In my opinion, PerfStack is the best new thing SolarWinds has given us, since the last best new thing they gave us. PerfStack already has plenty of things going for it, even in its infancy. There are, however, a few things I would like to see improved.
My biggest, most important, PerfStack request is definitely improving the automation of building PerfStack "Templates". Here is a very simple workaround to build basic templates for all nodes, automatically.
Building Simple PerfStack Templates With SWQL
My next request, provide an easy way for users to access all, or even a subset, of the available PerfStack projects.
While we can share links with others, giving them access to saved projects, I still found the need for a simple list of projects, easily accessible. For my environment, "hidden" PerfStack projects do us little to no good. I want my team to be able to see all projects, and access any project they need, at any given moment. The following simple SWQL query will provide an easy way to accomplish this goal.
Step 1: Customize a page, adding the "Custom Query" resource, then edit said resource.
Step 2: Copy and paste the SWQL query below, into the resource.
This simple SWQL query will generate a list of all PerfStack projects, with clickable links, taking you directly to the project.
DisplayName AS [Project]
,'/ui/perfstack/' + ProjectID AS [_LinkFor_Project]
,AccountID AS [Created By]
,UpdateDateTime AS [Last Updated On]
,CreateDateTime AS [Created On]
FROM Orion.PerfStack.Projects
ORDER BY DisplayName ASC
Additionally, if you would like to enable search, you will need to add the following in the "Search" query box, located under the main query box.
DisplayName AS [Project]
,'/ui/perfstack/' + ProjectID AS [_LinkFor_Project]
,AccountID AS [Created By]
,UpdateDateTime AS [Last Updated On]
,CreateDateTime AS [Created On]
FROM Orion.PerfStack.Projects
(DisplayName LIKE '%${SEARCH_STRING}%')
ORDER BY DisplayName ASC
Step 3: View, search, sort, and click through your simple little list of PerfStack projects.
![PerfStackTests - Summary_20170614_0812.png]()
If you name your PerfStack projects with a little bit of thought, you can filter your SWQL results, only showing a small subset of projects.
Example: If you named your projects with a pseudo-label/code, appended to the beginning of the name, you could then build a list which would only show a specific subset of projects.
Let's use the "VLAN" projects for this example.
Main SWQL Query:
DisplayName AS [Project]
,'/ui/perfstack/' + ProjectID AS [_LinkFor_Project]
,AccountID AS [Created By]
,UpdateDateTime AS [Last Updated On]
,CreateDateTime AS [Created On]
FROM Orion.PerfStack.Projects
(DisplayName LIKE 'VLAN_%')
ORDER BY DisplayName ASC
Search SWQL Query
DisplayName AS [Project]
,'/ui/perfstack/' + ProjectID AS [_LinkFor_Project]
,AccountID AS [Created By]
,UpdateDateTime AS [Last Updated On]
,CreateDateTime AS [Created On]
FROM Orion.PerfStack.Projects
(DisplayName LIKE 'VLAN_%')
(DisplayName LIKE '%${SEARCH_STRING}%')
ORDER BY DisplayName ASC
This query will generate the same list of PerfStack projects/links as the first one we did, however, the results are limited to ONLY the "VLAN" projects.
Now you can build your lists based on departments, or types, or anything else you deem necessary.
![PerfStackTests - Summary_20170614_0837.png]()
Again, nothing ground breaking here... Just a simple way to see a simple list, of very helpful projects.
For more ways to customize your SolarWinds environment, make sure to check out this link, by CourtesyIT
How to do various customizations with your Solarwinds
Thank you,