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What We're Working on for NPM (Updated June 1st, 2018)


NPM 12.3 has shipped and we're hard at work building the next release.  Here's what we're working on, in no particularly order.


  • Cisco ACI Monitoring
  • Remote Collector - New, agent based collector for distributed environments and hybrid deployments
  • Next Generation Orion Mapping - First version delivered in NPM 12.3 via Orion Platform 2018.2.  Working on the next version.
  • Centralized Upgrades
  • Website & Database Performance Improvements
  • Windows Device Guard Support
  • SAML Authentication Support
  • Replace syslog/trap with the functionality from our new Log Manager product

Polling Engine Shows as DOWN with Last Database Sync "2760 minutes ago"


Hi All,


We are having NPM 12.2 and Orion Platform as 2017.3. We have only one polling engine and it shows as below. Almost, since 48 hours, the sync is not happening. We checked and found the time zone is same on both polling engine and DB server. We have not changed any password for Orion DB account and also got confirmation from DB team, that password was not changed recently (in last 3 days).


Also, we are experiencing one more issue, since the above was observed. When we do a List Resources on an existing devices, where some changes happend on the device, it was taking hell lot of time and never show the resources. Just showing resources being discovered. Was it related to the above issue?




Solarwinds Orion installer options - exclude some applications



Any one know options still available to install without using the all in one installer?

I seem to have hit a stumbling block.

Trying to update UDT to 3.3.1 with HF1 to resolve the known port monitoring issue.

It wont let me run through as we have a program (WPM) we no longer have active support for we don't use it enough.


I am happy to run through each product following the upgrade route. But cant get it to ignore WPM


Support say I have to remove it. I don't what to uninstall WPM just because we chose not to renew support on that part this year.


Helpdesk BOT


Does anybody have any experience on the best BOT to use with a Helpdesk system?


Solarwinds Performance is Horrible after 12.3 upgrade


I am wondering why the discussion Solarwinds is now horribly unstable.  is locked? For an ongoing issue that we also are experiencing, why would thwack moderators choose to lock the discussion and prevent other customers from weighing in, and asking questions? I am attempting to apply the work around in the post, but I wanted to open another thread since the other one is locked. Hopefuly other customers that have upgraded to 12.3 can communicate on thwack. I found that the memory of the Cortex service was using 24-29GB of the 32GB available on the server of my primary poller, and it causes the web console and polling to not function. I'll reply back to this thread after I apply the proposed work-around on the other thread linked above.


OUR ENVIRONMENT: Primay Poller (HA Primary), 18 Additional Pollers (9 Active / 9 HA), 2 AWS, Physical SQL Server with 32 cores, 148 GB Memory, Raid 10 LUNs on 3 Par with SSD.

Network Elements


TRAP in SolarWinds for alerts


Hi, i'm looking information about SNMP Trap because I need to send alerts form interfaces DOWN to an external server to create trouble ticket (TTK) automatically.


The platform only process TRAP for this TTK creation, so I have a this questions about SolarWinds:


1. ¿How can I check if SolarWinds (in the webconsole) is receiving traps?

2. If SW is not showing trap, ¿how can I enable the reception in SolarWinds?, ¿Can I do it from the webconsole?

3. This trap messages, ¿the network elements, servers, router, switches, should send this automatically to SolarWinds or should be enable before?

4. ¿Can I modified this trap information for specifically fields of the alarm in the nerwork element?


I'm starting with Solarwinds, so I will appreciate all your support and suggestions about documentation to read.




Tell Us Your Unknown Devices v2.0


Those that have been part of the Thwack Community a while may be familiar with the long running Tell us your "Unknown" devices! thread which had been active since 2007. That thread had become too unwieldy, and most of the user submissions had been implemented many years ago. I recently reviewed each and every posting in that thread, verified what had been implemented in-product, and which ones had not so they could be included in a forthcoming release. With that done, it was time to lock that thread for good and start anew. This time, providing a bit more guidance along the way to ensure everyone is successful in providing the necessary information required to properly identify these devices.


What is an 'Unknown' Device anyway?


