Which of the following is your highest priority feature provided by your MDM solution?
Feel free to add more options in comments and vote for them using Like button!
Which of the following is your highest priority feature provided by your MDM solution?
Feel free to add more options in comments and vote for them using Like button!
Please expand on “Other” and why by adding a comment below.
What percentage of all your switch ports approximately comes from stacked and standalone switches?
I wonder how many of you already have some version of a Network Access Control (NAC) solution in place. Theoretically speaking, Mobile device management (MDM) is just a part of a bigger NAC, so I would like to ask you to vote "yes" even if you have only the MDM solution in your organization.. If voting for "We don't have one but plan to buy", could you please leave a comment on why is it important for you to have one?
Those that have been part of the Thwack Community a while may be familiar with the long running Tell us your "Unknown" devices! thread which had been active since 2007. That thread had become too unwieldy, and most of the user submissions had been implemented many years ago. I recently reviewed each and every posting in that thread, verified what had been implemented in-product, and which ones had not so they could be included in a forthcoming release. With that done, it was time to lock that thread for good and start anew. This time, providing a bit more guidance along the way to ensure everyone is successful in providing the necessary information required to properly identify these devices.
Orion does its best to automatically identify and classify nodes as they're added to Orion. There are however, new device types and models released all the time. It's entirely possible you might be managing a device right now that Orion is unable to properly identify. You can find these easily by going to [Settings - Manage Nodes], changing the 'Group by:' option to 'Machine Type' and clicking on the 'Unknown' category. It's also helpful to add the 'Polling Method' column to the layout, as this thread pertains exclusively to SNMP managed nodes.
Any SNMP managed nodes listed under the 'Unknown' Machine Type category are prime candidates for submission to this thread. All that's required is that you provide the devices SNMP System Object Identifier (SysObjectID), as well as the Make & Model of the device associated with that SysObjectID. This post is an excellent example of the perfect submission.
I have yet to find a clearer definition for what the SysObjectID (System Object Identifier) is then the following excerpt which can typically be found written in virtually every vendor's MIB file verbatim.
Object Name: sysObjectID Object ID: Object Syntax: OBJECT IDENTIFIER Object Access: read-only Object Status: mandatory Object Description: The vendor's authoritative identification of the network management subsystem contained in the entity. This value is allocated within the SMI enterprises subtree ( and provides an easy and unambiguous means for determining `what kind of box' is being managed. For example, if vendor `Flintstones, Inc.' was assigned the subtree, it could assign the identifier to its `Fred Router'.
Essentially, it's a string of numbers in dotted notation that is (hopefully) unique to at least the manufacturer, and in most cases, to the specific make and model of the device being monitored. It's how we identify for example, that the device vendor is 'Cisco' and the model is a 'Nexus C7018'. All System Object ID's begin with '' followed by a number which uniquely identifies the manufacturer. The numbers which then follow typically identify the specific model of the device.
If the device is already managed as a Node in Orion then you can locate the SysObjectID in the 'Node Details' resource as shown below, when viewing the node in the Orion web interface.
Node Details | NET-SNMP |
Alternatively, you can use NET-SNMP to query the following SNMP OID to return the unique SysObjectID.
Below is an example of the 'snmpget' command line arguments which will return you the SysObjectID for the device.
snmpget -v2c -On -c public
The example above is executed against a device with the IP address of '' using SNMPv2c, with the community string 'public'. Below is a screenshot of the resulting output from that command. The string of numbers and periods highlighted in yellow below is this device's unique SysObjectID. |
Linux hosts, virtual appliances, and even some network equipment built on Linux, FreeBSD, etc. are often identified as 'NET-SNMP'. This is because the SNMP Daemon running on those hosts is, you guessed it, NET-SNMP. Unfortunately, these vendors for some reason, have chosen not to implement their own unique SysObjectID, and instead kept the default SysObjectID '' which is designated for NET-SNMP. If you have a device such as this, fret not. There are a few options available to you if you'd like these devices to be properly identified by their appropriate vendor's make & model within Orion.
