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Empty Folder in MIB Browser


Hello everyone,


I'm trying to add a new UnDP poller. Whenever I browse to the MIB that I would like to monitor, it shows up as an empty folder. Why is that? I just updated my MIB database, so I don't believe that it is out of date.


Screenshot for reference




VMware Polling Issues


We are having issues trying to successfully monitor VMware environments.


Here's the steps we are following:

1) Add Node - use vcenter IP

2) Polling Method - Status Only (ICMP)

3) Once the host is added - edit node properties

     - VMware Polling Settings - Click the checkbox - Poll for VMware

     Enter credentials for user with read access in vcenter

     Test Fails

     During the testing process I confirmed network communication from the poller to vcenter


Has anyone faced similar issues?


Any assistance or guidance would be greatly appreciated.  We have an open case, but we have yet to get a resolution.


Orion Platform 2017.3.5 SP5 - NPM 12.2

Top XX Volumes by Disk Space Used filter by custom property


I would like to use the widget: "Top XX Volumes by Disk SpaceUsed".  I created Volume custom properties called  "Mute_Volume".  We have many DVR's that are always around 99% - 100% for disk space.  I would like to filter out these DVR's volume from the DVR's form showing on the "Top XX Volumes by Disk Space Used" widget. The DVR's have 2 volumes C:\ and where the DVR data goes.  I don't want to exclude the C:\ drive volumes from this query.  In SWQL Studio I created this and it works.



    nd.NodeID, nd.Caption, vol.Caption, vol.VolumeType, vol.VolumePercentUsed


    Orion.Nodes AS nd INNER JOIN Orion.Volumes AS vol ON (nd.NodeID = vol.NodeID)

INNER JOIN Orion.VolumesCustomProperties AS volCP ON (volCP.VolumeID = vol.VolumeID)


    vol.VolumeType = 'Fixed Disk' AND

    vol.VolumePercentUsed BETWEEN 90 AND 100 AND

    volCP.Mute_Volume != 'TRUE'

ORDER BY vol.VolumePercentUsed DESC


However, I'm unable to filter the widget to remove the DRV's data volume.  I have tried:
Mute_Volume != 'TRUE'

VolumesCustomProperties.Mute_Volume != 'TRUE'

Orion.VolumesCustomProperties.Mute_Volume != 'TRUE'


Any Ideas?

Network Atlas not showing L2 connections

Rows in UDP tabular web display don't populate


I'm attempting to display tabular data from a custom UDP on a node's web display and followed the instructions here:


Set up a multi-column table with custom device poller - SolarWinds Worldwide, LLC. Help and Support


Everything goes fine when creating the custom UDP in Orion Universal Device Poller and editing the web settings as described in the link above, but I get no row data in the web display.  I get column headings and that's it:


Web View

Testing against the node in MIB browse works and shows the table data for every OID I'm attempting to display:

Browse MIB

I'm selecting existing column names for the row labels:

Column Names


The advanced options for each OID are Raw Value, GET TABLE, and Node polling. 


Here are the web view settings for the web display table example above:

Web Display Settings


Any advice would be greatly appreciated.



I'm pleased to announce that the Network Performance Monitor (NPM) 12.4 Beta 1 is now available!



This beta includes certain items that are mentioned in What We're Working on for NPM (Updated June 1st, 2018) post.


At SolarWinds, being customer-driven and responsive to customer needs is a fundamental part of how we build software. Beta feedback is one of the key avenues we use to inform and adjust what we're building so that it can fit your needs and your environment. We'll take feedback anytime we can get it, but now is the best time to provide feedback that can affect the product.



As an added incentive, beta users who submit feedback will receive 3,000 THWACK® points to buy swag at the THWACK Store. That's enough points to score yourself all sorts of stuff.


To get access to the beta, you need to be a customer on active maintenance for NPM and sign up here. To share feedback, please post on the NPM Beta forum.





NPM Team

All Interface Discovery


I'm using Network Sonar Discovery to discovery a large number of switches at specific IP address. I want to import all the interfaces, UP, DOWN, Shutdown. The reason is to Alert on Ports which should be down but have become active. If I schedule this discovery will it import all of the interfaces? Notice when I execute the discovery manually meaning no schedule the interfaces I'm talking about are not selected.

Execute Once Network Sonar Discovery

Dashboard for Top 10 Interfaces


Hey All!  Now, you’re probably looking at the title of this and thinking “yeah, that’s easy enough, just create a custom chart and get the top 10 already”.  Well, this one is going to be a bit different.  What if, instead, you want to see the top 10 interfaces, but the interfaces are in separate charts?  Perfstack seems the obvious choice, but perfstack only gives you a static list, not a top 10 list.  That’s where things get a bit tricky.


