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Hello Techies,

We face a terrible Netowrk Atlas maps slowness isssue. When we investigate we found that only certian maps have lot of objects which were not deleted properly in the past.

Hence can some please let me know the steps to delete ORPHANED/UNKNOWN MAPS/OBJECTS FROM NETWORK ATLAS or from the Orion DB.



Ravikumar R

Email alert logging


  I have been asked to check whether an e-mail alert went out for one of the alerts we have configured. Where can I find this information? There is a post from about 7 years ago mentioning "swalert.log" but I can't seem to find this file or any like it.

Uninstall of default database after migration




I recently installed SolarWinds Orion in my environment. The design plan was to have the majority of components such as NPM installed on one server with its database on a separate server. Then to have the NTA database installed on a third server. Everything seems to have installed correctly but during the install of NPM, it installed a SQL instance.


Since NPM and NTA have their own dedicated DB servers, I would like to remove the SQL instance which was installed on the NPM server to reduce the amount of DBs floating around. Is it possible to remove the database or does SolarWinds still require it to be there even if other DBs are being utilized?




Windows Server 2016 black screen/hang while SW still useable - RPC blamed


Hi all, sorry for asking for help but I'm just trying to get as much info as I can currently. Orion 2017.2 (DB OS version limited, almost ready to upgrade)


Story so far:

So, we've got an APE on Windows Server 2016, and it's saying "unexpected shutdown" sometimes when I log into it. Logs tenuously point towards VMM restarting it. We move it off VMM and onto a dedicated plain ol' Hyper-V (2016) host. Now it says "heartbeat lost" on the host, and the server itself just hangs at a black screen when you try to log in, now and then. The only "fix" is to give it a hard reset from the host, and then it's all fine when it comes up. We investigated a few issues such as the TermServer service issue that got fixed in previous Windows patches, and none of those leads produce anything. Long story short, we opened a call with Microsoft and gave them a couple of full dumps and they have come back with...


"Uninstall SWJobEngineWorker"


So you see why I'm here.

The claim is that RPCSS is breaking, and with it the server. Yet, polling will carry on when the server 'breaks', and we can get up to date info and edit nodes etc. RPC is hitting 20,000 threads or so. We have a MPE and another 2 APE with similar load, a spread of OS's and no issues (not like that at least )


I'm putting in a support call with the Solarwinds team when I get in on Monday, but I wanted to ask the community in case anybody else has encountered this, I'd love to know where other people have gone to fix it.


Thanks all!

Question about disk performance.


Hi all,


Could anyone out there tell me how you have your environment setup to provide best possible performance?


1. We are all virtual.

2. We are on SAN storage.

3. We are a decently large environment with a pretty large database. and several additional pollers.


We believe the problem to be related to SAN or Disk configuration. But as you might of guess storage and windows teams say otherwise. What is the best way to setup virtual disks that reside on a SAN for optimal performance? Do they need to be dedicated for the database? Do they need to be tier 0 or higher on tiered storage? How can they be optimized for speed and not storage? And what numbers should we be looking at?


Anyone that can help with parameters and suggestions would be greatly appreciated.




SQL errors in the logs.


Hi all,


Question: I'm seeing a lot of errors related to an item with the same key already exist or a prinary key couldn't be updated due to duplicates and things of this nature. What's the best way to find the cause and get it to stop.


Here is an exmaple:

Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK__#DownTim__913A95523B22EC15'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.#DownTimeEntitiesToMerge'. The duplicate key value is (Jun 26 2018 3:31PM, 10645, Orion.ADM.NodeInventory).




Building Simple PerfStack Project Lists With SWQL


In my opinion, PerfStack is the best new thing SolarWinds has given us, since the last best new thing they gave us. PerfStack already has plenty of things going for it, even in its infancy. There are, however, a few things I would like to see improved.


My biggest, most important, PerfStack request is definitely improving the automation of building PerfStack "Templates". Here is a very simple workaround to build basic templates for all nodes, automatically.

Building Simple PerfStack Templates With SWQL


My next request, provide an easy way for users to access all, or even a subset, of the available PerfStack projects.


While we can share links with others, giving them access to saved projects, I still found the need for a simple list of projects, easily accessible. For my environment, "hidden" PerfStack projects do us little to no good. I want my team to be able to see all projects, and access any project they need, at any given moment. The following simple SWQL query will provide an easy way to accomplish this goal.