The easiest solution would be to install the Orion Linux Agent on the device which is reporting itself to be 'NET-SNMP'. The Linux Agent does not rely upon SNMP to identify the machine type or vendor. Instead, the Agent will report the Vendor as 'Linux' and the 'Machine Type' as the Linux distribution running on the device as depicted in the screenshots below.
Red Hat | Citrix XenServer |
Another approach is to customize NET-SNMP and Orion to properly reflect the Vendor and Machine Type. Simply following the steps outlined by adatole's post entitled No More Net-SNMP Nodes. This method uses a script osname.sh which is executed when a particular OID is is queried. Next, you would create a custom Device Poller to query that newly created OID and populate the Machine Type value in Orion for that device.
If you find it more fun to follow along, you can watch adatole walk you through the entire process in the following video.
While it would be nice if that's how it worked, unfortunately many (or most) vendors don't include this information within their MIB files. MIB files include a listing of all possible OIDs which could be polled across a wide variety of different devices (typically an entire product family), but it doesn't include the values which are returned by the devices (Enums notwithstanding). For that reason we need users, such as yourself, to post the SysObjectID's in this thread, along with the device vendor and model information so it can be included in our database.
If you'd still like your device's MIB file included in the Orion MIB database, for use with Network Performance Monitor's Universal Device Poller, or the Orion Platform's SNMP Trap Receiver, simply follow the steps outlined in KB article at the link below. The latest version of the MIB database, containing your submissions, can always be downloaded from within the Customer Portal.
My maps will not load in the console anymore. I am receiving the error "There was an error while rendering resource with id 1341" after they have timed out. I can use the Maps Management Application just fine and it connects to the database just fine. Any clues on where to start?
I need to generate a report of all IP's status change from Available to Used over and beyond 30 days from the current date the report is generated. NOT THE LAST 30 DAYS.
Has anyone done something similar?
Markus A.
I am having problems generating an alert on all IP's that changed status from Available to Used. I could not find anything out of the box to get me what I need. However I was able to find an SQL script for SolarWinds alert . The script partly works. It does not provide the IP address from the alert. Please see attachment. I would like to see the IP address in the "Triggered by:" field. I need assistance with generating this type of alert.
This is the script:
WHERE ipnodeid in (
SELECT a.ipnodeid
FROM IPAM_IPHistoryReport a
max(IPAM_IPHistoryReport.Time) as tt
from IPAM_IPHistoryReport
Group by ipnodeid
) b
on a.IPNodeId=b.IPNodeId
where a.FromValue='Available' and a.IntoValue='Used')
Markus A.
Does anyone how to generate a "Last 7 day" report on all IP's that changed status from Available to Used. I need assistance with generating this type of report.
Thanks a bunch,
Markus A.
I had assembled this based on a much older SQL report, and then updated it to SWQL, then added some more intelligence to it so you can filter it based on the duration of the outage, search by the device names, and it has a method of letting you know when nodes have been down so long they aged out of the events table.
