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Are there any known issues/gotchas when installing all of NPM on a non system drive


I'm planning a migration/fresh install of NPM 12.1 or 12.2 with SAM 6.4 and NCM 7.6. I want to install everything on a non system logical drive (D:\) instead of the default (C:\).

I'm not too worried about the core software/platform getting put on D:\, but I'm wondering:

1. If there are any obvious issues with the IIS website/Orion UI or any of the other tools that come with NPM (SWIS support tools, permissions checker, database manager, etc.) or the add-on tools you can install (Engineers toolset, etc.)?

2. If there any components (or known directory paths) that, even if I tell the installer to put everything on D:\, will still install or utilize C:\?  Things that come to mind as candidates are C:\Windows\Temp\ and C:\ProgramData\SolarWinds

3. If things still installed on C:\, with the likely exception of C:\Windows\Temp, has anyone gone through manually configuring these things for another location? If so, was it a pain to manage (like every upgrade/patch/restart wipes out the manual configs,  you have to modify 100 xml files and make 50 registry changes etc).  I'm not trying to be cynical , I'm just looking for level of administrative overhead/effort.


Edit: Short of the IIS website, I'm not concerned about the Microsoft software installed as requirements like .NET, or SQL client software, and MSMQ as I believe they will probably install on C:\, but 3rd party software like RabbitMQ or other components would be nice to know where they are put.

Bandwidth analysis report


I have been looking for a way to automatically create a report to easily determine the network link which need an upgrade.


The average or 95th are good but show their limits when it come to more isolated burst (which may generate impact on customer)


I added 2 variables : PCOT and ISLAND


PCOT = Polling cycle over threshold --> Quantity of polling cycle for which the utilization was >= 80%


In this example, the polling interval was every minute and the query keep only records between 8 and 16. So this is 14400 minutes.


The ISLAND is the quantity of time that there was a contiguous utilization >= 80%


This query run in 7min on 1812 interfaces, polling every minutes, details stats for 1 month.


I'm sure this query can be optimized because I barely understand what I do in SQL


I don't want any lesson of SQL here. If you think you can do better, just post it!


If you can optimize it, you will have my eternal gratitude


It serve his purpose in my company, I'm just posting it so that other can use it / contribute.


* I started to build the query based on another script on Thawk for the 95th percentile, so some variable have the same name.



*** QUERY UPDATED 2018-09-04 ***

















SELECTDISTINCTSecondSet.interfaceid                 ASINTERFACEID,

                FourthSet.caption                     ASNOM_SITE,

                SecondSet.caption                     ASNOM_INTERFACE,

                ThirdSet.nb_island                    ASNB_ISLAND_GT_30,







                Firstset.pcot_percent                 ASPCOT80_POURCENT,


                Secondset.avg_in                      ASMOY_IN,

                Secondset.avg_out                     ASMOY_OUT,

                Secondset.avg_in_percent              ASMOY_IN_POURCENT,

                Secondset.avg_out_percent             ASMOY_OUT_POURCENT,

                Secondset.inbandwidth                 ASCAPACITE_IN,

                Secondset.outbandwidth                ASCAPACITE_OUT,


FROM   (SELECTi.interfaceid,







        FROM   [SURV_PRO_NPM].[dbo].[interfacetraffic_detail]ASIWITH(nolock)



        WHERE  (i.in_maxbps>=(NULLIF(J.inbandwidth,0)*@Threshold/100)







        GROUP  BYi.interfaceid,





       Avg(NULLIF(i.in_maxbps,0))/NULLIF(J.inbandwidth,0)*100   AS












       FROM   [dbo].[interfacetraffic_detail]ASIWITH(nolock)



       WHERE  ((Datepart(dw,datetime))<>1




       GROUP  BYi.interfaceid,








                        FROM   (SELECTCount(grp)  ASNB_ISLAND,


                                FROM   (SELECTDatediff(minute,'19000101',


















                                        WHERE  (i.in_maxbps>=














       GROUP  BYi.interfaceid,



       GROUP  BYgrp,



       GROUP  BYinterface_id)ASThirdSet




                   FROM   nodesASNWITH(nolock))ASFourthSet






                   FROM   interfacetraffic_detailASIWITH(nolock)

                   GROUP  BYinterfaceid)ASFifthSet


ORDER  BYpolling_cycle_over_thresholdDESC

Trap Viewer and Syslog Viewer Stopped Working


At one of our sites we recently started receiving an error when trying to launch Trap Viewer or Syslog Viewer. Any time one of the applications is launced, the following error is received.


