When adding new nodes to NPM, do you use Network Sonar or you add your nodes directly?
Do you use the Network Sonar Discovery?
SQL Web Report Syntax Help?
I trust all is well my SolarWinds THWACK Companions...
Are you able to help me with understanding and knowing what SQL Syntax I need to use to ideally get the results for Lines 11, 13 and or 14?
01 SELECT n.Location AS 'Site Location',
02 n.Caption AS 'Node Name',
03 n.IP_Address AS 'IP Address',
04 n.Vendor AS 'Vendor',
05 n.MachineType AS 'Machine Type',
06 nep.Model AS 'Node Model Type',
07 n.IOSImage AS 'IOS Image',
08 n.IOSVersion AS 'IOS Version',
09 ncc.chassisID AS 'Node Chassis ID',
10 ncc.chassisserialnumber AS 'Node Chassis Serial No.',
11 n.SystemUpTime AS 'Node Up Time',
12 n.LastBoot AS'Node Last Boot Up',
13 n.Status AS 'Node Status',
14 n.StatusLED AS 'Node Status LED',
15 n.Contact AS 'Support Team',
16 n.EngineID AS 'SWO Poller'
17 n.NodeID AS 'SWO Node ID'
19 FROM Nodes n
21 INNER JOIN NCM_NodeProperties ncm ON n.NodeID=ncm.CoreNodeID
22 INNER JOIN NCM_Cisco_Chassis ncc ON ncm.NodeID=ncc.NodeID
23 INNER JOIN NCM_Entity_Physical nep ON nep.NodeID=ncc.NodeID
26 [Location], [Caption] ASC
Line 11;
How to display this as (YY:DD:)HH:MM:SS?
What SQL Syntax needs to added?
Line 13 and or 14;
What SQL Syntax can be used to show the Node Status Up, Down or Unmanaged replacing the 1, 2, 9
Or Line 14; Removing the *.gif?
Only 1 of these lines will be needed or wanted.
In the meantime I am now reading through the SAMs SQL in 24 Hours…
I will look forward to your feedback and recommendation to alternate SQL Syntax Code if necessary.
In addition, any recommendations on SQL Books or Commands Reference to help with the not so simple SolarWinds 'Out the Box' Reports.
Kind Regards,
Confucius Says;
“The man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones”.
SAM DB maintenance notification
No option to reboot server in Node Details?
Due to our size, we have two instances of Solarwinds: One for network devices (NPM, NCM, UDT, etc) and one for Servers & Systems (NPM, SAM, WPM, VMAN). I am an admin in both. When I view a server in the Server/system instance, and go to the Node details - Summary page, I have the option to reboot the server. On the Network side, I do not. For even the same server, with both managing it via WMI. I'm not sure if this is a permissions issue or how the page is configured. I'm just not seeing the option to add or remove that part of the Management section.
Same server
Managed via WMI
Screenshots attached.
Why do you need more than NPM's interface traffic and NTA's flow analysis
We recently saw that "Cisco NBAR support" was voted #1 enhancement request for NTA - the Network Traffic Analyzer.
Above and beyond NBAR, we are wondering what are your most important needs for advanced traffic analysis techniques such as Network Based Application Recognition-NBAR, Deep Packet Inspection-DPI, Flexible Netflow
More on this topic here
Another Install recommendation question
My current environment
Nodes 1700
Volumes 1144
NCM 580
SAM 2110
NPM 19,600 interfaces
IPAM 2494 (can increase to 16,384)
UDT 2178 (can increase to 10,000)
I also have
I have the main application server, and an additional poller and also a separate NTA server. I also just purchased an additional Web server license. Of course I have a separate SQL server
This means I have 4 servers (main, add poller, add web, NTA) along with the SQL server.
Does this sound logical to everyone? Does anything here jump out at anyone with "why in the world would you do that..."?
Thank you
Tell Us Your SolarWinds Strategic Objective Paragraph
I just got out of a meeting with a manager of another IT department, whom could be considered one of my internal customers. Out topic of discussion was in regards to how Solarwinds Orion suite can serve his department, and how his department can assist with Orion. In conversation, the topic came up of, "Let us not lose sight of our strategic objective of Solarwinds in our company." To which we both kind of looked at each other, and then wondered, I don't even know if we have such a statement. If not, we should craft one.