Orion does its best to automatically identify and classify nodes as they're added to Orion. There are however, new device types and models released all the time. It's entirely possible you might be managing a device right now that Orion is unable to properly identify. You can find these easily by going to [Settings - Manage Nodes], changing the 'Group by:' option to 'Machine Type' and clicking on the 'Unknown' category. It's also helpful to add the 'Polling Method' column to the layout, as this thread pertains exclusively to SNMP managed nodes.


Any SNMP managed nodes listed under the 'Unknown' Machine Type category are prime candidates for submission to this thread. All that's required is that you provide the devices SNMP System Object Identifier (SysObjectID), as well as the Make & Model of the device associated with that SysObjectID. This post is an excellent example of the perfect submission.


What Exactly is a SysObjectID?


I have yet to find a clearer definition for what the SysObjectID (System Object Identifier) is then the following excerpt which can typically be found written in virtually every vendor's MIB file verbatim.


Object Name: sysObjectID
Object ID:
Object Access: read-only
Object Status: mandatory
Object Description: The vendor's authoritative identification of the  network management subsystem contained in the  entity. This value is allocated within the SMI  enterprises subtree ( and provides an  easy and unambiguous means for determining `what  kind of box' is being managed. For example, if  vendor `Flintstones, Inc.' was assigned the  subtree, it could assign the  identifier to its `Fred  Router'.


Essentially, it's a string of numbers in dotted notation that is (hopefully) unique to at least the manufacturer, and in most cases, to the specific make and model of the device being monitored. It's how we identify for example, that the device vendor is 'Cisco' and the model is a 'Nexus C7018'. All System Object ID's begin with '' followed by a number which uniquely identifies the manufacturer. The numbers which then follow typically identify the specific model of the device.


Where Can I Locate the SysObjectID?


If the device is already managed as a Node in Orion then you can locate the SysObjectID in the 'Node Details' resource as shown below, when viewing the node in the Orion web interface.


Node DetailsNET-SNMP

Alternatively, you can use NET-SNMP to query the following SNMP OID to return the unique SysObjectID.


Below is an example of the 'snmpget' command line arguments which will return you the SysObjectID for the device.


 snmpget -v2c -On -c public


The example above is executed against a device with the IP address of '' using SNMPv2c, with the community string 'public'. Below is a screenshot of the resulting output from that command. The string of numbers and periods highlighted in yellow below is this device's unique SysObjectID.


My Device Incorrectly Appears Listed as 'NET-SNMP'


Linux hosts, virtual appliances, and even some network equipment built on Linux, FreeBSD, etc. are often identified as 'NET-SNMP'. This is because the SNMP Daemon running on those hosts is, you guessed it, NET-SNMP. Unfortunately, these vendors for some reason, have chosen not to implement their own unique SysObjectID, and instead kept the default SysObjectID '' which is designated for NET-SNMP. If you have a device such as this, fret not. There are a few options available to you if you'd like these devices to be properly identified by their appropriate vendor's make & model within Orion.


Install The Orion Linux Agent


The easiest solution would be to install the Orion Linux Agent on the device which is reporting itself to be 'NET-SNMP'. The Linux Agent does not rely upon SNMP to identify the machine type or vendor. Instead, the Agent will report the Vendor as 'Linux' and the 'Machine Type' as the Linux distribution running on the device as depicted in the screenshots below.


Red HatCitrix XenServer



Modify NET-SNMP Configuration


Another approach is to customize NET-SNMP and Orion to properly reflect the Vendor and Machine Type. Simply following the steps outlined by adatole's post entitled No More Net-SNMP Nodes. This method uses a script osname.sh which is executed when a particular OID is is queried. Next, you would create a custom Device Poller to query that newly created OID and populate the Machine Type value in Orion for that device.


If you find it more fun to follow along, you can watch adatole walk you through the entire process in the following video.




Can't I Just Upload My Vendor's MIB File Here And You figure it Out?


While it would be nice if that's how it worked, unfortunately many (or most) vendors don't include this information within their MIB files. MIB files include a listing of all possible OIDs which could be polled across a wide variety of different devices (typically an entire product family), but it doesn't include the values which are returned by the devices (Enums notwithstanding). For that reason we need users, such as yourself, to post the SysObjectID's in this thread, along with the device vendor and model information so it can be included in our database.