Trap Viewer Stopped Working


The same general error appears for Syslog Viewer as well, except is says "Syslog Viewer has stopped working". We have checked our other sites and this seems to be the only one having this issue.


This instance is on a Windows Server 2012 R2 server. Current Orion Platform is 2017.3.5 SP5, NPM 12.2. The other instances that ARE working are on the same platform and product versions as well, with the same level of of Windows patches applied.


We have already tried rebooting the server and running a repair of Orion Core Services, neither of which helped. We have an open support ticket on this, but thought I'd reach out to the community to see if anyone has experienced this before or has any recommendations. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks.

SQL Server Compact Edition 3.5




I understand this is needed as part of the job engine but our security team has just jumped all over my back as it is EOL and support ended back in April 2018.


Version 4 is available but i'm not sure i can just go install the latest version without causing any issues, has anyone got any experience with this and how to keep the security team happy??



NetPath not showing hops


NetPath from my Solarwinds server is working great. I have two NetPath probes on Windows servers, pointed back to Solarwinds from remote sites. One works great, the other doesn't. The one that doesn't work shows no hops. It shows itself, Solarwinds, and nothing in between. A tracert from the server shows three hops in between, as expected.


Anyone know why? Not sure what other info I can provide.


The only difference is that pushing out an agent to this particular server failed, and I installed it manually as agent-initiated.

Hops not showing some of the netpath


Team ,


we have configured around 50 netpath in our environment and most of the netpath is showing the path hop by hop  but few  of the netpath not showing the hop details

have followed the below process to fix the issue but no luck the issue still the same .please help me how to resolve this


  1. 1.Open C:\ProgramData\Solarwinds\Orion\NetPath\NetPathAgent.cfg with a
    text editor as an administrator.
  2. 2.Save a copy of
    NetPathAgent.cfg file as a backup.
  3. 3.Stop the
    SolarWinds Job Engine 2 service.
  4. 4.Change the
    following settings in the
    NetPathAgent.cfg file:
  5. "EnableAdvancedBpf": false,


  1. 5.Save the file.
  2. 6.Start the
    SolarWinds Job Engine 2 service.

Additional Web Servers and HTTPS. CSR (certificate signing request) is generated on which server?


I've been asked to generate a CSR for our environment and we're using an additional web server.  Would i want to generate the CSR from the AWS, or Primary Orion Polling engine I downloaded the scalability package from?  I assume the AWS, however it looks like i'd have to install IIS manager, and i'd just like a confirmation before i go purchase something i assume i'm doing correctly. 

TrippLite Poller Import Issues


Yesterday I found this great poller for TrippLite Devices: TrippLite UPS Systems

I went on to my NPM ->Settings->Manage Pollers->Import to import it.  When I try to import it I get this error:  This file can't be imported. 

I got on the actual server and tried to import it there and also received the same message.  


What might be the issue?

Are your Orion server and SQL database server in the same Active Directory domain?

CPU Report (Custom SQL Most Likely)


Hey everyone!!


Its been a long time since my last question.  We have been busy migrating to AWS/Azure.   In this migration cost analysis has been a large concern.  I have been asked to provide a detailed CPU report.  In this report (two separate reports are fine) they want two things


1. The highest hourly average of CPU in a day (what was the highest average CPU within an hours time)

2. The highest hourly average of CPU in a month ( what was the highest average CPU within a months time)


Now before I get blasted with "you can do this in the gui" or "did you try the gui"  I did try the gui for hours and could never get the appropriate data points.  Any help would be appreciated as I cannot currently provide this data. 

