodes within the same group as a child object of a dependency, and the parent object from its dependency goes down turning the child object (the group) to unreachable status, but all the ICMP nodes within this group remains in down status whereas the SNMP nodes are unreachable.





Does anybody know how to fix it? Isn't it possible to use ICMP nodes in dependencies?

How to upgrade the Additional polling engine


Hi All,


How to upgrade the Additional polling engine, please post the document if it is already available.

Impact of Reducing the Polling Interval


Hi All,


A very basic and general question, though I know its answer to an extent but I might be missing out something or the other. Can you please help me in answering the below queries.


What impact will it make on the pollers and database if we:

1. reduce the ICMP polling interval from 120 seconds (default) to 10 seconds

2. reduce the Statistics Polling interval from 10 minutes(default ) to 1 minute


Will this slow does the whole system ?

At what ratio does this increases the polling rate of a poller ?




Orion Polling Engine Report


Updated to use hover-overs & expose more details.


Polling Engine Report


By default, this sorts the Primary Polling Engine first and then all Add'l Polling Engines by Name.


If you want to put the SWQL into a Custom Query widget, the code is:

SELECT        CASE                  WHEN [N].Caption IS NULL THEN [E].ServerName                 ELSE CONCAT('<a href="', [N].DetailsUrl, '">', [N].[Caption], '</a>')                END AS [Caption]              , [E].ServerType              , [N].DetailsUrl AS [_LinkFor_Caption]              , ROUND([N].SystemUpTime / 60 / 60 / 24, 2 ) AS [Uptime (Days)]              , MinuteDiff([E].KeepAlive, GETUTCDATE()) AS [Last Checkin (Minutes)]              , [E].Elements AS [Monitored Elements]              , [E].Nodes AS [Monitored Nodes]              , [E].Interfaces AS [Monitored Interfaces]              , [E].Volumes AS [Monitored Volumes]              , [E].Pollers AS [Monitored UnDP]              -- Comment out the follow line if you don't own SAM              , [SAM].ComponentCount AS [Monitored Components]              , [E].EngineVersion              , CONCAT([E].WindowsVersion, '/', [E].ServicePack ) AS [OS/SP]              , [N].CPULoad AS [CPU %]              , [N].PercentMemoryUsed AS [Mem %]              , [E].PollingCompletion AS [Polling Completion %]
FROM Orion.Engines AS [E]
-- Use of LEFT JOIN so that we can show Engines even if we aren't monitoring them... but we should be monitoring them
LEFT JOIN Orion.Nodes AS [N]  ON [E].IP = [N].IP_Address
-- Comment out the follow block if you don't own SAM
-- [BEGIN] SAM Information...
INNER JOIN ( SELECT COUNT([AA].ComponentID) AS ComponentCount                  , [N].EngineID
FROM Orion.APM.Component AS [AA]
INNER JOIN Orion.APM.Application AS [A]   ON [AA].ApplicationID = [A].ApplicationID
INNER JOIN Orion.Nodes AS [N]   ON [A].NodeID = [N].NodeID
WHERE [AA].Disabled = 'False'
GROUP BY [N].EngineID ) AS [SAM]   ON [SAM].EngineID = [E].EngineID
-- [END] SAM Information
ORDER BY [E].ServerType DESC, [N].Caption



Inspired by Orion_Polling_Engine_Load.OrionReport, I decided to take that and move it to the Web Report.


Feedback is appreciated!

Regarding significance of Orion Services


I was wondering if any one has any material where we can get the significance/functionalities/uses of all Services under Orion service manager.


And what all modules uses these services.


Event Log Forwarder for Windows 2016




We try to use the Event Log Forwarder free tool on Windows 2016.

We have previously used it on Windows 2012 R2 without any issue.


We use it to send event to NPM and be able to report on these data.


In 2016 the program is not working as expected and it does not forward any message to a syslog server.


Does any one been already able to use Event Log forwarder on W2016 ?


How are you sending event to a NPM server ?



Getting an error while clicking on Edit Node.



I am getting an error when clicking on edit node " " Unexpected Website Error

The formatter threw an exception while trying to deserialize the message: There was an error while trying to deserialize parameter http://schemas.solarwinds.com/2008/Core:GetNodeWithOptionsResult. The InnerException message was 'Member '_compareInfo' was not found.'. Please see InnerException for more details"

I have traced the https packets and it is getting aborted. Can you please let me know what can be the reason for the same?


Cisco ASA System monitoring


we are running a multi-context setup, and ive noticed the "system" memory is high, but not getting reported. All the context are being monitored as separate nodes, but they only show the memory stats for that context. Is there anyway to monitor the system memory? also, after using asa cli monitoring, the context are displayed, but are not monitored. It only shows "monitor node". Trying to add the node again, does not change this. Any ideas on either issue?asa contexts

power supply alert notification

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