If you'd still like your device's MIB file included in the Orion MIB database, for use with Network Performance Monitor's Universal Device Poller, or the Orion Platform's SNMP Trap Receiver, simply follow the steps outlined in KB article at the link below.  The latest version of the MIB database, containing your submissions, can always be downloaded from within the Customer Portal.


Request additional MIBs to the SNMP MIB browser database - SolarWinds Worldwide, LLC. Help and Support


Acknowledge Solarwinds alert via servicenow or visa-versa


Hi All,


I have setup the integration and configured the Alert Action, but i want to acknowledge the generated solarwinds alerts in servicenow and that should notified in solarwinds,

Is this integration is possible to do? can anyone help me to solve this issue.


Thank You..!


Unexpected error: An error occurred while generating map


Hi, usually I would go straight to create a support case but since custom portal is not available at the moment so I thought I will try my luck here.


Since Friday we are receiving the following error on "Map" widget - Unexpected error: An error occurred while generating map 57624e8f-7c10-4821-99b8-48f41b55a002.OrionM, when I try to edit the widget itself I get the following error: RunQuery failed, check fault information. Unknown provider Cortex.

Txt dump is as follows:


Message: RunQuery failed, check fault information.

         Unknown provider Cortex.

ErrorSite: SolarWinds.MapEngine.Executor.Execute

ErrorType: System.ServiceModel.FaultException`1[[SolarWinds.InformationService.Contract2.InfoServiceFaultContract, SolarWinds.InformationService.Contract2, Version=2017.4.0.1540, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]]


at SolarWinds.MapEngine.WcfConnectionDependentExecutor`1.Executor.Execute()

at SolarWinds.MapEngine.WcfConnectionDependentExecutor`1.Execute(Action`1 operation, Boolean throwOnError)

at SolarWinds.MapEngine.WcfConnectionDependentExecutor`1.Execute[TResult](Func`2 operation)

at SolarWinds.MapEngine.MapEngineConnection.CreateQuery[T](String selectStatement, Boolean isForce, PropertyBag parameters)

at SolarWinds.MapEngine.Engine.ParseEntities(IEnumerable`1 entities)

at SolarWinds.MapEngine.Engine.<>c__DisplayClass173_0.<InitEntitiesMetadata>b__0()

at SolarWinds.MapEngine.MetadataDictionaryProvider.GetMetadataDictionary(Func`1 allMetadataDelegate)

at SolarWinds.MapEngine.Engine.InitEntitiesMetadata()

at SolarWinds.MapEngine.Engine.InitCacheData()

at SolarWinds.MapEngine.Engine.Initialize()

at SolarWinds.MapEngine.MapEngineFactory.GetEngine(String userName, ServiceCredentials credentials, String remoteServerAddress, String swisPort, String swisPostfix, Int32 viewId, Boolean useMapPropertiesCache, IRunningOperationWaiter runningOperationWaiter)

at Orion_NetPerfMon_Controls_EditResourceControls_EditNetworkMap.OnInit(EventArgs e)

at System.Web.UI.Control.InitRecursive(Control namingContainer)

at System.Web.UI.Control.AddedControl(Control control, Int32 index)

at System.Web.UI.ControlCollection.Add(Control child)

at Orion_NetPerfMon_Resources_EditResource.LoadResourceEditControl()

at Orion_NetPerfMon_Resources_EditResource.OnInit(EventArgs e)

at System.Web.UI.Control.InitRecursive(Control namingContainer)

at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint)


In addition I cannot connect to Network Atlas (neither from remote location or directly from server, I have tried both local SolarWinds admin account and my domain account). We get the following error: "An unexpected error occurred while trying to connect to the server. Please contact support." I have checked our programs and features based on one of the KBs and we have only newest IPAM version installed.


I have tried following so far but nothing helps:

-Run configuration Wizard

-Run Database maintenance

-Restart all SW servers (we have database separated from main server and one ape)

-Reinstall Network Atlas

-Delete content of localhost folder from Temp\SolarWinds

(SolarWinds services were restarted after each action).