Based on popular requests I figured it was time to put it out here to make it easier for the Thwackers to find and use. This is intended to be used inside the Custom Query Resource
select n.caption as [Device] -- shows the current status icon , '/Orion/images/StatusIcons/Small-' + n.StatusIcon AS [_IconFor_Device] -- makes a clickable link to the node details , n.DetailsUrl as [_linkfor_Device] -- shows the timestamp of the down event, if there is no timestamp then is says the event was greater than the number of days in your event retention settings , isnull(tostring(t2.[Down Event]),concat('Greater than ',(SELECT CurrentValue FROM Orion.Settings where settingid='SWNetPerfMon-Settings-Retain Events'),' days ago')) as [Down Event] -- shows the timestamp of the up event, unless the object is still down , isnull(tostring(t2.[Up Event]),'Still Down') as [Up Event] -- figures out the minutes between the down and up events, if the object is still down it counts from the down event to now, displays 99999 if we cannot accurately determine the original downtime, and , isnull(MINUTEDIFF(t2.[Down Event], isnull(t2.[Up Event],GETUTCDATE())),99999) as Minutes from orion.nodes n left join (SELECT -- Device nodeid used for our join StartTime.Nodes.NodeID -- Down Event time stamp in local time zone ,ToLocal(StartTime.EventTime) AS [Down Event] -- Up Event time stamp in local time zone ,(SELECT TOP 1 ToLocal(EventTime) AS [EventTime] FROM Orion.Events AS [EndTime] -- picks the first up event that is newer than the down event for this node WHERE EndTime.EventTime >= StartTime.EventTime -- EventType 5 is a node up AND EndTime.EventType = 5 AND EndTime.NetObjectID = StartTime.NetObjectID AND EventTime IS NOT NULL ORDER BY EndTime.EventTime ) AS [Up Event] -- This is the table we are querying FROM Orion.Events StartTime -- EventType 1 is a node down WHERE StartTime.EventType = 1 ) t2 on n.NodeID = t2.nodeid -- this is how I catch nodes that are down but have aged out of the events table where (n.status = 2 or t2.nodeid is not null) -- If you want to filter the results to only show outages of a minimum duration uncomment the below line --and MINUTEDIFF(isnull(t2.[Down Event],(GETUTCDATE()-30)), isnull(t2.[Up Event],GETUTCDATE())) > 60 -- if you want to use this query in a search box of the Custom Query resource uncomment the below line --and n.Caption like '%${SEARCH_STRING}%' order by t2.[down event] desc
Loop1 Systems: SolarWinds Training and Professional Services
FYI, spike occurs within WMI host process and last several mins taking 30-50% CPU. From testing, seems due to asset inventory being collected on default 10 mins polling. Agent version is I have a ticket open with support who say its confirmed and that hopefully fixes in HF6. Awaiting for HF release.
Using 12.2 Latest HF and the performance is horrible in the UI. I use many enterprise apps with web front ends that handle lots of nodes/data and they seems to be able to render much more quickly than seemly trivial pages in NPM. For example, the 'All settings' page regularly takes 3-5 seconds to load. This is slow as it should be just text based html. I've been looking at it with chrome dev tools and lighthouse and its seems the Javascript and general caching is not optimized at all, For example, this near 1 MB javascript library seems to be being repeatedly downloaded:
This also has the header no-cache on it.
I've a support ticket open and its been indicated to me that this is a known issue.
Hey everyone,
I have a problem with one of our windows server nodes. The node doesn't show any volumes sizes although the volumes are all up.
(descriptions in german)
I already deleted the node and re-added it.
The node is managed via snmp, which also connects succesfully (testing the snmp community string).
I can't figure out what's the problem.
Does anyone have an idea?
Edit (8/14/18):
Updated device list. Thank you for input and tests on other models!
Edit (10/4/17):
Poll the nodes directly via Solarwinds. You must define the SNMP details on the Meraki dashboard (see how-to steps below).
Meraki Document for the curious: Monitoring the Wireless Network - Cisco Meraki
Thousands of Meraki devices needed to be added to Solarwinds for my situation, and so the hunt began. First stop was Meraki for some help, which led me to this document: https://docs.meraki.com/download/attachments/13500458/ConfigurationGuide-Meraki-SolarwindsSNMP%20(2).pdf?version=1&modif… (Deprecated.)The document's instructions weren't for the implementation that I was looking for, and that document was all I could find in online. What I needed was to poll the devices directly instead of through the dashboard. When I followed Meraki's document for alerting, it wasn't what I was looking for. Passing relevant information to the alerts wasn't available, based on Meraki's instructions. Eventually, I accidentally stumbled upon the answer, and now looking back it seems so simple .