Unable to delete deactivated polling engines and web servers


I am replacing polling engines and trying to deactivate the old ones. This should be easy. I have multiple modules and multiple polling engines and web servers. I am currently on Orion Core 2017.3, and replacing all servers with shiny Windows 2016 servers to prep for the next round of upgrades. I know that you can perform a migration, but that is not the only scenario that I have.

Currently the deactivated unused polling engine option in the web console does not work if you own VNQM, and potentially other modules due to constraints.  I have seen this twice now. Once with a temp polling engine that I wanted to remove and now with others that I am replacing. This needs to be fixed and automated as hunting through the database and hoping that you delete all entries in the correct order is not efficient.


I have seen the KB that describes how to reuse the ip/hostname etc. I am able to use this KB as a guide to replace my polling engines and web servers. Its quick and easy until you delete the unused server… <https://support.solarwinds.com/Success_Center/Orion_Platform/Knowledgebase_Articles/Move_an_Additional_Polling_Engine_to_another_server>

The following document does not cover all the tables: Removing old polling engines and websites from previous migrations

Below are the other tech docs that I don’t plan to use right now. I have other NPM instances, and plan to move engines between them– hence my desire to get the cleanup correct. Yes these are valid instructions, but I simply need to remove and add engines.

Migrate SolarWinds Orion products to a new server using the same IP and hostname.

Migrate SolarWinds Orion products to a new server with a new IP and hostname

Migration Guide – this document has most of the information I needed (links). I would recommend adding the link about moving the additional polling engine to another server.


Here is the link to the article about VNQM not playing nice. This is the issue that I have run into twice now. I expect it will occur every time I try to delete a polling engine via web console.



I have the following modules: ORION CORE 2017.3; NPM, NTA, NCM,SAM, IPAM, WPM, VNQM. I am prepping for the NPM 12.3 upgrade and later by getting the windows servers to Microsoft Windows 2016, and deploying a SQL Server 2016 sp1 for NTA, etc.


I don’t think that NCM uses its own engine tables anymore, but that is why I am reaching out. I don’t believe that the web servers are in any other tables except OrionServers and websites.


Temp Tables :A temp poller that I used to for monitoring while I worked on other polling engines stayed in this table, despite deactivation and cleanup. I need to reuse that name for a new webserver, and give the IP to another server.  I believe I need to clean these tables up too.






Website Tables

Websites : Orion

OrionServers : Orion



Polling Engine Tables and relevant module

VoipEngines : VNQM

NetFlowEnginesStatistics : NTA

FlowEngines : NTA

IPAM_Engine : IPAM

EngineProperties : Orion (I heard this was deprecated, but it shows the new engines that I deployed two weeks ago.)

Engines : Orion


Deprecated tables (that I know about and have seen remnants)



This is what I believe to be the cleanup process. I am looking for confirmation.

Clean up process: Polling Engine cleanup starting with #1 and proceeding in order:

  1. Shutdown all services
  2. Log into database
  3. All non orion tables first, see below for suggested order.

a. NTA Netflowenginestatistics table first, then flowengines table

b. Voipengines

c. IPAM_engine

4.  OrionServers Table

5. EngineProperties table

6. Engines table


Order of Web Server Cleanup - I do not know if there is an link between them, or if they are independent tables.

  1. Websites
  2. OrionServer



Here are my related tickets.

Solarwinds Tickets

Feature Requests

Case # 00167367 - Feature Request - Removing Specific Module Engine automatically when deleting engines on the engines table

Case # - 00167289 UI Support For The Removal Of Additional Web Servers

Link to Feature Request: Deactivate Web Servers and Polling Engines from Web Console


Plain old tickets

Case # - 00168416 How to cleanly delete deactivated polling engines from database (IPAM)

Case # - 00167367 Removal Of Polling Engine under NTA

Case # - 00167365 Polling Engine Removal Under VNQM 

Case # - 00167276 Additional Web Server Removal

Case # - 00164570 Old polling engine still shows up in web con

Using a Custom Property to create a Volume alert




I am trying to setup an alert for my exchange servers using a custom property to group them.   I set this up but the alert is not working and I am not sure why. 