Maybe some of you had similar issues and will be able to help.




Hey Guys. I am looking for SNMP oid of ZTE router M6000 and T8000 for cpu memory and temperature??


Can Orion/NPM/SAM authenticate against multiple AD Domains?


We have a rather interesting setup here and I was wondering if we can have multiple domains authenticate to Solarwinds access.  From what I can tell and what I found it looks like that is a NO.  Can anyone comfirm or deny this?  So far from what I found it looks like it is a no.  Screen shot below -


NPM and Agent


I have NPM in my environment and not SAM.  We use our Orion Environment for Network Infrastructure Management.
I do understand that with the agent that the NetPath feature becomes available.


My problem is that I loss any interface monitoring on a device where the agent is used.


So here are my questions -

  1. Have I miss configured the Agent in that it is not providing interface information?
  2. Within an NPM environment what is gained by using the Agent?


Thank You for your time and help






Orion Platform 2018.2 Improvements - Chapter Three


For those of you might have missed it, check out the other exciting Orion Platform improvements detailed by my teammates aLTeReGo and jblankjblank

This chapter contains content around my areas of concern on the Orion platform - usability improvements and deployment.


Updated Popovers


A small but mighty feature on the Orion platform is our standard object popovers, aka hovers. These are the perfect UI element to give you additional information without taking valuable real estate, and also without requiring you to navigate to an entirely different page. In this release we decided to give some love to these supporting players and add some functionality too! Before I show you the new, let me remind of what it looks like before our change.


Hover Examples from oriondemo.solarwinds.com

And now that you've received that visual reminder, here we are with the new update:


Hello New Popovers


We updated the node popovers (as seen above) with the ability to trigger commands straight from the popover. Supported commands include:


  • Go to Details View
  • Edit Node
  • Mute & Unmanage Now


What do you think? Are there commands that you'd like to have quick access to through the popovers? We also updated interface & volume popovers. We did not update all object popovers, so you'll still see some examples of older style popovers, but if you love what you see, let us know which popovers we should rework next!





This also applies to the new Manage Entities page, to allow you quick actions on each of the entities, as well as the Integrated Search page.


Manage Entities
SolarWinds Orion Search


Also, for those of you who have up-voted the feature request Customize the Hover-Over Popup tooltip while we don't have complete customization capability, we did add a little something for you. Look closely at the screenshot for SolarWinds Orion Search above, do you see the custom properties appearing in the popover?



We will show up to 5 custom properties on the popover. The key? As long as when you've created the custom property you've selected "Object Details Views" as the usage, then it is eligible to appear in the popover.



PerfStack Widget


For fans of Performance Analysis - PerfStack | SolarWinds we have something special for you in this release. You asked for a PerfStack widget for your dashboards, and we are delivering.


Performance Analyzer (PerfStack) Widget for Dashboards

Add Perfstack as a resource for views


Looking at my environment I can see that in My Awesome Group, I've got a host that has a child status of warning.



Clicking over to the host, I can add this to PerfStack by clicking the "Performance Analyzer" link in the Management widget. This will open a new Analysis project that will show me the full stack of data to troubleshoot the issue in real time.


New Analysis Project

Troubleshooting this, the issue might be something that could continue. You may want to put this data in context with other data on views, or show this on a NOC. We've got you covered for this scenario with the introduction of the PerfStack widget. At this point while you have your PerfStack modified with just the right metrics, you can save the PerfStack. In fact, anyone regardless of privilege, can create and save their own PerfStack. However only Orion admins with View Customization privileges can proceed with the next step.




There are a few ways to drag & drop this widget easily to your preferred view, but searching for the PerfStack by project name is by far the easiest method. As an admin, you can see any created PerfStack for the entire installation. If one of your colleagues created a great PerfStack, no problem, you can share this on a view for all to enjoy. All existing limitations to view customization still exist, so just make sure that if you're putting a PerfStack widget on a node details page, that you really want that PerfStack on all the node details pages.  Don't forget that you can also favorite any PerfStack widgets in the widget drawer for faster access in the future!