Step 1: Customize a page, adding the "Custom Query" resource, then edit said resource.

Step 2: Copy and paste the SWQL query below, into the resource.


This simple SWQL query will generate a list of all PerfStack projects, with clickable links, taking you directly to the project.

DisplayName AS [Project]
,'/ui/perfstack/' + ProjectID AS [_LinkFor_Project]
,AccountID AS [Created By]
,UpdateDateTime AS [Last Updated On]
,CreateDateTime AS [Created On]

FROM Orion.PerfStack.Projects

ORDER BY DisplayName ASC


Additionally, if you would like to enable search, you will need to add the following in the "Search" query box, located under the main query box.

DisplayName AS [Project]
,'/ui/perfstack/' + ProjectID AS [_LinkFor_Project]
,AccountID AS [Created By]
,UpdateDateTime AS [Last Updated On]
,CreateDateTime AS [Created On]

FROM Orion.PerfStack.Projects

(DisplayName LIKE '%${SEARCH_STRING}%')

ORDER BY DisplayName ASC


Step 3: View, search, sort, and click through your simple little list of PerfStack projects.

PerfStackTests - Summary_20170614_0812.png



If you name your PerfStack projects with a little bit of thought, you can filter your SWQL results, only showing a small subset of projects.


Example: If you named your projects with a pseudo-label/code, appended to the beginning of the name, you could then build a list which would only show a specific subset of projects.

Let's use the "VLAN" projects for this example.


Main SWQL Query:

DisplayName AS [Project]
,'/ui/perfstack/' + ProjectID AS [_LinkFor_Project]
,AccountID AS [Created By]
,UpdateDateTime AS [Last Updated On]
,CreateDateTime AS [Created On]

FROM Orion.PerfStack.Projects

(DisplayName LIKE 'VLAN_%')

ORDER BY DisplayName ASC


Search SWQL Query

DisplayName AS [Project]
,'/ui/perfstack/' + ProjectID AS [_LinkFor_Project]
,AccountID AS [Created By]
,UpdateDateTime AS [Last Updated On]
,CreateDateTime AS [Created On]

FROM Orion.PerfStack.Projects

(DisplayName LIKE 'VLAN_%')
(DisplayName LIKE '%${SEARCH_STRING}%')

ORDER BY DisplayName ASC


This query will generate the same list of PerfStack projects/links as the first one we did, however, the results are limited to ONLY the "VLAN" projects.

Now you can build your lists based on departments, or types, or anything else you deem necessary.

PerfStackTests - Summary_20170614_0837.png



Again, nothing ground breaking here... Just a simple way to see a simple list, of very helpful projects.





For more ways to customize your SolarWinds environment, make sure to check out this link, by CourtesyIT

How to do various customizations with your Solarwinds





Thank you,



Replacing a failed Additional Web Server




I know there is a thread currently going for replacing a failed APE bit I'm looking for more info on replacing a web server.


The server died and is being replaced with the same name and ip as previous but I'm trying to work out the steps to clean the db and licensing ready to reinstall the software and add it back into the mix.


A quick Google doesn't seem to have an answer for this scenario, any help is appreciated.

How to rebuild an APE


Hi Team,


I have to rebuild an APE. The platform version is 2017.3 HF3

While reinstalling the APE on a new box, we are getting the error: Algorithm has stuck! Unable to install any product on setup.


Is there any other way to install or I have to choose the legacy version?

Cutting down false alert when main router goes down,getting false alert for connected all devices to the main router.


Hi All,


I am curious to know like if the node is down then why we are not getting the message like Node status is now why frequently generating the alert as abcd.com has stopped responding (Request timeout). there should be Node status down.


Node status.

SNOW alert details- Not triggered alert as SNOW ticket, while its already configured.

What We're Working on for NPM (Updated June 1st, 2018)


NPM 12.3 has shipped and we're hard at work building the next release.  Here's what we're working on, in no particularly order.