But fear not!  With the power of SQL, this can be accomplished:


Here I’ve gone and created a view in Orion that contains the top 10 interfaces across the entire environment.  Each one of these resources is a custom chart that is based on a custom SQL query. Each query is exactly the same, except there is an offset number that is changed for the first, second, etc. interface. Below are the steps in creating:


Step 1 - Create a new view (Optional, but recommended):

Go to Settings --> All Settings, and click on Manage Views. Click on Add, then create a Summary View called “Top 10 Interfaces”

Step 2 – Add the new view to a menu bar (Optional, but recommended):

Go to Settings --> All Settings, and click on “Customize Menu Bars”.  Click on the menu bar you want to add the view to (I used Network_TabMenu), and select Edit.

From the list of available views on the left, find the “Top 10 Interfaces” you created, and drag that to the right.

Now you have the new view under My Dashboards --> Network --> Top 10 Interfaces

Step 3 – Create the widgets:

Click on the view we just created in steps 1 and 2, and on the left side of our blank canvas, click on Customize Page:

Then go to “Add Widgets” in the upper right:

Search for the “Custom Chart” Widget, then drag and drop that widget 10 times to the main part of the screen (5 in each column):

Click “Done Adding Widgets when finished”


Step 4 – Make the charts:

This is the meaty part. On the first chart, click on “Configure this resource” or “edit” (both will take you to the same page):

For “Title”, call this “Interface #1”
Subtitle we can leave blank
Then for datasource, click "Select Datasource", and change the selection method to “Advanced Database Query (SQL, SWQL)”, then change the query type to SQL:

Now for the query, copy and paste the following:


     (no.caption + ' - ' + interf.interfacename) as [Node Name],

     interf.interfacename as [Interface Name],


     it.in_averagebps as [Average BPS In],

     it.out_averagebps as [Average BPS Out]

FROM [dbo].[InterfaceTraffic] it

inner join Interfaces interf

     on it.interfaceid=interf.interfaceid

inner join nodes no

     on it.nodeid=no.nodeid

where it.interfaceID=(



FROM [dbo].[InterfaceTraffic] it

where it.datetime >= DATEADD(day, -1, GETDATE()) and it.in_averagebps IS NOT NULL and it.out_averagebps IS NOT NULL

group by it.interfaceid

order by(avg(it.in_averagebps)+avg (it.out_averagebps)) desc



So, quick explanation as to what this query does.  The first part, up to the “where” statement, pulls the interface traffic information. The magic happens in the where clause. The where clause takes the last 24 hours of performance information, per interface, and averages it out and sorts the top interfaces.

The important piece to this is the LAST line;



What this line does is return just one line, but offset the rows X number of lines.  So, for this chart, we take the top result.  For the next chart, we will take an offset of 1, so our query is now:



This query will give us the chart for the 2nd interface in the top ten, and so on.


Step 4 – The rest of the chart setup:

Now that our data source is set for the first chart, you can now set the rest of the options.

  1. Set your time period (I set mine to last 24 hours)
  2. On the left y-Axis, click Add data series, select “Average BPS In”
  3. Once added, click ‘More’, and a button will appear for “Time Column”.  Click that and select ‘datetime’
  4. Again on the left y-Axis, click Add data series, select “Average BPS Out”.
  5. And again, once added, click ‘More’, and select ‘datetime’ for the “Time Column”
  6. For “Units Displayed”, set this to “Bit/s”
  7. Under “Data Grouping”, “Group chart data” by “Interface Name”
  8. And for “Legend Shows”, select “Node Name”


And that’s it!  Hit submit.


Step 5 – Rinse and Repeat:

Repeat steps 3 and 4 for the other ten charts, and make sure you:

Change the offset number for each chart (Interface #2 has an offset of 1, Interface #3 has an offset of 2, etc.)

Change the name of the Charts for Interface 2, 3, etc.


That should do it! From this point, if you want to change the query to include a custom property, or maybe do volumes or cpu performance, you can.  The real part of this is the where clause where you look up your information ahead of time, then offset/fetch.  Let me know in the comments if you have any questions!

Remote Office Poller for Additional Polling Engine


Dear All,


In the scalability document, I read about ' Remote Office Poller' which looks like a Add-on to additional polling engine to poll data from Remote site.


We have a environment with 2 main Data Center, connected with about 600 remote sites,, The complexity here is ,at some remote sites, there wont be any speed connection like VPN, and so latency will be more than 300ms..I believe inorder to over come these scenarios, Remote office Poller can be used.