1. I setup a custom property, made it a yes/no, and added all of my Exchange servers. 

2. Here is my trigger condition - the first one is scoping the alert to just that custom property and the second is the trigger condition. I have it set to 20% as a test.  Once I have it configured it will be at 90%.

I know in the past I have had some issues using custom properties to configure an alert but I am scratching my head here wondering what is going on.  When I go to the show list on the alert it does list all of the drives on all of the exchange servers.  Not quite sure what is going on. 

Filter Active Alerts on Dashboard


Not sure if this is possible, but right now I have Node Alarms on the summary dashboard with Filter Nodes (SQL), filled in to only show the nodes I want. Works great, Dashboard is extremely useful and I'm watching it most of the day.


Soon we are going to a fully redundant network. In theory, Node Alarms won't exist because nothing will go down. BGP Neighbors will be lost and links will go down, but the Node will always be pingable.


We have an alert setup for "Alert me when a neighbor goes down" which works, but shows up on the All Active Alerts screen (we also have email alerts setup for "neighbor down"). Alerts can be searched, acknowledged etc on this page.


If I add "Active Alerts" to the dashboard, it works, but I'm unable to filter or search. Edit only allows changing the title and subtitle.


How can I only see the Active Alerts that I want to see instead of all alerts on the customized dashboard?


I understand I can keep a tab open for active alerts, but would really like to have a one-stop awesome, useful dashboard.


NPM 12.0




NPM: GRE tunnel Status




At on http://www.solarwinds.com/Orion Platform 2016.2.100, NCM 7.5, IVIM 2.1.2, NetPath 1.0.1, NPM 12.0.1,  We are monitoring gre tunnels between our core Juniper SRX Junos firewall and ISP, problem is that -even if the router on the other end is down, tunnel still shows green and up.

when see the interface status... its always up ... but when we go in deep and show interface detail ..its show Gre keepalives adjacency state which show the real status i.e. Down or Up, Screen shot attached of NMS and the configuration for your ready reference.



Please guide further.




DR-WAN-RTR-A> show interfaces terse | match gr-

gr-0/0/0 up up

gr-0/0/0.0 up up inet

gr-0/0/0.1 up up inet



DR-WAN-RTR-A> show interfaces gr-0/0/0.0 detail

Logical interface gr-0/0/0.0 (Index 401) (SNMP ifIndex 636) (Generation 228)

Flags: Up Point-To-Point SNMP-Traps 0x0 IP-Header Encapsulation: GRE-NULL

Gre keepalives configured: On, Gre keepalives adjacency state: up

Traffic statistics:

Input bytes : 254200311977

Output bytes : 193909078145

Input packets: 1576686792

Output packets: 880040711

Local statistics:

Input bytes : 258920888

Output bytes : 539360136

Input packets: 4608673

Output packets: 6734033

Transit statistics:

Input bytes : 253941391089 121064 bps

Output bytes : 193369718009 86872 bps

Input packets: 1572078119 66 pps

Output packets: 873306678 52 pps

Protocol inet, MTU: 1476, Generation: 287, Route table: 7

Flags: Sendbcast-pkt-to-re

Addresses, Flags: Is-Preferred Is-Primary

Destination:, Local:, Broadcast:, Generation: 248




DR-WAN-RTR-A> show interfaces gr-0/0/0.1 detail

Logical interface gr-0/0/0.1 (Index 400) (SNMP ifIndex 637) (Generation 229)

Flags: Up Point-To-Point SNMP-Traps 0x0 IP-Header Encapsulation: GRE-NULL

Gre keepalives configured: On, Gre keepalives adjacency state: up

Traffic statistics:

Input bytes : 1951865462

Output bytes : 2215152952

Input packets: 9453720

Output packets: 8966679

Local statistics:

Input bytes : 5690860

Output bytes : 8190988

Input packets: 101615

Output packets: 102384

Transit statistics:

Input bytes : 1946174602 0 bps

Output bytes : 2206961964 0 bps

Input packets: 9352105 0 pps

Output packets: 8864295 0 pps

Protocol inet, MTU: 1476, Generation: 289, Route table: 7

Flags: Sendbcast-pkt-to-re

Addresses, Flags: Is-Preferred Is-Primary

Destination:, Local:, Broadcast:, Generation: 294



What should Network Topology Mapper next release focus on ?