A few things we came up with, which are part of having Solarwinds here, are:
- One pane of glass, one authority to report the health of the IT systems. (Sounds kind of Tolkienian).
- Event Management
- Orion should provide us with valid alerts, which require action, and contain pertinent information for troubleshooting/resolution actions, which are sent to the correct people who can act on them. (Sounds kind of tactical, rather than strategic).
I'm sure there could be more added, or could be more generalized. So, I am looking to you, for your input. What is your statement or paragraph of you Strategic Objective for Solarwinds in your Company? Maybe your carefully word-smithed statements could be adapted to our needs.
Thanks for your input.
Node Downtime with Duration and Minimum Length Filtering
I had assembled this based on a much older SQL report, and then updated it to SWQL, then added some more intelligence to it so you can filter it based on the duration of the outage, search by the device names, and it has a method of letting you know when nodes have been down so long they aged out of the events table.
Based on popular requests I figured it was time to put it out here to make it easier for the Thwackers to find and use. This is intended to be used inside the Custom Query Resource
select n.caption as [Device] -- shows the current status icon , '/Orion/images/StatusIcons/Small-' + n.StatusIcon AS [_IconFor_Device] -- makes a clickable link to the node details , n.DetailsUrl as [_linkfor_Device] -- shows the timestamp of the down event, if there is no timestamp then is says the event was greater than the number of days in your event retention settings , isnull(tostring(t2.[Down Event]),concat('Greater than ',(SELECT CurrentValue FROM Orion.Settings where settingid='SWNetPerfMon-Settings-Retain Events'),' days ago')) as [Down Event] -- shows the timestamp of the up event, unless the object is still down , isnull(tostring(t2.[Up Event]),'Still Down') as [Up Event] -- figures out the minutes between the down and up events, if the object is still down it counts from the down event to now, displays 99999 if we cannot accurately determine the original downtime, and , isnull(MINUTEDIFF(t2.[Down Event], isnull(t2.[Up Event],GETUTCDATE())),99999) as Minutes from orion.nodes n left join (SELECT -- Device nodeid used for our join StartTime.Nodes.NodeID -- Down Event time stamp in local time zone ,ToLocal(StartTime.EventTime) AS [Down Event] -- Up Event time stamp in local time zone ,(SELECT TOP 1 ToLocal(EventTime) AS [EventTime] FROM Orion.Events AS [EndTime] -- picks the first up event that is newer than the down event for this node WHERE EndTime.EventTime >= StartTime.EventTime -- EventType 5 is a node up AND EndTime.EventType = 5 AND EndTime.NetObjectID = StartTime.NetObjectID AND EventTime IS NOT NULL ORDER BY EndTime.EventTime ) AS [Up Event] -- This is the table we are querying FROM Orion.Events StartTime -- EventType 1 is a node down WHERE StartTime.EventType = 1 ) t2 on n.NodeID = t2.nodeid -- this is how I catch nodes that are down but have aged out of the events table where (n.status = 2 or t2.nodeid is not null) -- If you want to filter the results to only show outages of a minimum duration uncomment the below line --and MINUTEDIFF(isnull(t2.[Down Event],(GETUTCDATE()-30)), isnull(t2.[Up Event],GETUTCDATE())) > 60 -- if you want to use this query in a search box of the Custom Query resource uncomment the below line --and n.Caption like '%${SEARCH_STRING}%' order by t2.[down event] desc
Loop1 Systems: SolarWinds Training and Professional Services
- LinkedIN: Loop1 Systems
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- Twitter: @Loop1Systems
Netflow : Secured Dataflow from Device to APE
Hi All,
Is there any secured option to send the data from Configured Netflow Device to Polling Engine / Additional Polling Engine.
Solarwinds IPAM v/s Infoblox netMRI
Hello Thwackers,
Can anybody help me with the comparison of Solarwinds IPAM with Infoblox netMRI?
Karthik A
Any information on Event Correlation in NPM
Is this possible?
How Correlation can be done.
Can we achieve correlation in solarwinds. In my view correlation means..we get many alerts for one alert configuration.. but rather than getting many alerts for one alert..all the alerts should be reddened and only one alert has to be raised and that has to be sent.
Need your inputs in performing this activity.
NPM 12.3.1 service release ?
