After receiving lots of queries i will try to explain in screen shots what steps needs to take if you wish to use custom properties logic to send email alerts to respective location / or team responsible for that node and group.
Basically when you have bunch of Nodes and you just wanted to send emails to the related department / Engineering Team only
Or You may have monitoring nodes for multiple customers where you would like to send emails to related customer for the nodes for that customer /
This post can help in order to configure .
Step #1 Creating Custom Property
Start with Custom properties
Settings > manager custom properties.
Add Custom Properties
Leave it blank and Submit
Step #2 Assigning email to the nodes
Go to Settings Manage Nodes.
(Select multiple Node you wish to assign the email ) and click Edit Properties.
Now assign the email you wish to assign so all the alerts will be sent to respected email for these nodes .
And Submit to save changes.
Step #3 Using Custom property name under Alert Trigger Condition
Now in Alert use the custom property name to send the email for required email address for each node.
Select the Alert you wish to Edit and Edit Trigger Action > Send an email /page.
Add Trigger Action
When the alert will trigger it will use the email you have assigned to the Node.
***** Adding CC you can create more custom properties to include CC emails such as an example below ****