Kindly please correct my understanding, and also help with any detailed articles about remote pollers';

FortiMail Info


Orion JIRA integration


Many SolarWinds Orion users need to integrate the monitoring and alerting capabilities with task or ticket tracking systems. The recent addition of the integration to ServiceNow allowed many users to have an easy way to connect the two worlds without needing custom scripts. In a similar way, the research team at SolarWinds has written an integration with Atlassian JIRA.


Note: This integration currently relies on the "Alert Integration" feature in Orion.  Ensure that is turned on for the alerts that you want to create JIRA issues for.


To gauge interest and find early bugs, we are releasing an unofficial alpha level integration for our customers who use JIRA. This integration synchronizes Orion alerts with JIRA issues. This post will describe the configuration and usage of this integration for users to try out and let us know additional features, usability, and usefulness of the software.


The integration is meant to link alerts in Orion with issues in JIRA. For example,

  • A triggered alert in Orion will create a new issue in JIRA.
  • Alert notes in Orion will add a comment to the JIRA issue.
  • Acknowledged alerts will transition a JIRA issue to a certain state
  • Alerts that reset will transition a JIRA issue to a certain state.


Step 1: Installation

Download the bits attached to this post.

Set up the service - install the service on your main Orion server.


Step 2: JIRA Integration Configuration

Next open the file settings.json from the installation directory with a text editor like Notepad.

Update the following fields with the correct information.

Orion Settings


Hostname of your Orion server


Username of the Orion user you wish to access the Orion Information Service with. This must be an admin account in order to configure the alert notifications.


Password for the user above

WebhookListenUrlThe url that JIRA will call back when an event occurs in JIRA. The port in this field will need to be accessible through the firewall so that the JIRA events will be able to communicate back to the Orion JIRA Integration service

JIRA Settings

ServerHostHostname for your JIRA server
ServerPortPort your JIRA server is listening on
UseHttpsWhether the JIRA server is configured to for HTTPS
ProjectKeyProject key in JIRA that you want the issues opened in.

JIRA issue type you would like the Orion JIRA Integration to create issues as. This field is one of the predetermined list of options available in JIRA like "Story", "Task", etc.

UsernameJIRA username you want to use to connect to the JIRA server
PasswordPassword for the above username

Name of the transition to set the issue to when an alert is acknowledged in Orion.  Set to an empty string if not used.

ResetTransitionActionName of the transition to set the issue to when the alert is reset. Set to an empty string if not used
EventsToListenForThis field is mainly for development use so do not adjust this field

Specify the mapping of Orion user properties to Jira custom fields.

The Orion properties must be added under the "Alert Integration" section of the Alert Summery page.


A sample definition would be


"FieldAssignment" : {

     "JiraField1" : "IP Address",

     "JiraField2" : "Caption"



Sample settings file

{    "OrionHost": "orion.foo.local",    "OrionUsername": "Test",    "OrionPassword": "test",    "WebhookListenUrlRoot": "http://localhost:8080",    "Jira" : {        "ServerHost" : "jira-01.foo.local",        "ServerPort" : "8080",        "UseHttps": false,        "ProjectKey" : "ITX",        "IssueTypeKey": "Task",        "Username": "JiraUser",        "Password": "JiraPass",        "AcknowledgedTransitionAction" :  "",        "ResetTransitionAction" :  "Done",        "EventsToListenFor": [],        "FieldAssignment": {},    }



Restart the Orion JIRA Integration windows service after updating the configuration file.


Step 3: Orion Alert Configuration

Currently, the integration relies on the "Alert Integration" feature in Orion.   Edit each alert you want to create JIRA tickets for and make sure the alert is enabled and the "Alert Integration" checkbox is checked.   To do so

  1. Navigate to the "Manage Alerts" from the admin area and edit the alert

  2. Ensure the the alert is "Enabled"

  3. Navigate to the summary page by clicking the "summary" tab

  4. Expand the "Alert Integration" section and ensure that "Integrate alert with other SolarWinds products and subscribers" is checked.

  5. Click the submit button.


Step 4: Test the integration


Trigger a test alert in Orion and confirm that the desired task is created in JIRA.




See the issue in JIRA



Update the alert notes. Confirm that alert notes you add in Orion get entered as a comment in the JIRA task.



See the notes as comments in the JIRA task.


Test complete! Congratulations, you have now just used the SolarWinds Orion JIRA Integration.


Step 5: Enjoy and give feedback


Thank you for using this alpha stage integration and please let us know by responding to this post any additional requests you have for this sort of alerting integration. Also, since this is not an official release, you can not call SolarWinds support and get support for this feature. Support will be provided through this post from the research team at SolarWinds. If things are not functioning well, please stop the Orion JIRA Integration windows service and set the service to be disabled so that it does not restart on reboot.