Is there any chance for NPM 12.3.1 or offline 12.3.0 with all the hotfixs ?
Cisco Stackwise virtual
We just setup a new stackwise virtual stack on catalyst 9500.
Everything looks good but solarwinds complains that the stack data ring is only half redundant.
I have 2 links in the stack so there is redundancy. Is this just solarwinds complaining because its a newer technology and solarwinds doesnt work with it 100% or did I configure something wrong?
Switch Stackwise Virtual Link Ports
------ ---------------------- ------
1 1 TenGigabitEthernet1/0/38
Switch Stackwise Virtual Link Ports
------ ---------------------- ------
2 1 TenGigabitEthernet2/0/38
Stackwise Virtual Link(SVL) Information:
Link Status
U-Up D-Down
Protocol Status
S-Suspended P-Pending E-Error T-Timeout R-Ready
Switch SVL Ports Link-Status Protocol-Status
------ --- ----- ----------- ---------------
1 1 TenGigabitEthernet1/0/38 U R
TenGigabitEthernet1/0/40 U R
2 1 TenGigabitEthernet2/0/38 U R
TenGigabitEthernet2/0/40 U R
Shutdown vs Down Alerts
Fairly new to NPM, so just fumbling my way through trying to tune it a bit so we get the right alerts and not so much noise.
One thing we discovered today is when we ran a shutdown command on a interface that is monitored, we did not receive an interface status change alert email.
I assume, that it first registers in NPM as interface "admin shutdown" (which we have alerts disabled at the moment) and then the interface as down.
I brought the same interface back up and physically removed the cable, and we did receive the interface status change email.
Could anyone please confirm this is the correct behavior?
Question about 2018.2 Hotfix 4 "Installation Complete"
Hi folks.
I installed Hotfix 4 on the primary polling engine. I see the Installation run via the SolarWinds Setup Wizard. On the primary engine, it gave me a notification that said Installation complete but I also saw a config wizard pop up in the background.
I haven't run the config wizard but I did open solarwinds and I see it says HF4 listed.
So does that mean it is installed or does that mean I need to run the config wizard?
I saw in the config wizard that the URL was blank and that worried me.
I see here at the bottom that it says HF4.
Edit -
I ran on the other polling engines and I see the setup wizard complete and it says "the installation is complete" like the screenshot above. Then I see Cortex, Orion Core Services, and Information Service were all installed today.
Then the Configuration Wizard pops up. I am not sure if I should go through this. I see also that it stops all the services so I start them again.
Apologies, I did not do the initial installation for this system, I am just trying to run the hotfix. Everything appears to be working and I see HF4 listed, but since I didn't run the configuration wizard I am not sure if I am left with some sort of partial install. The instructions for the hotfix just says to follow the prompts which isn't very useful if one prompt says "installation complete" and then the wizard pops up after you close that window.
SolarWinds Redundancy
Does anyone know whether SolarWinds support redundancy or not. If so, what is deployment option and is it applicable for Primary Orion Server as well as poller?
Alert Notes
I'm using the ServiceNow Integration to open incidents as action in an alert configuration. The alert configuration is a copy of the High CPU usage alert which comes with an action to execute a script that retrieves the top 10 processes. The alert in SolarWinds shows that information in a section of the Alert Details as "Alert Notes". How can I get this detail into the ticket description?
Stop Alerts During Maintenance
Is there a way to stop alerts from triggering when doing a maintenance? I've tried pausing the alerts before the maintenance, but when I resume the alerts after the maintenance is complete I get a flood. I would rather not unmanage all my nodes because(and correct me if I am wrong) then when I go to re-enable them by selecting all, couldn't that enable devices that were manually unmanaged?
Thank you, Pat
No option to reboot server in Node Details?
Due to our size, we have two instances of Solarwinds: One for network devices (NPM, NCM, UDT, etc) and one for Servers & Systems (NPM, SAM, WPM, VMAN). I am an admin in both. When I view a server in the Server/system instance, and go to the Node details - Summary page, I have the option to reboot the server. On the Network side, I do not. For even the same server, with both managing it via WMI. I'm not sure if this is a permissions issue or how the page is configured. I'm just not seeing the option to add or remove that part of the Management section.
Same server
Managed via WMI
Screenshots attached.