In this beta release, we haven't provided support, yet, for all chart visualizations. If you have a PerfStack that contains status as an example, you  may have an empty chart.


Search by PerfStack name is the easiest method!


SolarWinds Orion Installer 2.0.0

With this release, this may be your first opportunity to use the newest version of the SolarWinds Orion Installer version that can upgrade your scalability engines. In general, when I mention a version associated with the installer this is the file version of the downloaded file. You can always right click to see the file properties to verify what version of the installer you are running. In the example below, the relevant version number is 2.0.0 but the 1348 is an internal build number for our teams, and is not relevant for your daily purposes. In this section you'll find details for a small update in version 1.3.2 & 2.0.0, but I have a separate document detailing the new staging capabilities that are going to be available in this release (Orion Platform: Preparing for the Upgrade to 2018.2 )




In our previous release of the 1.3.1 installer , we consolidated our legacy installer's scalability engine capabilities into our SolarWinds Orion installer. This could be seen on fresh installations with the addition of a new option next to the existing "Lightweight" and "Standard" options. Clicking this would allow you to deploy a fresh or upgrade an Additional Polling Engine, Additional Website, or HA backup server. This was a seamless experience for any users using our recommended online installer option. Essentially, it allowed you to download any product installer (e.g. NPM 12.3 installer), use it to deploy your main poller and then use the same installer file to deploy any scalability engines.




The experience was a little less seamless for our offline users. If our offline installer users attempted to move that 2 GB installer to their intended scalability engine server, they would be confronted with the following message.



I'm happy to say that with 1.3.2 & 2.0.0 versions of the installer, that is no longer the case. If you want to move the offline installer that you used for your main poller to the server that you intend to deploy a scalability engine, you absolutely can. You will have the same user experience that users of our online installer users will have. However, that file is 2GB, and sharing that around to various servers is no joke. The following is a valid installation path for any user that requires an offline option.


  1. Download one of the offline product installers (e.g. NPM 12.3). Even if you intend on installing more than just NPM, you still only need to download one installer, as you can select additional products from the product selection screen.
  2. Set up your main poller. The deployment or upgrade of the main poller must be finalized to what you want before proceeding with any other installations.
  3. Move your scalability engines installer to the server you intend to deploy
    1. The 41MB installer can be downloaded from your Polling Engines setting page e.g. http://<ipaddress>/Orion/Admin/Details/Engines.aspx
    2. You can download the 41MB online installer for NPM
    3. You can move your offline product installer to the server
  4. Set up your scalability engine by executing the installer file and following the steps outline through the installer and configuration wizard.


Please note that selecting the scalability engine option will always download the required files from the main poller. That is why offline users can choose to use the smaller online installer or offline installer, and either option will be able to adhere to your offline requirement .



With 2.0.0, you also have the ability to use our new staging feature which I've gone into detail here: Orion Platform: Preparing for the Upgrade to 2018.2


Now that you know about the amazing features we have in store for you in this release from the 2018.2 platform release, please go forth and install! We look forward to hearing about your experiences and feedback.


SNMP Polling Meraki Devices (NPM 12.0/11.0.1) - How To


Edit (10/4/17):

Poll the nodes directly via Solarwinds.  You must define the SNMP details on the Meraki dashboard (see how-to steps below).

Meraki Document for the curious: Monitoring the Wireless Network - Cisco Meraki



Thousands of Meraki devices needed to be added to Solarwinds for my situation, and so the hunt began.  First stop was Meraki for some help, which led me to this document: https://docs.meraki.com/download/attachments/13500458/ConfigurationGuide-Meraki-SolarwindsSNMP%20(2).pdf?version=1&modif…  (Deprecated.)The document's instructions weren't for the implementation that I was looking for, and that document was all I could find in online.  What I needed was to poll the devices directly instead of through the dashboard.  When I followed Meraki's document for alerting, it wasn't what I was looking for.  Passing relevant information to the alerts wasn't available, based on Meraki's instructions.  Eventually, I accidentally stumbled upon the answer, and now looking back it seems so simple .