How-To Steps:
Here's a Meraki MX80 that's been added.
Here's an MR16 that's been added:
After the nodes have been added, I setup alerts and they'll be able to pull helpful information (Hostname, IP, Custom Properties, etc.) when an event happens.
Misc. Info:
Version info: NPM 11.0.1
Devices I've tested unless otherwise noted:
MX65 shannon.raymond
MX100 michael.kent
Wireless Access Points
MR24 michael.kent
MR32 kwameb87
MS220 kwameb87
MS320 kwameb87
MS350 kwameb87
MS42P michael.kent
MS420 kwameb87
Current issues:
From the screenshots you can see that the Last Boot date isn't correct, however that isn't a pressing issue for me.
I hope this will help some of you, and feel free to ask questions.
I'll be adding updates as more info comes in, so feel free to post what you have run into.
Message was edited by: Naters
I've seen this needed a few times here and with various clients so I find a spreadsheet similar to this comes in handy.
This spreadsheet can be used to create the SQL update queries to bulk update node names in the SolarWinds database.
Note: This query will only work on the newer Orion database structure (NPM 11.5+, SAM 6.2+, NCM 7.4+) as it references the 'NodesData' table. For older versions, change the table to 'Nodes'.
1. Get a list of the node captions and IP addresses that you need to update as two columns. There are a few ways to do this but try one of the below:
- Generate a report in the report writer - select the caption/nodename and IP address fields.
- Run a SQL query on the database (Using either SQL Management Studio or Database Manager on the SolarWinds server).
SELECT Caption, IP_Address FROM [dbo].[Nodes]
- Once you have your list, update the list with your new captions as well as any new IP addresses.
2. If you need to import these nodes into SolarWinds, run a discovery and import all of the nodes using the IP address list (manually add the nodes that don't respond as the discovery will only find your up nodes).
3. Use the attached spreadsheet to generate the SQL queries that you can use to update the database with the desired names (matching on IP address). Paste the captions and IP addresses into columns A and B. Column D contains the SQL queries.
4. Backup your SolarWinds database.
5. Paste the queries back into SQL Management Studio or Database Manager and execute to update the node names. E.g.
UPDATE NodesData SET Caption = 'Fred' WHERE IP_Address = '' UPDATE NodesData SET Caption = 'Testname' WHERE IP_Address = ''
Hope this helps!
Are you comfortable with deploying virtual appliances?
We're discussing ways to deploy new products that may interact with your NPM (and other SolarWinds) deployments and one of our options is a virtual appliance.
When exporting a report and using the email action for an export as HTML, It looks like all the associated Style Sheets are being sent along with it. This is recent to 12.2 NPM, in 12.1 NPM they weren't being sent along.
Anyone else seeing this? I noticed it because the increase of the email size rose from 66kb to 2mb suddenly. While there's nothing breaking with this, it doesn't seem to be the function intended.
I understand this is needed as part of the job engine but our security team has just jumped all over my back as it is EOL and support ended back in April 2018.
Version 4 is available but i'm not sure i can just go install the latest version without causing any issues, has anyone got any experience with this and how to keep the security team happy??
Hi, i'm looking information about SNMP Trap because I need to send alerts form interfaces DOWN to an external server to create trouble ticket (TTK) automatically.
The platform only process TRAP for this TTK creation, so I have a this questions about SolarWinds:
1. ¿How can I check if SolarWinds (in the webconsole) is receiving traps?
2. If SW is not showing trap, ¿how can I enable the reception in SolarWinds?, ¿Can I do it from the webconsole?
3. This trap messages, ¿the network elements, servers, router, switches, should send this automatically to SolarWinds or should be enable before?
4. ¿Can I modified this trap information for specifically fields of the alarm in the nerwork element?
I'm starting with Solarwinds, so I will appreciate all your support and suggestions about documentation to read.