SolarWinds Architecture Research and Innovation Team


Message was edited by: Zeid Derhally Updated attachment to provide more logging.


Message was edited by: Zeid Derhally Updated to include information about the Field Assignment functionality

Solarwinds trying to connect to SQL DB with service account


We have a Windows 2008 R2 VM server being monitored in Solarwinds. It has SQL DB installed in it.

Basic monnitoring enabled via polling method SNMPv2c

We have assigned Window services template to the node


But, it was reported to us that the Solarwinds service account is trying to connect to MSSQLSERVER on this server. We have not enabled the AppInsight monitoring (from List Resources).


What could be the reaosn, that Solarwinds service account is trying to connect to SQL DB?

Time format on report


I'm testing NPM, NCM and SAM in my Lab (Orion Platform 2018.2 HF4, NCM 7.8, CloudMonitoring 2.0.1, NPM 12.3, DPAIM 11.1.0, SAM 6.6.1, NetPath 1.1.3).

I tried to change time on the report Average CPU Utilization - This Week from This Week to last 2 hours. Whatever I changed on date/time settings of polling engine and tested browsers (Chrome, IE, Edge, Firefox) on Ubuntu, Windows 10 and Windows 7 workstation - the result on displayed report was always the same:

With small exception in Firefox and Edge showing values on horizontal axis in the format I wanted (HH:mm). On the Summary home page time format was different depending on local settings on workstations :

or .

While editing report I see on the Summary Tab correct format of time:


I will have to implement some bunch of reports for my customer soon and I know that AM/PM format of time is absolutely not acceptable. I'm wondering if there is any bug or I missed something.

Help with a simple SWQL query.


I've been tasked with building a report that shows the different groups we have in Solarwinds.  The report will be a single view that shows the different user/groups, the user/group limitations, the user/group rights and the user/group views.


I was successful in building this report, however the report returns multiple lines for each user in the group.


      For example, we have 2 groups one called Domain\SW_Network_User and Domain\SW_Server_User.


The query returns a multiple rows for each user in both groups.  I just want to return 1 row for each group.


To simply everything here's the base SWQL query minus all the different fields.




A.GroupInfo AS[Group Name]

,A.MenuName AS[Menu Name]

,OV.ViewTitle  AS[Home Page View]

,OV.ViewGroupName AS[View Group Name]

,OV.ViewType AS[View Type]


    WHENOV.NOCView = 'True' THEN 'Yes'

    ELSE 'No'


FROMOrion.Accounts A

JOIN Orion.Views OV ON A.HomePageViewID=OV.ViewID

WHERE A.AccountType = '4'


Here's the returen



How do I limit the query to just one return?

Why do you need more than NPM's interface traffic and NTA's flow analysis


We recently saw that "Cisco NBAR support" was voted #1 enhancement request for NTA - the Network Traffic Analyzer.

Above and beyond NBAR, we are wondering what are your most important needs for advanced traffic analysis techniques such as Network Based Application Recognition-NBAR, Deep Packet Inspection-DPI, Flexible Netflow

More on this topic here

SQL Query



Could anyone please help to get optimized query for the following scenario:


I have a table like this:














I like to have output like this:


















Not All Nodes Showing Up in Syslog Dropdown


Hi - I'm having an issue seeing devices in the "Network Object" dropdown box on the syslog page. The devices are sending data and it is received, but I am not able to see those same devices in the dropdown. I would like to choose a device by name while parsing logs....


Thank you, Pat

Time Zone Clocks using javascript

Using Custom Properties sending Alert emails


After receiving lots of queries i will try to explain in screen shots what steps needs to take if you wish to use custom properties logic to send email alerts to respective location / or team responsible for that node and group.

Basically when you have bunch of Nodes and you just wanted to send emails to the related department / Engineering Team only

Or You may have monitoring nodes for multiple customers where you would like to send emails to related customer for the nodes for that customer /


This post  can help in order to configure .


Step #1 Creating Custom Property


Start with Custom properties

Settings > manager custom properties.

Add Custom Properties







Leave it blank and Submit


Step #2 Assigning email to the nodes


Go to Settings Manage Nodes.

(Select multiple Node you wish to assign the email ) and click Edit Properties.

Now assign the email you wish to assign so all the alerts will be sent to respected email for these nodes .

And Submit to save changes.



Step #3 Using Custom property name under Alert Trigger Condition


Now in Alert use the custom property name to send the email for required email address for each node.

Select the Alert you wish to Edit and Edit Trigger Action > Send an email /page.

Add Trigger Action



When the alert will trigger it will use the email you have assigned to the Node.



***** Adding CC you can create more custom properties to include CC emails such as an example below ****







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