Edit (8/14/18):
Updated device list. Thank you for input and tests on other models!
Edit (10/4/17):
Poll the nodes directly via Solarwinds. You must define the SNMP details on the Meraki dashboard (see how-to steps below).
Meraki Document for the curious: Monitoring the Wireless Network - Cisco Meraki
Thousands of Meraki devices needed to be added to Solarwinds for my situation, and so the hunt began. First stop was Meraki for some help, which led me to this document: https://docs.meraki.com/download/attachments/13500458/ConfigurationGuide-Meraki-SolarwindsSNMP%20(2).pdf?version=1&modif… (Deprecated.)The document's instructions weren't for the implementation that I was looking for, and that document was all I could find in online. What I needed was to poll the devices directly instead of through the dashboard. When I followed Meraki's document for alerting, it wasn't what I was looking for. Passing relevant information to the alerts wasn't available, based on Meraki's instructions. Eventually, I accidentally stumbled upon the answer, and now looking back it seems so simple .
How-To Steps:
- On the SolarWinds Network Discovery page, create a new discovery
- Use the SNMP string that was input on each Meraki network under Network-wide>General or Configure>Alerts & administration (located on Meraki's dashboard) and click ‘next’
- SNMP settings include the version (V1/V2c), and a SNMP string. They are located under 'Reporting'
- Uncheck ‘poll for VMware’ and click next
- Uncheck ‘add to NCM’ and click next
- Click ‘next’ on the windows credentials page
- Paste in your Meraki IPs and click on ‘next’
- Set the Discovery name and click on ‘next’
- Set your discovery schedule and click on ‘discover’
- Select the Meraki device interfaces you’d like to import and click ‘next’
- Selecting the advanced options section can help for picking out specific interfaces.
- Click ‘next’ on the volume type page.
- Click ‘import’ on the import preview page.
- Wait for the import to finish before clicking on ‘finish’
Here's a Meraki MX80 that's been added.
Here's an MR16 that's been added:
After the nodes have been added, I setup alerts and they'll be able to pull helpful information (Hostname, IP, Custom Properties, etc.) when an event happens.
Misc. Info:
Version info: NPM 11.0.1
Devices I've tested unless otherwise noted:
MX65 shannon.raymond
MX100 michael.kent
Wireless Access Points
MR24 michael.kent
MR32 kwameb87
MS220 kwameb87
MS320 kwameb87
MS350 kwameb87
MS42P michael.kent
MS420 kwameb87
Current issues:
From the screenshots you can see that the Last Boot date isn't correct, however that isn't a pressing issue for me.
I hope this will help some of you, and feel free to ask questions.
I'll be adding updates as more info comes in, so feel free to post what you have run into.
Message was edited by: Naters