How-To Steps:

  • On the SolarWinds Network Discovery page, create a new discovery
  • Use the SNMP string that was input on each Meraki network under Network-wide>General or Configure>Alerts & administration (located on Meraki's dashboard) and click ‘next’
    • SNMP settings include the version (V1/V2c), and a SNMP string.  They are located under 'Reporting'
    • Meraki SNMP.png
  • Uncheck ‘poll for VMware’ and click next
  • Uncheck ‘add to NCM’ and click next
  • Click ‘next’ on the windows credentials page
  • Paste in your Meraki IPs and click on ‘next’
  • Set the Discovery name and click on ‘next’
  • Set your discovery schedule and click on ‘discover’
  • Select the Meraki device interfaces you’d like to import and click ‘next’
    • Selecting the advanced options section can help for picking out specific interfaces.
  • Click ‘next’ on the volume type page.
  • Click ‘import’ on the import preview page.
    • Wait for the import to finish before clicking on ‘finish’



Here's a Meraki MX80 that's been added.

MX80 SW Node.png

Here's an MR16 that's been added:

MR16 SW Node.png

After the nodes have been added, I setup alerts and they'll be able to pull helpful information (Hostname, IP, Custom Properties, etc.) when an event happens.


Misc. Info:

Version info: NPM 11.0.1


Devices I've tested:





Wireless Access Points







Current issues:

From the screenshots you can see that the Last Boot date isn't correct, however that isn't a pressing issue for me.


I hope this will help some of you, and feel free to ask questions.

I'll be adding updates as more info comes in, so feel free to post what you have run into.


Message was edited by: Naters


Syslogs Reaching Server, but not Showing up in Syslog Viewer



For the time being, we're using NPM's Syslog Viewer (v2016.2.0. we have a license for Kiwi, but can't implement it yet). I have the majority of our devices pointing directly to the NPM server handling syslog, but due to segregation, I need some devices to send their messages to a server they can reach, and it then can forward these messages to my NPM server.

I'm doing this forwarding using rsyslog. I set a proof-of-concept of this on a VM of Linux Mint (18.3, 32-bit, rsyslog v8.16.0-lubuntu3) I have on my machine, and it worked flawlessly.


I then spun up a CentOS 7 (64-bit, rsyslog v8.36.0) server and set it up the same way, but this one isn't working like my test did. It's sending all of the syslog messages as it should (udp/514), and these messages are reaching my NPM server (verified with TCPDump on the CentOS server and WireShark on the NPM server), but the messages from this server won't show up in Syslog Viewer. To muddle things further, if I configure my CentOS server to forward to my Mint server, then have my Mint server forward to the NPM server, those packets will show up in Syslog Viwer just fine.


Any ideas why this might be? I've tried literally everything I can think of, and this is driving me mad. I've even compared the packets from Syslog messages sent directly (without the rsyslog forward) that Syslog Viewer displays with packets from my forwarded messages, and the only difference I could see there is that the forwarded packets have the Don't Fragment bit sent (though I was able to get rid of this by sending larger test syslog packets).




Orion Server Hardware best Model


We are planning to do our SolarWinds server hardware refresh. Any specific best model (latest) for the sever.?


Packet Loss Chart or Report between two nodes


We are suspecting some packet loss between two specific windows servers.  We had setup Netpath and trying to figure out the issue. Can we get the packet loss chart or report for specific period.? (like last one week / month)


Also Is there any other Orion module we can use to get the packet loss report between the servers.?


Solarwinds and Notepager Pro v5




I have built a new Solarwinds system (2 physical servers, ORION & SQL) that has NPM 12.2 and SAM 6.5 and I have installed Notepager Pro version 5.


My problem is that I can send an SMS message to all the recipients from Notepager Pro but when I trigger an alert from Solarwinds the SMS message isn't sent/received.  I can see that the alert has triggered in Solarwinds but I don't get a text message.  Am I missing something obvious?


I have restarted all services and I've also done a comparison with our current, soon to be decommissioned, Solarwinds system (which uses Notepager Pro v3) but I can't see anything obvious.


As always, any help will be very much appreciated.




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