  • Cisco ACI Monitoring
  • Remote Collector - New, agent based collector for distributed environments and hybrid deployments
  • Next Generation Orion Mapping - First version delivered in NPM 12.3 via Orion Platform 2018.2.  Working on the next version.
  • Centralized Upgrades
  • Website & Database Performance Improvements
  • Windows Device Guard Support
  • SAML Authentication Support
  • Replace syslog/trap with the functionality from our new Log Manager product

TRAP in SolarWinds for alerts


Hi, i'm looking information about SNMP Trap because I need to send alerts form interfaces DOWN to an external server to create trouble ticket (TTK) automatically.


The platform only process TRAP for this TTK creation, so I have a this questions about SolarWinds:


1. ¿How can I check if SolarWinds (in the webconsole) is receiving traps?

2. If SW is not showing trap, ¿how can I enable the reception in SolarWinds?, ¿Can I do it from the webconsole?

3. This trap messages, ¿the network elements, servers, router, switches, should send this automatically to SolarWinds or should be enable before?

4. ¿Can I modified this trap information for specifically fields of the alarm in the nerwork element?


I'm starting with Solarwinds, so I will appreciate all your support and suggestions about documentation to read.



APE Error while editing Nodes Properties -The formatter threw an exception while trying to deserialize the message: There was an error while trying to deserialize parameter http://schemas.solarwinds.com/2008/Core:GetNodesByIdsResult. The InnerException me


Hi team,


Need your help with the below mentioned error. It is popping up when editing nodes of Additional Poller.


The formatter threw an exception while trying to deserialize the message: There was an error while trying to deserialize parameter http://schemas.solarwinds.com/2008/Core:GetNodesByIdsResult. The InnerException message was 'Member '_compareInfo' was not found.'. Please see InnerException for more details

Upgrades Gone Wrong


So I'm on day three of what was suposed to be a simple upgrade. I'm taking NPM 12.1 to 12.2 and SAM 6.4 to 6.6 while removing some products where the license has expired or we aren't finding useful at this time. Additionally, I was looking to eval WPM so I added it to the install list. The first problem I ran into was the installer stuck at "Importing Sample Maps". Initially I removed IPAM and tried again with no luck. Then I removed NCM, VNQM, and UDT. This got me past that point but, there were issues with the web site setup. I ended up blowing away the website completely and allowing the Configuration Wizard to rebuild it. That seemed to work. At this point I had a working primary/core. My envinorment has the Primary, 2-2APEs, and one remote APE. I took the provided installer from the Primary and placed them on the APEs. Initally, they complained that my APE licenses, active and due to expire in 3/2019 according to my Customer Portal, where not active. I made multiple failed attempts through the Primary to sync licenses via the portal provided License Manager. Following a link about reseting licenses, I ended up downoading/installing a standalone license manager tool to the APE. This didn't work either. I tried the same on the Primary which also didn't work. Support tells me that this corrupted me so I guess don't do that!. Support walked me through the deactivation of all my product licenses. I'm told this was neccessary because the sync would not work with the EVAL status that WPM was in. For purposes of getting through this I decided to uninstall WPM. Still, none of my licensed product would reactivate. Support got some license expert on thier end who did some license reseting on thier end and using the portal provided License Manager, I was able to reactivate NPM and SAM but, had to manually add the APEs. There was no sign of WPM so I figured we were good. By my way of thinking we have a working Primary with NPM and SAM. I went to each of the APES and placed the provided installer on them. When running the installer it would fail at a point where it was trying to download a file "UpgradeFix.exe" from the main server. Looking at the installer log file, this was a file supposedly at downloads.solarwinds.com. From each of the APEs, I had no issues using IE to go to that wesite and downloading the file. So I have to assume the its actually trying to get the file from the Primary but, that file does not exist anywhere on it, nor could I figure our where I could put the file where the APE upgrade installer would find it. Support tells me that this file is related to WPM and there must still be remanents of WPM on my Primary. So they send me a "Burn" script. Basically this script wipes the server of any and all Solarwinds products completely. So I run this on the working Primary. After a considerable amount of time it completes. You are admentaly warned not to interrupt the process. I reboot after the burn and reinstall selecting only NPM and SAM, fight through some website configuration issues ending up with a working Primary except for the annoying IE security prompt when opening the UI, which I still have but, will resolve later...I hope. So again, back to the APEs, using the SW portal on an APE, I navigate to the Polling Engines setting and download an installer. When I run it, it pases all the checks but, there it is again, WPM. The installer intends to place WPM on the APE even though there is no WPM. I can't get rid of this thing. I have combed through the Primary removing any and all mentions of WPM from the registry. I have no idea where else to look or what else to do. I've listed this as a question in hopes maybe someone else has had a similar issue and was able to resovle it. Support will get back to me around 1pm my time today after reviewing all the diagnotic information I have provided but, I thought I reach out here to see if I could find some more ideas.