Time format on report


I'm testing NPM, NCM and SAM in my Lab (Orion Platform 2018.2 HF4, NCM 7.8, CloudMonitoring 2.0.1, NPM 12.3, DPAIM 11.1.0, SAM 6.6.1, NetPath 1.1.3).

I tried to change time on the report Average CPU Utilization - This Week from This Week to last 2 hours. Whatever I changed on date/time settings of polling engine and tested browsers (Chrome, IE, Edge, Firefox) on Ubuntu, Windows 10 and Windows 7 workstation - the result on displayed report was always the same:

With small exception in Firefox and Edge showing values on horizontal axis in the format I wanted (HH:mm). On the Summary home page time format was different depending on local settings on workstations :

or .

While editing report I see on the Summary Tab correct format of time:


I will have to implement some bunch of reports for my customer soon and I know that AM/PM format of time is absolutely not acceptable. I'm wondering if there is any bug or I missed something.

Automated port shutdown - what would be your reasons?


There was a feature request for a UDT recently for an automated port shutdown, if the connected endpoint is on the "black list".

What would be your other reasons, for which would you want to shut down the port? Lets's go our imagination wild and imagine events like user device infected by a non-deletable virus, peer-to-peer software installed, firewall disabled? Feel free to vote for Other and leave comment. By liking the specific comments you can vote for other ideas.


Do you need Network Access Control solution ?


I wonder how many of you already have some version of a Network Access Control (NAC) solution in place. Theoretically speaking, Mobile device management (MDM) is just a part of a bigger NAC, so I would like to ask you to vote "yes" even if you have only the MDM solution in your organization.. If voting for "We don't have one but plan to buy", could you please leave a comment on why is it important for you to have one?

Trap Viewer and Syslog Viewer Stopped Working


At one of our sites we recently started receiving an error when trying to launch Trap Viewer or Syslog Viewer. Any time one of the applications is launced, the following error is received.


Trap Viewer Stopped Working


The same general error appears for Syslog Viewer as well, except is says "Syslog Viewer has stopped working". We have checked our other sites and this seems to be the only one having this issue.


This instance is on a Windows Server 2012 R2 server. Current Orion Platform is 2017.3.5 SP5, NPM 12.2. The other instances that ARE working are on the same platform and product versions as well, with the same level of of Windows patches applied.


We have already tried rebooting the server and running a repair of Orion Core Services, neither of which helped. We have an open support ticket on this, but thought I'd reach out to the community to see if anyone has experienced this before or has any recommendations. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks.

How to Set Up Multi-Column Table With Custom Device Poller


sing the Universal Device Poller isn't very difficult, but it did  take me a bit to figure out how to create a multi-column table. The  information is available in the tutorial video but I thought it might  help someone out if I posted a quick overview of the process. This post  assumes you already know how to make a table-oriented poller in the  Universal Device Poller. If so, you're almost there. The part I got hung  up was how to go from a table with one value column to a table with  multiple columns. So hopefully this might help someone get there  quicker! :-)

The video tutorial is here:



Step 1: Create a set of custom device pollers and assign them  to an (arbitrarily-named) group and then go through the process to  assign them to one or more nodes. We'll assume you've set them up to  display as a table on the "Node Details" web page.


Step 2. Once you have assigned them to a node, go to the "Node  Details" web page and select one of the Universal Device Poller tables,  there will probably be more than one, and click the EDIT button. BTW,  as an aside, later when you're finished editing the table, you can use  the "Configure Page" process to remove the remaining unneeded Universal  Device Poller tables which get automatically added. But for now, pick on  of them and hit "EDIT". Then select all of them except for the one that  you're going to be using for your row labels.




Step 3. Then at the bottom of the page, in the drop-down box, select the one that you didn't check from up above, to use for your row labels.

Step 4.  Now when you go look at the "Node Details" page you  should find a nice multi-column table containing your data. In the  example I made, I collected information about the system's process  table:

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