2018-05-22 18:36:16,879 [17] DEBUG (null) SolarWinds.Administration.SystemInfoCollector.Detectors.InstalledProductsDetector.InstalledModulesDetector - Modules detected in msi library: ACTIVEDIAGNOSTICS:, COLLECTOR:, CORE:2017.3.5320.1819, CORTEX:, DPAIM:, DPI:, HA:2017.3.1.851, JOBENGINE:, MIBS:, NETPATH:, NETWORKATLAS:, NPM:12.2.5300.1871, ORIONHA:2017.3.1.3303, ORIONIMPROVEMENT:, RABBITMQ:, RECOMMENDATIONS:, SAM:, SQLCE35:3.5.8080.0, SQLNATIVECLIENT2008:10.0.1600.22, SQLSMO2012:11.0.2100.60, SWA:, SWIS:2017.3.0.710, VIM:, WINPCAPSILENT:, WPM:


This is from the AdminstrativeService log on the Primary, which I beleive the APE installer is using to understand what it shold put on the APE.

Does High Availability cover Stacked Pollers?


Hi guys,


Reading through online documentation but can't find an answer to this question.

Could a kind sould please confirm whether HA would be able to install on/cover a Stacked Poller server?



Resource Filters no longer work since NPM v12.3


Hi there,


Filters that have been used for the past 6 years such as PercentLoss < 100 no longer work in resources such as Top XX Nodes by Current Response Time.

We've noticed this in several Orion sites that have been upgraded to NPM v12.3. Is there a fix for this on the horizon?




FYI, we're on the latest platform and NPM hotfixes as of today.

How to create "Triggered Alerts History" report for "All Configured Alerts"


How to create report for "All Configured Alerts" triggered history.

Proper way to group nodes for Parent/Child dependencies


Since the auto dependency is not getting the right paths what is the best way to set up Parent/Child connections?  Below is some details on how our network is setup.


We have 30 Sites - each site has 1 or more WAN Routers connected to core switches that are connected to the rest of the equipment.  I have setup two custom properties for each node.  One is Site which is the city name of the devices location and two is Priority with the rating of 1,2,3,4, 1 being high priority to page on call.  Priority for alerting so we can build custom alerts for different priority devices.  WAN routers, Core Switches, Firewalls, Wireless Controllers and Voice Gateways are all priority 1 devices and we will be auto creating incident tickets with our service now system but what I'm trying to avoid is getting P1 alerts with tickets for downed nodes that are down due to the parent node being down.  I want to setup proper parent/child dependencies but not sure what's the best approach?


Example of our site structure.  Devices between the brackets () are Priority 1 devices and if they go down we will have an incident ticket created.


Site 1
- (WAN Routers --> Core Switches --> FW, WLC, VGW, User Stack Switches), Other switches


Site 2
- (WAN Routers --> Core Switches --> FW, WLC, VGW, User Stack Switches), Other switches


Site 3

- (WAN Routers --> Core Switches --> FW, WLC, VGW, User Stack Switches), Other switches

Unexpected Website Error




We have solarwinds 12.1 NPM in our setup. All of a sudden, I'm facing the below issue from console while trying to open "edit properties" under manage nodes in settings.

Does anyone have turnaround solution for this ?


Unexpected Website Error

The formatter threw an exception while trying to deserialize the message: There was an error while trying to deserialize parameter http://schemas.solarwinds.com/2008/Core:GetNodesByIdsResult. The InnerException message was 'Member '_compareInfo' was not found.'. Please see InnerException for more details.


For more troubleshooting help, see the SolarWinds Knowledge Base , or contact support



Ramu Chittiprolu

Acknowledge Solarwinds alert via servicenow or visa-versa


Hi All,


I have setup the integration and configured the Alert Action, but i want to acknowledge the generated solarwinds alerts in servicenow and that should notified in solarwinds,

Is this integration is possible to do? can anyone help me to solve this issue.


Thank You..!

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